The Talihina Tribune (2024)

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Just Once! Try "Dodson's Liver Tone" When Bilious, Consti-
pated, Headachy—Don't Lose a Day's Work.
Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel
One and cheerful; make your work a
pleasure; be vigorous and full of am-
bition. But take no nasty, danger-
ous calomel, because it makes you
*lck and you may 1ob« a day's work.
Calomel Is mercury or qulcLellver,
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel crashes Into sour bile like
dynamite, breaking It jp. That's
when you feel that awful nausea and
Listen to me! If you want to enjoy
♦he nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
'jit.tuning you ' • ;er experienced Just
take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's
Liver Tone. Tour druggist or dealer
sells you a 50 cent bott!u of Dodson s
Liver Tone under my personal money-
The man who plays cards for fun
may get It—but the other fellow gets
the money.
can be found in cases of Colds, Coughs,
LaGrlppe and Headaches by uslrtg
Laxative Quinldine Tablets. Does not
affect the head or stomach. Buy your
winter's supply now. Price 25c.—Adv.
It isn't necessary for a woman to be
in artist to draw men's attention. A
perky feather will answer.
No, Mr. Grocer, that's mostly water.
Since the war started it's more nearly
all water than ever. Give me Red
Cross Ball Blue, that's a two-ounce
package of rerl goodness. You Bhould
see my clothes. I just can't keep
from smiling out loud.—Adv.
Even a botanist .nay not be able to
recognize a blooming idiot when he
seeB one.
en the first of the month by taking
now a bottle of ManBfleld Cough Bal-
sam for that hacking, hollow cough.
Price 25c and 50c.—Adv.
Indianapolis, Ind., has a population
of 265,578, according to the latest
census estimates.
Sometimes Apply It Lightly.
For cuts, burns, scalds, sores and
open wounds always apply Hanford'l
Balsam lightly, but be sure that It
covers and gets to the bottom of the
wound. A few light applications ara
generally all that Is needed to heal
this class of difficulties. Adv.
Sometimes matrimony turns love's
sweet dream Into a nightmare.
back guarantee that each spoonful
will clean your sluggish liver better
than a dose of nasty calomel and that
It won't make you sick.
Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver
medicine. You'll know it next morn-
ing, because you will wake up feel-
ing fine, your liver will be working,
your headache and dizziness gone,
your stomach will be sweot and your
bowels regular.
Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely
vegetable, therefore harmless and
cannot salivate. Give It to your chil-
dren. Millions of people are using
"^odso' V it Tone Instead of dan-
/eroui 'Kiomel jnv. ur i";ist
; 1 ; ill you that th" ale of . oinel
is almost stopped entirely here.
"Twenty years ago I could have
bought that corner lot over there for
five hundred dollars. It's worth twen-
ty-five thousand today."
"Too bad you didn't buy It."
"Not at all. I bought one on the
next corner Instead, and I was offered
fifty thousand for It yesterday."
Whenever You Need a General Tonic
Take Grove's
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable a? a Gen-
eral Tonic because it contains the well
known tonic properties of QUININE and
IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out
Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Buildj
up the Whole System. 50 cents
Creeds seem to have been prepared
to suit the natural Inclinations of
those who embrace them.
that your heart's all right. Make
sure. Take "Renovine"—a heart and
nerve tonic. Price 50c and $1.00.—Adv.
Cupid can see a silver lining of a
dark cloud.
Malaria or Plies, Slclc Headache, Costive
bowels. Dumb Ague, Sour Stomach, an«|
Belching; If your food does not assimilate and
you have no appetite,
Tuff's Pills
will remedy these troubles. Price. 25 ccnts.
Mitchell'* Early Double Prolific Cotton de- \
flea boll weevil Insects, disease, frost and un- |
favorable seasons with greatest profit and
yields on record. The proof sent free. 100 Iba
seed 95. Nuirar Loaf Farm, Younssvllle, N. Y. ■
W. N. U„ Oklahoma City, No. 2-1916.
A N U R I C !
The Newest Discovery in Chemistry
This Is a recent discovery of Dr.
Pierce, who Is bead of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo,
N. Y. Experiments at Dr. Pierce's
Hospital for several years proved that
there is no other eliminator of uric
acid that can be compared to it. For
thAHA prrUv rpnnerii'/cfi symptom.* of
Inflammation—as backache, scalding
urine and frequent urination, as well
as sediment in the urine, or if uric
acid In the blood has caused rheuma-
tism, it is Bimply wonderful how sure-
ly "Anuric" acts. The best of results are
always obtained In caseB of acute
rheumatism In the joints, in giavel
and gout, and invariably ttie pains and
stiffness which so frequently and per-
sistently accompany the disease rap-
Idly disappear.
Go to your nearest drug store and
simply ask for a 50-cent package of
"Anuric" manufactured by Dr. Pierce,
or even write Dr. Pierce for a large
trial package (10c). If you suspect
kidney or bladder trouble, send him a
sample of your watei and describe
symptoms. Dr. Pierce's chemist will
examine it. theD Dr. Pierce will report
to you without fee or charge.
NOTE. — "Anuric" is thirty-seven
times more active than lithia in elimi-
nating uric acid, and is a harmless but
reliable chemical compound that may
be rafely given to children, but should
be used only by grown-ups who actu-
ally wish to restore their kidneys to
perfect health, by conscientiously
using one box—or more in extreme
cases—as "Anuric" tthanks to Dr.
Pierce's achievement) Is by far the
most perfect kidney and bladder cor-
rector obtainable.



How is rheumatism recognized? Some have said—
Rheumatism it a dull pain.
Rheumatism is a sharp pain,
Rheumatism it sore muscles.
Rheumatism is stiff joints.
Rheumatism is a shifting pain.
All have declared—Rheumatism is Pain.
Sloan's Liniment applied:—
The blood begins to flow freely—the body's
warmth is renewed—the congestion disap-
pears—the pain is gone.
Rheumatism and allied pains yield to the penetrat-
ing qualities oi this warming liniment.
Jan. 10, 1915.
French cut German railway lines
to prevent relief of Altklroh.
Turk! marched on Egypt.
Turkish army of reserves, trying
to save Erzerum, repulsed at fron-
German aviators threw thirty
bombs on Dunkirk,
French aviators defeated German
airmen In battle at great altitude.
Abbas Hllml, deposed khedlve,
called on Egyptians and 8udaneae
to rise against England.
Jan. 11, 1915.
Allies, attacking from Perthes,
tried to cut German rail communi-
Russian lines greatly re-enforced.
Military authorities took over all
blankets In Berlin and Branden-
Italy sent garrisons to her Isl-
p- <Js In the Aegean.
•inerlcan party on way to re-
lieve German and Austrian pris-
oners In Russia halted temporarily
by Russian government.
Jan. 12, 1915.
French attempted offensive near
Perthes and Solssons.
Germans repulsed French In Al-
Russians pressed the Austrlana
back near the Nida river.
Austrlana were fleeing from
Turks and Russians fought for
the Erzerum road; Noury Bey tak-
en by Russ.ins.
British government asked women
to persuade men to enlist.
Remainder of Turkish Tenth
army corps routed at Kara Ourdan.
Jan. 13 ,1915.
Germans victorious at Solssons,
.'oreing French to abandon five
miles of trencheo and cross the
Alsne, leaving guns and wounded.
Kaiser watched Germans take
the heights of Vregny.
Russians occupied villages In
Mazurlan lake region and threat-
ened Mlawa.
Turks occupied Tabriz and re-
ported Arab victory over British
on lower Tigris.
Dover forts drove off two Ger-
man aubmarines.
Dardanelles bombarde'' by allied
Jan. 14, 1915.
Germans took 3,150 prisoners and
14 guns in two days' battle at Sois-
Russian Invasion of East Prussia
by new force of 800,000 men begun.
Germans retook several positions
on the Bzura.
Turkish Invasion Persia con-
Armenian refugees fled Into Rus-
Jan. 15, 1915.
Brl*'sh made gains near La
New Russian army marched
north in Poland.
Von Hindenburg's forces declared
to be In peril.
British took Swakopmund, Af-
American Red Cross sent sup-
plies to Saloniki and Virginia and
Maryland sent relief ships to Bel-
Jan. 16. .915.
Austrlana brought up heavy artil-
lery to hold the Donajec river.
German troops sent to Budapest.
Italian gunboat Coatit damaged
In the Adriatic.
German hydroplane los in North
French submarine Saphlr su ik
by Turkish mine in Dardanelles.
Allied aviators bombarded Os-
The change to electric power on
Sweden's most northerly railroad in
the world has Increased the train ca-
pacity 40 per cent and the speed 60
per cent over steam operation.
A telephone which Is claimed to be
explosion proof and flame proof has
been invented in England for use In
mines or anywhere that explosive
gases or liquids are present.
For peeling potatoes In quantities
a carborundum lined metal cylinder
has been Invented, against the sides
of which the tubers are whirled by a
revolvlug bottom plate.
After a lengthy Investigation the
United States bureau of standards has
decided that the lightning rod, when
properly Installed, Is a trustworthy
means of protecting property.
The entire body of a new automobile
headlight Is made of glass, a vacuum
between the reflector and the outside
protecting the finish of the exterior
and keeping it cool.
( 'i
Save the Trade-Mark
Signature From ^
Macaroni and
Spaghetti Products
and get a complete set of Oneida Community
Par Plate Silverware free. Guaranteed lOyears.
Beautiful Bridal Wreath pattern. Send us the
coupon below and we will tell you all about it
Nine Kinds Skinner's Products
1 Macaroni
2 Spaghetti
3 Egg Noodles
4 Cut Macaroni
5 Cut Spaghetti
6 Elbows
7 Soup flings
B Alphabetot
9 Vermicelli
These delicious foods can be prepared 58
different ways to take the place of high-priced
me.', dishes. A" economical, hearty food,
perfectly balaiu d.
Skinner's Macaroni Products are made uui. he
finest durum wheat, in the largest and cleane*'
macaroni factory in America.
Get a complete set of Oneida Community
Par Plate Silverware with Skinner's Macaroni '*
tails. No obligation whatever. In the .♦
meantime buy Skinner's products
at your grocer's (cheaper if you ♦ Omha. Nek.
get them by the case—24 f pieaie 8enj me
packages) and save the + full information
circle containing the > 0^d.'
■ signature. All good f p.r put. SiU.rwu.
grocers sell Skinner's « ■"
Macaroni Products. f
Skinner Mfg. Co. / Hm'
Largest Macaroni ^
Factory in A met ice a
Dept. D f Addr.M
' Omaha ♦
Neb. ^ Town
Mfg. Ce.
. T Dept. 0
FREE with Skinner's
Macaroni Products.
^'11 lull"
he Wonderful
Dirt Loosener
It makes dirt FALL out of clothes without even the rubbing that
harmful so-called quick cleaning compounds require.
Avoid the work of old style soap. Avoid the injuring to clothes
and hands of new style quick cleaning powder.
'Richards' Magic Washing Stick
is entirely NEW and different It contains no acids, alkalies,
poisons or harmful ingredients. It will not harm the most deli-
cate fabrics. It washes colored clothes without fading—woolens
without shrinking or hardening, and positively will not rot or
weaken lace curtains so they tear easily, but keeps them
strong besides absolutely clean.
3 Sticks for 25c—less than 2c a washing
Sold by sl! Druggists and Grocers everywhere. If yours doesn't handle it. show him this
ad -he'll get it for you. Or send 25c in stamps to A. D. Richards Co.. Sherman.Tex.
Williamson-Halsell-Frazier Company
Oklahoma City, Guthrie, Elk City, Chickasha, Shawnee and Altus
Bumper Grain Crops
Good Markets—High Prices
Prizes Awarded to Western Canada for
Wheat, Oats, Barley, AlfalfaandGrasses
The winnings of Western Canada at the Soil Product*
Exposition at Denver were easily made. The list
compnsed Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grasses, the most
important being the prizes for Wheat and Oats and
sweep stake on Alfalfa.
No less important than the splendid quality of Western
Canada's wheat and other grains, is the excellence of
the cattle fed and fattened on the grasses of that
country. A recent shipment of cattle to Chicago
topped the market in that city for quality and price.
Weitera Csnsda produced ia 1915 one-third •> murk vWd
\ • «ll Ik. United States, or o/er 300,000,000 b.UeU.
Canada in proportion to population has a greater
exportable surplus of wheat th'j year than any
country in the world, and at present prices you
can figure out the revenue for the pro.
ducer. In Western Canada yoc will find
good markets, splendid school*, excep-
tional social conditions, perfect ilimata
and other great attractions. 1 tier*
Is no war tax on land and no conscription.
Send for Illustrated pamphlet and ask for reduced railway rates, information ae to beat locations. ,ll
Address Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa. Canada, or
O. A. COOK, 2012 Main SI., Kansas City, Mo.
Canadian Government Agent

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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.

Springer, M. E.The Talihina Tribune (Talihina, Okla.), Vol. 13, No. 40, Ed. 1 Friday, January 14, 1916,newspaper, January 14, 1916; ( June 14, 2024),The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

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The Talihina Tribune (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 5417

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.