Valley Morning Star from Harlingen, Texas (2024)

in or and operator. or jobs. kinds. operator. Farmers work sical pianos MORNING STAR Saturday, July 21, 1945 VALLEY 2 F.

Services Offered children evenings at WILL KEEP 35c hour. Mrs. Duke, my home. North 1st. Call 598-W 1200 ELECTROLUX SERVICE FACTORY TRAINED Recommended by FERGUSON MOTOR CO.

FRED GILMORE Phone 6009F4 Phone 234 Harlingen VALLEY WIDE REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE Certified YORK parts and Engineers Repair all Equipment Commercial and Industrial Factory Trained Mechanics Rio Refrigeration Co. 1110 West Harrison Phone 1316 MOORE MOORE ROOF PAINTING CONTRACTORS 401 E. Harrison Phone 812 Harlingen, Texas PAINTING-Wood and stucco. Also interior, job working, roofing. Work to please.

Manager of Belthair Apts. 2 G. Instructions OWN YOUR OWN beauty shop! Complete Beauty course in SIX months. Go in business for yourself or work in a shop. Tuition $65 cash.

$3.00 weekly or $75.00 terms. Approved, and license by State beaffiliated, ginning now. Holtry's, 302 Harrison. 3. Business Opportunities ONE OF THE BEST Drive-In Clubs in the Valley for sale.

business that requires have, other, time. Write Box D-180 Star Office, FOR SALE- Confectionery. Best location in city. Doing an traordinary business, If you want a money maker inquire at 219 N. Sam Houston, San Benito, 5 A.

Household Goods 3 PIECE wicker set, small living room suite, divan, desk, occasional tables, floor and table lamps, coffee table, dresser, vanity and chest of porch drawers. furniture, swivel, chair and other misc. articles. Phone 1169-W. FANS! New small household floor and window fans.

No priority, Matz Electric and Radio Harlingen. BEDROOM SUITES with spring mattresses, dinettes, gas ranges, used oil stoves and ice boxes at Jimmy Davis Furniture. phone 123. Weslaco. 5 B.

Radios. Musical Instru. DON'T HAMPER your child's mueducation with a wornout piano. WELBORN'S CERTIFIED PIANOS $195.00 and up. Reconditioned pianos $95.00 and up.

Used $45.00 and up. WELLBORN PIANO MART. Harlingen, Texas. RADIO FOR SALE Emmerson console, short wave and standard broadcast, eleven tube $75.00 Cisneros, Four Corners. 5 C.

Business Supplies: SPECIAL Pre-war quality Red Cedar shingles in all grades. Ample stocks of all building materials. La Feria Lumber and Supply, Phone 140-J, La Feria. 5 D. Machinery, Equipment FOR SALE Planet Jr.

gasoline garden tractor with disk harrow, model HT 3HP. G. A. Perry, Macy West of Swimming Pool. FOR SALE one 8 ft.

Aer motor wind mill cylinder, 20 ft. steel tower, 9x7 tank and tower Price $100.00. Maj. F. S.

Worth, Mi. No. on Rio Hondo Road. San Benito. 5 G.

Boats, Guns, Bicycles FOR SALE -22 automatic HiStandard target pistol, also .32 caliber Winchester rifle. 824 W. Harrison. 5 H. Miscellaneous: FOR SALE One large Lane cedar chest, excellent condition.

1465 Combes Road. San Benito. BEDROOM suite. china closet, gate-leg table and chairs, maple dinette set, breakfast set, kitchen table and chairs. gas stove, and bunk bed.

Phone 1169-W. CAST IRON SKILLETS, dutch ovens, chicken fryers, galvanized pails and milk pails. Rio Grande Hardware. SHOTGUN SHELLS- -22's, 30-30's. 25-35's.

Rio Grande Hardware. HAVE a new one-cylinder 8-horse heavy duty marine engine, regular boat motor, can be used as stationary engine. I want light 6-cylinder engine, or maybe can trade. Also 6x3 cedar posts. W.

B. Walker, Combes, Texas. FOR -Eldridge sewing machine. 505 No. Street.

FOR SALEChalmers' gas range for Butane or natural gas, 3 burners. broiler and well Ph. 21. G. J.

Weikel, Los Fresnos, 7 G. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT -A five six room house in San Benito Harlingen. Chas. E. Hudson, 12.

Farmers Bank Benito, Texas. WANTED TO RENT- -Furnished house or 2 bedroom apartment, near school. 105 E. Jackson. Phone 710.

Mrs. White. WANTED TO RENT I house within 5 miles Call Raymond Whitworth." WANTED 1 or 2 bedroom furnished house or apartment. House furnishings will be given of care. Room 369 Madison WANT TO RENT house with least 2 bedrooms.

Will lease a year. Lester Johnson, Valley Airfield Bus Station. 8. Real Estate GOOD FARM and house it Rockdale, Texas. Price per acre.

GOOD 352 acre well improved dairy farm near Fredricksburg, with Guernsey dairy herd, lasting water on place, possession at once. groves, 10 to 80 acre tracts. Citrus lands, 40 to 700 acre tracts. Dry and irrigated farms, 10 to acre tracts. Brick and frame homes, duplexes, business and semi-business properties in Harlingen and other Valley towns.

88 acre farm, 5-room modern house, all farming equipment. 13 acres, 10-room and 4-room house, 5 miles out on pavement. 18 acres near Combes, 6 acre grove, 4-room house. Price $12,000. Good 5-room house, corner Jackson Street.

SEE A. R. DAVIS, 237 Commerce Building. Phone 723, Harlingen. FOR SALE- building proximately 20 65 to moved.

If interested write P. Box 23. FOR SALE House and lot, ner and Pierce streets. Hanes at South Texas Lumber FOR SALE-On E. Madison, five room modern frame home.

rage. Price $4,500. FOR SALE--In Windsor Add, room modern home furnished. Immediate possession. FOR SALE--Modern 4 room frame home, garage, price $3,150.

FOR SALE On E. Taylor room modern frame home, double garage, vacant. R. L. LESTER, Commerce phone 723.

NEW 6 room frame house one mile out of Harlingen on cement, with city water, city gas, electricity. telephone; fine complete bath fixtures, on 3 acres of good pasture, Owner going north. $1.000 will swing. Phone 1103, Anglin, 105 South Street. SMALL house for sale reasonable.

5 ACRES on cement, $1,000. ACRE only $400; close in. 50 FT. on East Washington, $650 cash. 50 FT.

South Olive, $350. $10 monthly. PHONE 1103. Anglin. 105 South Street.

Interested in buying properties in or out of the Valley? Have some good buys in houses and lots located in Harlingen, Weslaco, Mercedes, Donna, and other towns. Good farm will sell or trade, located in McClelland County. Other farms and groves located in the Valley. ADD 8-J. L.

TOAL ADI have several groves and good farms now for sale. Also apartment houses in Harlingen, and other properties. 3 good Packing Sheds for sale in Valley towns. good 300 acre farm, 100 head cattle. If it's Real Estate I have it.

List your property me quick sale for Valley Wide Burial Insurance. J. L. TOAL, 634 South Ohio St. Mercedes, Texas A City Home In Country Now Vacant, Possession at Once Modern house of 7 rooms.

2 baths, large screened porch, tiled bath and kitchen drain. natural gas. 2 car garage, chicken house and yard, cow barn and pasture, variety of 154 citrus trees. Its a lovely place and you can't appreciate until you see this lovely set up. See me, I have the key, E.

E. Anderson, 1412 S. St. or call L. E.

Hargrove, Phone 1436. Harlinen REALTORS Why not invest some of your money in good brick city property. The market on fruit and vegetables wouldn't effect you. Mrs. Rockeye Johnson 105 S.

'A' Phone 1103 Have two small places for sale this week. Mrs. Rockeye Johnson 105 S. 'A' Phone 1103 8 A. Houses for Sale FOR -One room 16x18-ft.

iron building. 418 W. Lincoln. Ph. 723.

FOR SALE House of 1 three small apartments, about block of city lots in Raymondville. Mrs. Rockeye Johnson 105 S. Phone 1103 8. 2 B.

Female Help Wanted WANTED Waitress And Cashier For COFFEE SHOP Madison Hotel GIRLS WOMEN Work for the Telephone Company; be a telephone operator in Harlingen; earn while you learn a vital war job and valuable peacetime skill; a desirable occupation for qualified young women, 16 or over. Good wages, time and one-half is paid for work over 40 hours and on Sunday; steady employployment, vacations with pay. Substantial increases in wages have recently been approved by the War Labor Board. Apply to the Chief Operator, second floor telephone building. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.

WANTED Waitress Reese-Wil-Mond Hotel WANTED AT ONCE Experienced beauty Blue Bonnet Shop. Bank Beauty Bldg. San Benito. Texas. WANTED a beauty Madi- son Beauty Shop, Madison Hotel.

WANTED- -Refined middle age live lady to on place to take care of house, family of 3. Good salary to right person. Apply in person. Mrs. Dillard 76 Taxi Co.

2 E. Work Wanted: PAINTING PAPERHANGING part complete All Gilbert Bros. Decoraguaranteed. 115, tors, P. O.

Box Olmito, Tex. SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Modern Equipment Free Inspection Drop Me A Card FLOYD FOX Mercedes, Texas NURSE for invalid aged couple. Can take charge of home. Drive car. reference, Please state full details as to salary and phone number first letter.

Box D-184 Star Office. Superintendent Wants School Ex-Serviceman Degree and Administrative Certificate. 10 years teaching experience. Write Box 5 Edcouch, Texas. 2f.

Services Offered OUTSIDE painting and interior decorating of all J. 0. Thompson, Ph. San Benito 231. Radio Repairing BOB LYTLE New LocationBasem*nt Rio Grande Bldg.

Parts, Tubes, Recording Blanks WE MAKE RECORDS Public Address Systems for Rent Phone 1413 STANLEY HOME Products Inc. 205 Embee Bldg. Phone 426. ELECTROLUX SERVICE By Authorized Dealer Factory Trained Mechanics LO-TEX BUT NE CO. 430 Missouri St.

Phone 322 Weslaco, Texas Vacuum Cleaners Electric Mixers Electric Fans Electric Irons Repaired We Now Repair and Service All Makes of Washing Machines. Tinsley's Electrical Appliances 321 West Harrison 5 H. Miscellaneous Classified Rates Valley Morning Star and Information Classified Ads must br All out-of-town accompanied by cash Local ads phoned collected st rout home 88 soOn in will be RE 80 expires PHONE 123 3c per word first insertion 2c per word second insertion 1c per word each cons tive insertion. Minimum 15 word charge. ALl ACE must received by o'clock p.m for week car ads and o'clock Saturday for Sunday ads SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL IN THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY Daily Daily Sun a Bun.

Only Only $10.00 8.00 3.50 Year. Months 5.25 4.25 2.00 Months. 2.75 2.25 1.15 Month 1.10 1.00 0 8 AND OUTSIDE THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY Daily Daily Sun. Sun. Only Only Year.

$13.00 $10.50 4.00 Months. 6.15 5.50 2.25 Months. 3.50 2.90 1.25 Month. 1.35 1.10 will not De responsible tor The Star classified ads after the first errors insertion and assumes no responsibility the cost of advertising for typo. above of other errors ACE graphical 1 A.

Funeral Directors BURDETTE FUNERAL HOME Offers You Instant Ambulance Service Day or Night PHONE 555 KREIDLER-ASHCRAFT Successor to Funeral Home Thompson Phone 356 'arlingen 1 B. Florists FLOWERS For All Occasions PLETCHER FLORAL CO. City Delivery -Phone 346 Agents La Feria Wynn Drug Store Santa Rosa-Haney's Drug Store Rio Hondo Mrs. F. E.

Newell 1 C. Personals DR. E. HILLINGER, foot specialist, is located near KGBS radio station. 1.

Open daily. Sunday until 6 p. m. 1 D. Lost and Found Wimpy.

Reward $25.00. LOST. STRAYED or STOLEN one medium size white mare mule. Reward for information concerning same. T.

Kawamura, Box 259 San Benito, Texas. LOST-A red co*cker spaniel male in vicinity of La Feria. Call 907-F-8 La Feria, or contact J. L. Ford.

WANTED- -Within the week. ride to Hot Springs, Arkansas. by lady and son 12. Will share expenses and driving. Mrs.

H. C. Walling, phone 1691-J. LOST-One Pointer bird dog, friendly, Answers to "Saturday." Taken from Port Isabel. Reward.

B. B. Burnell, Ships Cafe, Port Isabel. 1 Transportation MAN WISHES share expense ride mid-August, vicinity of Cleveland, Buffalo, Can assist driving. References exchanged, Box 501, La Feria.

RIDE TO OHIO WANTED by man and boy Aug. 1st, Phone 1603J. Before 10 a. m. or after 7 p.

m. MOVING? Across the Street or across the State. For prompt, efficient service callJ. W. ALLEN MOVING VANS DUST PROOFWEATHER PROOFMODERN EQUIPMENT Careful, efficient men to handle your furniture.

EVERY LOAD INSURED -Agent, Gray Van LinesTelephone 321 Harlingen Wanted 2 A. Male Help Wanted: 2 A. Male Help HELP WANTED Experienced Market Managers Store Managers Cashiers Apply E. BUTT GROCERY CO. Harlingen, Texas or Your Nearest H.

E. B. Food Stores 2 B. Female Help Wanted 2 B. Female Help Wanted Young Lady Interested in Permanent Position With Future For secretarial duties, with small amount of dictation, meeting the public, and clerical work.

Air conditioned office, and pleasant working conditions. Only permanent person considered. Write box 1227 giving all pertinent information. F. Special Notices ADOLFOS GRO MKT.

WINE, BEER BY CASE 11:00 Weekdays 12:00 Saturdays Closed all day Tuesday 220 West Harrison Phone 1318 WE have bought and are taking over the late Mr. Tabers' housemoving equipment. solicit bids on house moving and foundation work. Holtry and Adams, phone 9534 or 24 Harlingen. LADY'S HAIR SHAPING.

$1.00 The best permanent waves and shampoos, Stele's Barber and Shop Phone 710 135 Jackson SOUTHLAND Beauty Shop Har lingen finest 110 North First Phone 47 ARCADIA Beauty under new management. in oil permanents, and Cold Waves. 109 N. Telephone 776. BABY GRAND piano made by Baldwin, only one Wellborn Piano Mart.

Harlingen, Texas. OPENING PLAZA MELON PARLOR Plaza Hotel -COOL Serving delicious ice cold melons Cantaloupe with Cream Open 2 p. m. Close 11:30 ATTENTION Cotton Growers We will pay $1.00 per bale for 1943 government loan equities for strict laws and better located on Planters warehouse at Huntsville, Alabama up to Thursday, July 26. Clark Cotton 409 N.

Commerce Phone 38 2 A. Male Help Wanted MEN WANTED: Permanent jobs for skilled and semi-skille. workers Tri-Pak Machinery Service, Harlingen, Texas. WANTED Experienced Porter Janitor and Gardener POST EXCHANGE Harlingen Army Air Field See Lt. Sonderegger at Exchange Office 9-11 a.

m. 2 C. Help Wanted2 C. Male-Fem. Help Wanted Male-Fem.

TEACHERS WANTED 4 high school vacancies, beginning salary $1600 Girls' P. Social Studies English; Math-Science 10 elementary vacancies, beginning salary $1380 Degree and experience required for high school. Degree required for elementary school. If Interested, write W. G.

Hutson, Robstown Public Schools, Robstown, Superintendent, Texas. 2 F. Services Offered 2 F. Services Offered Friden Automatic Calculators and Underweed Sundstrand Adding Machines Figure Faster FRED R. SCROGGINS EXCLUSIVE AGENT Since 1927 PHONE 295 HARLINGEN P.

O. BOX 47 at FOR SALE- used stove, white porcelain, cheap. Child's table and chair, small desk. 606 Jackson. FOR SALE-Mangle, perfect condition, with book of instructions.

Also pre-war baby 714-W. or 366 S. Crockett, San Benito. WE PAY top prices for good, used furniture. Baxley Furniture, successor to Howell 714 W.

Harrison phone 714. FLASHLIGHT batteries, 10c each, no limit. Cisneros, Four Corners, Harlingen. FOR SALE or TRADE bookkeeping machine. Jones Motor Freight Co.

CALL US first for bids on used furniture to save time. 938, Valley Furniture 717 W. Harrison. DON'T WAIT until tomorrow, may be too late. Gas ranges, gas heaters, and oil heaters.

1017 W. Harrison. TENTS and Army surplus, baby walkers $10.95. Anderson Furniture Store, 1017 W. Harrison.

FOR SALE double bed, innerspring mattress, dressing table and chair, end tables, floor lamps and clothes cabinet, large buffet and other household articles. 417 S. 2nd St. Harlingen. NEW 4-40 fluorescent light fixtures $35.00 each.

Clemens Plumbing and Electric Service. Phone San Benito 284. NEW WATER HEATERS, Butane Clematura, gas, Plumbing 20 and and 30 Electric gallon. Service, San Benito, Phone 284. LARGE SHIPMENT good used of mosquito bars, new leather gloves.

Used army merchandise store. 203 W. Jackson. ARMY OFFICER ordered away must sell. overstuffed chairs prewar, Humphries Radiant gas heaters, grass matting rug, congoleum rug.

wooden rocker. homemade desk, Samson table, metal porch lamp and meE. tal curtain rods. 1202 W. Harrison Street.

CUT PRICES Some 1-4 off and 1-2 Diamonds, rings gents and ladies', babies' bracelets, identification bracelets. spray pins, rings. Pearls and bracelets. Lots to select from and new. To close out.

Plus tax. H. W. Slicer, 814 E. Filmore St.

Harlingen, Texas, ELSA HOTEL selling out at auction sale at 1:30 p. m. on July 24th. For Sale 8 ft. Showcase with 4 Drawers $37.50 VALLEY PAINT WALLPAPER CO.

LOVELY piano small in appearance full keyboard tone equal to larger piano. Wellborn Piano Mart. Harlingen, Texas, D. D. T.

limited amount available the control of household pests. U. S. Chemical Phone 1262. See Mrs.

Carlisle, 401 East Polk. for any size casting net you need. NEW ATTIC ventilating and exhaust fans. No priority. Matz Electric and Radio Harlingen.

ONE MOTORBIKE for sale. 1210 South St. 51. Wash Machines 'WRINGER ROLLS, parts, guaranteed repairing All make washers. 213 N.

17 McAllen. Phone 294. 6 A. Wanted to Buy: WANTED- building approximately 10x20 feet, to be used as small office. Movable.

J. Thos. Rhamstine, General Delivery, Harlingen. CASH for good clean car. Mrs.

Melbuer, Ph. 9553, Apt. 2. 6 C. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO BUY oranges that are ready to harvest now.

Harlingen Fruit Market, 116 South A. Street. WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 bedroom a furnished house in vicinity of Harlingen. Phone 1540, Ext. 414.

Captain Lopez. 7a Furnished Rooms FOR RENT- -East room for gentleman only. 101 E. Fillmore. FOR RENT- Heavy duty electric welding machine.

Box 293, Weslaco. COOL, Comfortable rooms at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel, San Benito, Texas. FRONT BEDROOM--Close in. south and east window. For gentleman only.

Answer Box D-182 Star Office, 7 C. Furn. Houses APARTMENTS available at La Feria Hotel, La Feria, Texas. 7g. Wanted To Rent WOULD LIKE TO RENT furnished apartment by 1st of month, or will consider partially furnished apartment.

Am permanent and promise to take care of furnishings. Write Box 167 Morning Star. or or Rm. San 73, and best Hotel at Good opportunity in Willacy County for farmer who operates on large scale. Fine place, good improvements.

Small down payment. Mrs. Rockeye Johnson 105 S. 'A' Phone 1103 8 A. Houses for Sale BEAUTIFUL small home nicely furnished, complete with Frigidaire.

Newly painted and decorated. Large lot, all chicken equipment, citrus fruit. Good buy. Owner, 1213 Combes, San Benito. 20 ACRES adjoining town site, 5 rooms, bath, screen porch, garage, tenant house, chicken house, tile drainage.

A beautiful home. $10,000. 30 ACRES, 6 room house, city water, underground irrigation, windmill, garage and other buildings. Orchard. You will like this.

$10,000. WELL located lots on pavement in Rio Hondo. PORTER AND GEORGE, Phone 48, Rio Hondo, Texas. FOR SALE 5-room brick house, nicely furnished, two 50 ft. southeast corner lots on East Filmore.

Beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Coolest house in town. Possession soon. Inquire Valley Morning Star, or 1221 East Filmore St. 2 A.

Male Help Wanted NEED MAN to work in plant, experience unnecessary. Valley Ice Cream 620 East Polk. WANTED -Night scale -cottonseed weigher for about 60 days' job. Prefer young man. capable and willing worker.

Apply in person immediately. HARLINGEN COTTON OIL MILL. WANTED Mechanics' helpers. Valley Implement Co. 415 No.

Commerce. GOOD postwar office job for turning veteran. Must be a willing worker with high school education, Jones Motor Freight Co. WANTED -White man to help opperate service station. Hunter Service Station, Harlingen.

WANTED -Men between 18-40 to do installation and repair work with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Opening in most Valley towns. Phone District Plant Superintendent, McAllen 350, or local wire chief. HELP WANTED MALE- good jobs open for bus drivers. Must be sober, dependable and honest: over 21 years old with license, Mr.

Cobb, field Bus Station, Harlingen. WANTED Experienced motor man or someone who would like to learn the business, Harris Electric Co. Halringen. WANTED truck driver salesman. Latin American or American, must be able to write invoices, good hours, good pay and permanent.

Grand Prize Distributing Phone 1844 Harlingen. FIELD MAN WANTED To handie beans, citrus and tomatoes. Year around position or seasonal. Car furnished, Mail application giving all details. Specify salary wanted.

Christensen Products Co. Weslaco, Texas, MEN WANTED CLARK Equipment Company Need men to train for war production jobs. No experience necessary, Housing facilities available. Transportation and subsistence advanced for men and immediate families. Good starting wage.

Immediate advancement when qualified. Time and half over eight hours per day. Minimum requirements: Weight 150 pounds. Heights Must pass physical examination. Company representative will be at War Manpower Commission.

United States Employment Service, Harlingen, Texas from July 23rd to 28th. WANTED- Experienced mechanic. Pleasant working conditions. commission basis. Jenkins Automobile Service, 213 North Commerce.

YOU will want this Piano, plays by hand, also has self playing attachment. Only $395.00. Terms can be arranged. Wellborn Piano Mart, Harlingen, Texas. 2 B.

Female Help Wanted: WANTED--A bookkeeper and stenographer, prefer permanent party, favorable postwar job. Apply Jones Motor Freight Line. WANTED Waitress Grand Salary Pleasant Working Conditions -ApplyPhil's Grill Harlingen Texas FOR SALE-5-room house on East Madison: double garage: possession within 30 days; $4,500. Write Box D-128, Valley Morning Star, 10 ACRES with small home, large shade trees, small bearing grove, north of La Feria, $2.000.00. J.

F. Jordan, 1123 W. Harrison. HOUSE FOR SALE, furnished or unfurnished. 514 E.

Madison, Harlingen. FOR SALE 20 acres, 15 grove on pavement, modern house. 12 ACRES. 10 in grove, modern house off pavement 2 40 ACRES and four 10 acres on pavement, good citrus land $210.00 $300.00. 20 ACRES, good house electricity, pavement $6000.

terms. AND 20 ACRES off pavement, $125.00 acre. 4 MODREN HOUSES well located in Harlingen. List your property with me, H. W.

Robbins, 909 Hanson St. VACANT NOW-2 bedroom house. screened back porch. Plenty of closets and built-in cabinets. Well located east side.

$5,250, cash $1.250, owner will carry loan. 10 ACRE grove near Stuart Place, 6 acres grapefruit, balance oranges. Electric pump, septic tank. 3-room house. Estimated fruit crop $2.500.

Price $8.500. Call Mrs. Brindley, 240. HOUSE FOR SALE furnished or unfurnished. Immediate possession.

910 E. Tyler. 8 C. Lots for Sale FRACCIONAMIENTO "Brown Totalmente Urbanizado, el lugar mas pintoresco fresco de Harlingen. J.

G. Pena, 703 Hanson St. Harlingen. 8 H. Real Estate Wanted FOR SALE Like rent, trailer houses for cooking and keeping.

$5.00 and $6.00 weekly, Hayes, Trailer No. 2, Grant and C. WANTED Producing groves, 10 to 20 acres between Harlingen and La Feria. State age, type, etc. Address J.

THOS. RHAMSTINE General Delivery, Harlingen 8 L. Orchard 60 ACRES best of BLACK SANDY CITRUS SOIL, only $12.000, including 15 acres in good citrus trees 10 years old. Good house for hired help. Only two miles from good town.

Wish $5,000 cash. balance 5 per cent interest. Phone 1103. 9 A. Machinery.

Equiment CONCRETE electric block making equipment, good condition, real making possibilities when money building is resumed. Priced reasonable. Write Box 181, Star Office. FOR SALE: 2 complete Murry 5-70 air blast gins. Mitchell and Hardwick Etter feeder, extractor, cleaner, One story presses all electric power.

200 bale cotton house. Four room office, will sell one or both. Can be moved to desired location, Phone 44 Edcouch. Texas. 8 E.

Farms and Ranches 8 E. Farms and Ranches FOR SALE 80 acres good farm land near Mercedes on sandy and gravel road. Fair farm house, could be made very good with small repair, other improvements. acres of good grove and at least 20 acres good grove land. Priced $8,000.00, half cash and terms on the balance if desired.

McDonald O'Hair Phone 20 REALTORS Mercedes.

Valley Morning Star from Harlingen, Texas (2024)


What is Harlingen named after? ›

The name Harlingen comes from a town called van Harlingen, in the Netherlands, the ancestral home of Uriah Lott, the railroad president with whom Lon C Hill wanted to curry favor.

Is Harlingen, TX a border town? ›

The City of Harlingen resides in Cameron County in the state of Texas, located neighboring the Mexican city of Matamoros accross the Rio Grande.

Who is the founder of Harlingen? ›

Founded in the early 1900s and named after Harlingen, Netherlands, by its pioneer settler, Lon C. Hill, Sr., it became a station on the St. Louis, Brownsville, and Mexico (now Missouri Pacific) Railroad.

What county is Harlingen, TX in? ›

Harlingen (/ˈhɑːrlɪndʒɪn/ HAR-lin-jin) is a city in Cameron County in the central region of the Rio Grande Valley of the southern part of the U.S. state of Texas, about 30 miles (48 km) from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

What percentage of Harlingen is Hispanic? ›

Race and Ethnicity

82.9% of the people in Harlingen, TX are hispanic (59.2k people).

Why is Harlingen Texas so cheap? ›

"We have relatively low income in the (Rio Grande) Valley, including in Harlingen. We have fewer college educated folks" and hardly any high end retailers, says Harlingen Mayor Chris Boswell.

What is the oldest building in Harlingen Texas? ›

The Santos Lozano Building was the oldest existing brick building in Harlingen. It was designed and constructed by Baltazar Torres of Brownsville for the mercantile business of Santos Lozano. It also served as a community center, providing upstairs space for bilingual school classes and special events.

What does Harlingen mean? ›

Harlingen was named for the town of Harlingen in the Netherlands. Its founder, Lon C. Hill, thought the town's river, the Arroyo Colorado, could be a commercial waterway to the sea, and Harlingen a city of canals, similar to its namesake in Holland.

Is Harlingen a good place to live? ›

Living in Harlingen offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Harlingen there are a lot of parks. Many families live in Harlingen and residents tend to lean liberal. The public schools in Harlingen are above average.

What are some fun facts about Harlingen Texas? ›

Harlingen was established in the beginning of the 20th century as a key station on a railroad line that ran from Brownsville to Corpus Christi. In its early days, it was the headquarters of the Texas Rangers and was once known as “Six-Shooter Junction” because of the pistol ranges that were next to the train station.

What is the cost of living in Harlingen Texas? ›

According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in Harlingen is estimated to be 75.9% of the national average making it one of the least expensive cities in the US.

Is Harlingen rural or urban? ›

Harlingen, TX Urban Area.

What is Longview Texas named after? ›

Two railroad surveyors coined the name of the town when they stated, "What a long view!" from the porch of Methvin's home. In June 1871, Longview was incorporated as the first town in Gregg County.

What city is named after the father of Texas? ›

By 1839, Waterloo would adopt the name Austin and the frontier town would become the capital of the Republic of Texas. The City is named for Stephen F. Austin, the “Father of Texas.”

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.