The Leavenworth Standard from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)

OlrtNJAHU'5" OFFICE C3LUMN Dili fO Oil BACHELORS HIf SHORT, t- As-' txtraordinary Bone Scratching. Herbert perry, Trerrfont, 111., bad ery-sipelas botb legs. Confined to the H'- W'; I was able to tTliCT1 ATT CBPnrnfi Money Loaders, urct. a.i ThtiR CHARMING APsrractura aad fiesJ Estate agents, No. wTor jwo wiuicns HOME IN NEW YORK CITY.

hum ii I 5,1 Tiler Alt C. V- WHITE, p-nu TheJr Income "that nearly run me crazy, scratched tnem raw to the twines. 1 tiM everytninc without relief. I was tormentf-d in ttii "way for two rears. 1 xhPn Ciar ke'a Extract of Flax (Paplllon) Skin Cure at the drug store, ust it, and it has cured 4 me sr.und and well." Clarke-s Flax Soap has nocqaal for bath ahdtoihn.

Skin Cure, SI. 23 cent. For sale at Meal A Schotk Snc iwre! in a Co-operatlT Way-ProviSon Ml Chattel Loans. liOUisiana State Lottery V.imu'v of Each to M.t the Peculiar Tate Memher of the Qaai-tet. 'rt i eai ana attorney.

Loans i pianos, nousenola ifooda andfifcier securities, fioom 11. Thomas fcW f.iia ana streets, iin tir li-Z trance oa Filth street. i wuuu Ja sl a persfn a Sir I bachelor, and she is not an old maid either. She is an independent American joung woman with Waiter Osmond has been encaepd to nlav O. OR AH A the imbecile in 'Almost a life." EXTRACRDINAKY DRAW.

WMo'l grand single num! rc lf stnpes duttering in her direct, nonest glance, and sh for Infants Gnd Chilrirn- Fire and Cyclone Clarke's Extractor Flax Cough Cure It is a sure cure for vhrnnim i. the sense of ownership in her own fireside to t' JiiiMf, i( stops the wboon and nermir, 7h DeUwara street lnsuraice. No, Ilspiori So. 817. catch its breath, it is entire! hY ZlrA1 5T four girl ixood for any cough of chiirihr.nrt uu lur gooa or uj pitched their anria Tt I i B.

CLr.CKCkH. ucoia LUB OrOCni nrt nnm wgeiaer: -For wiDter or bronchial cough this svrun i. th h.a oo- Book Binder uowdoyoado? It's awfuUv good of you to run in in tV.ia The CexTAra Compa: aj, 10 see now our ivr, TT Murray Street, X. Y. ed.

Only one size, large bottle. Trice at Mehl Schort'a ra cVrL 1 rice arc cima-iirteA mniih A'xt. boo maker, musts and maga- ii'n U1 "e'wr ttrcet, corner Clarke's Flax Soan mat-pa tha uouseKeepmg gets on. Sit down here by that toP view delightful? That only comes to tho4 who live wvwv jm uWfLir8. "our ami wunej.

it ice is cents twnature attached, in i ire. r.n..k..t tnerus." -nice snai'rois thi Frederick Warde is doing a eood hnai. and thut r.r that ness through the south. hni2, was our only reason for taking the Dentist, top floor when we might have had the first I1 JrzL FD HT1 1T Tn Bucklen's Arnica io No. 411 Delaware Kan.

street. Telephone No. 82. -icw I90g aDOUt VOU V. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts i uic uuw uu like it." After this kn.thw.

KrXXr't'' ver O. BID WELL, lcritK, i gazed si- vuappea lianas, Chilblains lentlV at cvprpt i ICfirns. anil oil ii- piace tor a tew i luuuons, and posi- Commissioners moments, and TO- REAL ESTATE au-to admit that I liked it It is Physician and Surgeon. very mueh so BUY mucu, in fact, that i xiirc ueneci satisractlon or riThiT the WMdwr a specialty. LcT.

race tUe Leaven wort, i I me to flee For -iita Thy P6F bX I then and there from dull. COT! VPfi 1 1 1 Utfe street; rooms 13 and 17. 4 um: I in to 8 m. Telephone o. A Plantero Experience.

grooves, as Christian did from the City of Loie Fuller is reported to be a financial may be twatd ai 0 PIEWKE LAN AUX Proa. State Nat'l Denk. NewOrleanNanb Is when it is cheap. There is no city in Kansas where property can be bousrht on such rp.isnnniiiA tPi-ma na 00 aiso a Su i bachelor. success iq London.

unto ureiy poised and sufficient myself 1 ix, juiciin uiiu J. "My plantation Is in a malarial district, where fever and ague prevailed. Iemploy 130 bauds frequently baif or them were sick. I was nearly U13-conragea wben I began iUe use pf liave 101 Sale a tew Inf in VrVLVv: i-adpoh a nmmmv mi worked Like a Charm. Bradfield'a Fpmiia imagine a large, square room KOHfJ houseonan uptown strt like a charm- J7rrea ftre tlP ljiro-ott lnc.

uptown street, one side i16 a charm; improvement ires, union Nat'l bank. Broadway. was so hiih cannot Express my r.nBW VlV' IXiiiU UCt eaCll, the facing been wonder friend or the manwhoowT i affliaed would trv i i t- P'IS Have all betll ffrinleil linnAa liovu 1iod 4.. vuuii iuii ir nrnn tu uuwag Dill mizht CO down ami tne lots are level and suitable for thoroughfare and you couhl nnt. b.m by features, walk or cfAZ -vl" i.uV.rrTA.

for further pJ B. DONOVAN. Dealer in Coal and co*ke. rg'-Tele phone 217. Donovan's transfer line nertnwesi corner (.

herske and Main. E. HUNT, Real Estate Broker. 'P. i'lft-a street, northwest comer Fifth aad aha wnee, sustain J.JOFFMAN 4 BRANSFIELD, MAMMOTH A VVJ XI At th Academy of Mu.Xew rlu Taemlay, lkwmlwr 17.

CAPITAL PRIZE, lOO.OOO Tickets at $40; Halves $20; Quarters $iO: Eighths SS; Twentieths Fortieths was a vista of acres of skv i 'SIZ frt ScUott, dru, MIL miners who want a gaiilen should buy one of these lots. The price of lots runs from 8100, all the way up to 60j each, and 1 can sell the same on time payments. Leavenworth is the Jarae coal Mim-mni Gertie Granville llart will probablj be tneircsnitwas marvellous. My men became strong: ami beurty, and have hadnofurtlmr trouble. Willi tbese pills, I would not fear to live in eny aw amp.

E. Ill VAL Ka von Sara. i tints; of steeples and waving flags on the higher buildings; of cyurZ a little lower down, and far below street amps and electric lights like strings of bril- o-cu ucii season in ner own play. The New Discovery, You have har1 Sold EvervTxrlip.TA. in the state of Kansas, and she is eoing to be the largest manu- t-ujosuix ac me corners and givin gray, twilit streets a fairylike glimmer" mnnli 4rt -L the So Office, 44 Blarray New York.

1 PRIZE OK mil) lPklZKOK ni.ou ii ll'hIZHOF lW.OW I PRIZE OF EiuwoiH. icuus a ii Li iipi'Tn- 1 boVfh nty of the west. II A 1 uuu Lui me view, xiopcny is uounato increase in i mmj iu "uua lhj irom uer- Sfin I nnar anno I now from ter 2 r-UIZES OF" are UH1PHREYS oa want to t' 'v juai uuw is. If you have, ypr trior! Steam Water Heating. 1 i xi good a thing it ame aml tll0se who bay now will make money.

If us'eytnUewTndenr! moey buy one of these lo: and -et acomplet once given and perfect waranty deed. of its Staunch friends lete abstract 5 PRIZES OF 10 PRIZES OK 25 PRIZES OK 100 PRIZES OK 200 PRIZES OK 500 PRIZES OK lc.tioo are 5.W.I0 arr4 are are Jrt arc loo are 1l.0(O 1V.U. i MAM I i i ful thing about it is, that when hen Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions used formSSy years in private pract ice with succeed far 7 fitting. Esti- Mge room-tbe assembling place of the four girl bachelors, was eloquent of four distinct hobbies.

On a rep covered in one "corner among a sea of sateen pillows, lay a as if a musicum had just thrown it and that she had pas and steam mail' furnished on application street. Telephone anty Delaware tnirty years use by theiieople. Kvery single Spe- tiltc 1 is a special cure for ofri L' 8 ew Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If vOU have never used it and should be aftucted with a coueh. cold oranv if" ri I hMA I 1 mi n.

t- APrKOXIMATlOX PRIZE-. Hi LvEsonsr deed the sovereign remedies of theWorla. QHAS. W. ROSENTHAL, Glazier.

100 Pi lzes of 1 ,000 are 100 do MOare loo 4oare TWO XfSIBKK TKKMI.VAl-s. tS Prizes of S-K) UKT r.y PRINCIPAI. kos. cr KES. 1 Fpvpm.

I'd!) PRICES. chest trouble, secure it at once and give it a lair trial. It is guaranteed every time or money retunded. Trial bottles free at EL Dacis' drug store. 215 SOUTH FIFT3 STREET CITY.

r-v ui simpiy ror the effect I could fancy her, her blonde head on one side, studying that particular corner aud puzzling her brains for something else to give it an estra aupenestbetio touch. On the wall above it about thirty small, unframed etchings were oriMs, Wqriu lever, Worm Colic. Vr5-insr Colic, crlpethiiigof lufauts 4 OiarrUea, ofCiiil.ireiif.r Adult i i i t. C. Da.vis, 329 Dela- Leave orders with ware street, telephone loi .25 I a FOR SALE A house ou South ri-o i -i 3.

1 4-4- Prizes amounting to. idwiiy coiuaimn nve rooms 3 1 0.000 ana outliouses. 1 us iionse in n-nm! rpn nif nil 4lin a i Haphazard, BANKS. The Davenport Brothers are negotiating for a tour of the Pacific slope. Sound Legal Opinion.

5 Munday, Esq, Count 1 will sell it cn loanable term, a7CA J). wvuuiuei corner showed a rocker, a quantity of books ueep bamlioo and a daintv 7 J.oilSPS Cold, iJn.nchltU..... Si 8 -Neuralgia, 'A'i Headaches, Sioklieadache, Verthro 10 l)yspcisin, Bilious (Stomach A or Painful Perioda! Ia 3 Profuse Periods. -j 2 rpiiB. CouRh, Difficult 11 TV.11 Itbeniu.

Erysipelas. Eruptions. 12 Hinjumaiisui, Rheumatic 5 KI INT NATIONAL A. BANK, every new knick- i iwv u-B KATK.H, i.r any further cuerry aesif containing knack for writinir. 1863.

Reorganized 1887. i 1 ex-sayg ave used lecKtn Bitters with most happy res fs My brother a so was iMutuiK your rt-itlrir Organized CAPITAL SUIU'LUS On the opposite side of the room 5300.000 a work LAjuuir, nireei aim Nunu-cr. 1 iii r. m. 25.000 man ueuverv will lie rial fever and jaundice; but was core I and square foot hy your clcIovh.

1 imiTiiaser. A31KS0N, 215 South Fifth street, city. FOR SALE-Two houses on West Seventh street: I will take for the two the small snm of $1,200. Title is perfect; good reasons given for selling E. JAMESON, 215 S.

nth Fifth street, citj-., emoroidery frame stool were arranged. ft.n PnvnlAlui UHllllD STATES DEPOSITORY. uvai lug jrour lull liUtlfvs, AS Influenxa. Cold In the Head" I 1 Ana at the back stood an upright piano Its tnn prnwrlu.) 0 IMPO 11 A T.

ue 0I inw medicine. Am satisfied Electric Hitters saved his life." Wilcxson of Horse Cave, Ky He posY- iV uiusic sneets Chopin Waltzes fhelr 1 Address M. A. E. N.


II. HOPKINS. Dauphiw President President Cashier Cashier "i "1CU llie mtest comic La. 1 wPipsr 1 outfli. Violent CouKbs.

Weakness .50 Vdney l)i8eane 'in 7i Debility '4H Weakness, WfttlnBBed. .50 3 Diseases of thelleartalpltaUon 1.00 Sold by DrugisTs, or sent postpaid on receipt ct price. Dr fluMPHRKYs' San hal, (104 pavis) ricfily bound in cloth and gold, maUedPfret' AiumphreysMIedlciMeCo.lu9 Fulton St.NYl mm sale A honseon 01ivi i3 street contain inn- hi vnnm OrM.A. Washlnton. fl.r.

Ttv Aw. 1 t. Though these four corners typified hobbies delightful to each of the girl bachelors hey also signified work, bread and butter, rent vvuum nave aied. had it not been for Electric Bitters. I his great remedy ill ward oflf, as well f.C.uJe r11 raalarial diseases and fora kidney, liver and stomach disorders stan Ja unequaled.

Price 50c and 1 at JE Davis' drugstore. DiliKCTO'ta-Lucieu Scott, E. N. Morrill, W. if.

Keuy, O. lay(r John Kelley. Martiu J. W. Fopler.

Chas. Peaper.A. J. Tnllocls I'atiS a frtner.ii liinkrimr 4 urx xT price 2,000. E.

JAME-b(L, 21 Soiith Fifth street, city. issued by all Lxpress compiucs, na r.1 iouy wuo ted on i9 Ci- w. VI4UIUVJ3, UD1 caa lge on mu priucipju cines and Europe, SPECIFICS I lKlVe for Sal io.iyni,novli,nm.. I Addre53 Eeei Iett uuusuai in a room, was an artist tehes appeared regularly in the illus- Ave roo.iiH,tfooil well, totfie and out SMAt "The Stowaway" will shortly be seen a the liayruarket, Chicago. A Box of Win1 -1 r.

1Jlca. WES ft newspa woman and sent letters on metropolitan fads and foibles to out of town ML rl Now MANUFACTURE 116 Oftlce Manufaoturer's CAPITAL PAID IX earned an a j. -v. u.ucs ree to Smokers ot. tnko UUX1.

pnee $1200. I Will Piiyeiitdowii and the balance "REMEMBER tint the uesigning art embroid- KSrWnffE SOAP MADE IMAMERiCA- M1 tt Buse aowii town, and FO'J' NATIONAL letty NATIONAL BANK. Bank Bulldinu. $150,000 President Vice President Cashier music teacher. Thfi floor vac 1 1 I lPDd by the President ot aji I sMftu n.

1,. tun 1 Bmt cu uy a ClOSG wnvnn dAS-S-SAIRK50 I "i3 are 111 111" '-t lusuiipuminser. Here is a irran oouth litth street, city. 111(1 I OTuris; inereiore, beware variegated matting, with a great navy blue II or E. VV.

HNYIJER J.C. LYdLK W. a. inooi seiierne 2 lW T- "5 luo ceQler ana a few bear- Clarke's Flax best healing soap in the market. Mehl Directors J.

C. Lysie, tieorge II. Hyde, Eobt. uarrett. tieor'f Hiirmm I HI I 1 wucaofc comer uiu and Delaware.

una mere. curtains draped the windows. A deep hued landscape, in a heavy gilt frame, faun-EJ1 was Rothenliere. Ii. W.

WulfeknhiAr. viir.i. I Saws. axes, hatchtc nnr FOR SALE A hoiivse on Eleveuth and Ottawa streets containing two rooms, jrood stable and buggry house, coal shed and E. W.

Snyder. MIIVI nammers at J. VV. Cnnr.r Lavender Pillows at Rflnhi price fifth UNACQOAINTCO WITH THE CEOCPHr CP THE COUSTSYWU NATIONAL BANK. wen au excellent condition; only 00.

E. Jameson, 215 South street, city. "ii utut piece 01 work Polly had ever done. She had named it "When Twilight Melts Beneath the Moon Awav," October Evening," "Where the Road Winds T-V 6he had been able to sell it, and nad stopped rechristening it It had come to be a joke, but no one dared denv its beauty, even though the colors were a lit- Schott's. -viiyi.

rnuai BfU6r CFTMis KJ cf tnt ft UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Volz Brothers Cash Meat Prices. Loins PAID I CAPITAL bJlil'LLS Porterhouse hak.v SPEGI AL-I have soinesood lots on Fourth street to trade ior stock hi the Home mine. no pie.ving. t'huck Round mmmm President President Rib roast, from PAUL F.

HAVKNS JOHN WILSON WM. M. SMITH VwV5 "MITE- 2 -VC'Tr Cloud 'Ml Vrappers if (LARCE3I2E) 1 'i lOTluFlEll 5 to 6 Cashier 3 to 5c auu tooa at tne bedrooms. One pink and white for Letty and me, because we are brunettes, and the other (opening another door) in lilac and white for Polly" and Hetty, because they are on the blonde order and because music loves art. and nV J-il? JlieAots 111 at casl Prices and allow South ritth street.

Chuck roast from Boiling beef Corned bee! Veal .7 Mutton 3 to 5c lMttcc-iuKS-jouii F. Richards, J. L. Aber- ...8 to IOC 6 to 10 1, rrea narvey, Joitu Wilson. Paul J.

li.ivtu-, A. Mctiouigle, lid'd Carroll, E. r. ..6 to 10 Pork Sausagages. Well, it looks awfully cosy, but oh, the tune 6 to loc BfHAT (t ASKKT3 ua.vo urtu to gee straightened! PoUy in Larger purchases will be met cheaper in proportion for cash only.

siscea on painting everything she could lav UNION SAVINGS BANK AND SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. ner nauas on water lilies P. EVER HARDY, on the nanel nf that door and do Capital authorized roses on the ceil inr bedroom I tremble when I tfcink vhnt IStoaM Maui Pacific Hy. Choice, Iresh meits In abutC' Meat Market sec So. 83.

2o6 riorth JFlfth Btm KAN8AF President President juilui may say. And Lftty has leea nc. GT6 ma a c.mi. I- A. KNOX W.

B. HAS. em- MAKES CHILD RIRTifEASY Kansaa City, SL Joseph Council Bluffs railroad has added another Pullman sleeper to its Omaha line, leaving Atclis' on at 6 p. and arriving at Omaha at b.45 a. in.

Passengers from Leavenworth can take the sleeper at Winthrop Junction and enjoy a full night's resL This will be a crreat, rnnvininiu in CKAVKWOKTII. ii uiuerinz evervtmno- cnfi flxlilntic 1 Cashier I t-i-ov tr. iit-Liy ana die! nothin oui get tnmgs in order well as we could COI.TKACTOnS AND UUILDiiEd. niuuiit stumDliiiff over IF USED BEFORE CONFINEMENT. TO "MoTHEKS' BItUi IXL1 ATI.

VXTAJGA For side by Held Schott. iiSB.t. inKS-John Kelley, W. P. Rice.

L. A. i. a. UiUTinues.

Nathan For tickets and intom E. EVERETT omce, corner Main and li -stepping ou needles. It was fortunate mv work could not be used to decorate a room unless, as Polly said, I used the laav Svoioss, ii. fpurKs L. A.

Keliyand w. B. Nickels. Interest allowed on "savings deposits" under DAVENPOHT. lA -V-vV COUNCIL BLCTfS, WATt RTOVT pV FALLS, MINNE APOLIS 61 U'L BT EPH.

ATCHISON. LEA ESiWC 1 SSL HliPjpsj Chair Ors to and DODOK CITY, and Palacel.r,7,, c7 twem CHICAGO. WICHITA and Ii UIClUK SOLID VESTIBULE EXPHESS TRAIL'S or TnrouBB CTnariA. t- Builder and Contractor G. W.

General Agent Rhor Mt tsontli Ptftb Ktreet CM tBCC )( SICLt re I Ier1t! ana irBuiamiiis. receives savings ueposits trom i.ih upward and bank will be open on Saturdays from to 8 in. for deposits only. Kent' Priva Safes in its tire and burglar p-oot vaults at lo ieryear. Also receives fo- my rejected manuscripts for wall paper "Now, this is the diniug room.

You see there's a folding bed in the corner. That's for a visitor or for one of us when we feel empire, Peerless and CAKE, Daisy Clothes Wringers at Chair Car. aad (Kt.t'or Mo. Kivt r) ur, neepiu an kiihis 01 valuable pape saud p.i 'kaes at low rates. j.

w. Lrancer Go's. Carpenter and Builder. im niuab otj aione. folly says the lateral securities.

ULS10I uiuous oi artistic souls should be resisted. What, tin vnn i 1 Tf Bn va We" 7 11C? "wa street. Shop cast end Fifth street bridge, south side, No. 429 if SO KPen vnur hnltr onH I 17 A mi i muul wwi w. 1, we never.

ln Chair Oar to NOHT1I PlVTTt; SParNQB and PUEBLO, via Br. Jos. W- a City and Topcka. Splcn'Ud i', -V. dsll'i flatly.

wlLh CholcA ftf jolly little paradise mm healthy condition by drinking won- VWUKlrl, KANSAS. ii PPT ll I minora I I COMPQUUD 0 uui uouses is aeiicious to LI7IRY STABLE. vir a-r ceisior springs. uave a uome. ny, the smell of cookino- for Lake Portland.

lt Acfelr- I sin 1 rjw-ico. p. Itrect Lino to and Irom Ter Mit twenty or tnirty people used to come ur- ttoiro c--k ntA 1 oaxviu ouu pi ven uisease. ouoerb ae PERFECT IN street ana can hacks with careful crtyem. The finest douhie and s'lile turnouts in the clfy.

Oarrmsred ior weddings, funeral- Jt.oov, knew wnac we were going to have and felt as if we'd eaten it before Scido Grandeur, of ci wadoT Via The Albert Lea The famous Birdsell FAULTLESS IN EXECUTION. 5 rxices aiwajs reason- phaetons, carriages, carts, platform and" -re ens aown. in tne morning it was the smell ofsizzled eggs, at lunch the corned beef BEAUTIFUL IN A.PPEA. HA. NCE- v.c lit.

Vw York SePl-19. is1- I have used the flax-Seed Emulsion in several ses of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early staees of i have been well pleased with the results spring wagons for sale at Geo. W. Mickles, 61o Cherokee street, Prices to suit the Solid Express Traloa daily Cii i MluiMpoli. ad Bt.

Paul, witu aIKOCOil It cUnin Chair Car. tlRiF.) to tl Kmt and KaoBai Cty. 7 ti CorT- Slaeper betwoea Peoria, Syirit aa ous uabu or nsn oaiis, at night the roast meat, jAMtb K. CROOK. M.D.

uuiuus aim sometimes corned beef and cah times. uiifee. mat is over witn, thank heaven. My time is my own, so I cook the breakfast on ei. vv.

urancer Co. J- tu.iai.r;-t.-iuv!i i iluntlrui sad I-iabin Ciiotunia of u.u HThs RMf MA t. sr- INVITATIONS FOR: fa; a.i1j iucir sioj-k oi naraware and House furnishme ltmkIs. Th iam, Dec. 20.

18S8. i' Brooklyn, N. Y. I can stronclv recommenH Klnv Brooklyn, N. 1 can stronclv rerommenrl KI oiu- uttie ou stove.

nave oranges, baked apples or grapes, eggs or loin chops, rolls and facluUea to travel to end -v a cicnau eod ctiier Boutiiura tciu, h' isf. rtira nf all knit helpful to the relief and possib)ythe Kronchial and Nervous Affections, i eiplul to the relief and tK conee. i order the things for breakfast nirrht 1i.wa 4t.A ri crrui crn. i I i me grocer, who is iiit roriiotets, rol jrrt, cr C-rr I j- tion. apply at any Coupon Tu.i.t Cu.ic.crej jl iio lauiuua xiriiMHii nnorrriaa ot.

iuuil in 'fa 3 JOHN F. TALMAGE, M.D. pnybitai oeDility. phaetons, carriages, carts, platform and i uuuu me corner, sena tnem in the morning CUllllsC WHVIII TrkT DB A A ITT ine elevator boy, whom we each tip with coi.junn, JUHN SEBAS7IAH. OenT Manager Cfi Tkt.

CHICAGO. ILL. Mickles, 515 Cherokee quarter every week, floats serenelv im with i. .1 ii --o WEDD1XQS. liECEPTlOXS, PARTIES BALLS, DINNERS.

TEAS them and leaves them outside our door 7 o'clock. After breakfast a vouncr hi rri riri GENERAL DEBILITY, a uc inuiuus jiriisei I nnauioa ou.icio. TELE t-uacius, carnages, carts, platform and spring wagons for sale at fiv. iv nnb-i WEST 1)F OPERA HOUSE. 4 Cherokee and Sixth sL Prices tn smr comes in, cleans the place and stays until lunch is over.

We all manage to be in for lunch at 2 o'clock, but we usually go out to dinner. This is when we 'sponge' on some of our relatives or friends, but frequently we are all at liberty to go to a restaurant What i.1 UJCd. Two d.xr rve tof Opera House, 616 Shawnee Music Boxes. O.VE HUNDRED VISITING CARDS AND ENGRAVED f'OPPER PLATE. ONLY WASTING DISEASES And RHEUMATISM.

4 a Fait Producer has no Eqnal, and ran be retained by the mow delicate stomach. Sold by Druggists. Price One Dollar. FLAX-SEED EMULSION CO. 35 Liberty New York.

SoM bv 8. TI TTnlmo r. uiaKuiiicriib hxmi rr men rwr ut UJ U3IL boxes, extra selectpd for hniMivoc tlJO. SEND FOR SA1IPLES AND PRICES. It uvaaunj Ot OUU received, prices ranging from SI to lots or tun we have experimenting, and we catch glimpses of all sides of life.

One night we diue at Delniomco's in state; the next night, to economize for being extravagant, wa verj person Kindly invited to call auu ueat in at i i phreys. Mehl hotT uum- a nn ah 11 men AND CAKL IlOFFMAS'S, Chickerine Hall. an orjscure hostelry on upper Sixth avenue. flp YK-A a 1- Leavenworth, Kan. inctftnnjim! A JEWELRY uuucuuttu lock, ana nave a table d'hote dinner at one of the Italian or French restaurants in the neighborhood of CJRES PILES.

SALT RHEUM. AND TETTER. BURNS 815 Main Street, flansas City, Mo. SCJLDS, SORES. uuiou square, ine beauty of tne arrange ment is we have no chaperon and no use for one.

A girl's best protection is her own fearless honesty, and the girl bachelors have advanced beyond chaperons." New York Her- F. 1IA1T, DaniJeliGn with Icdlds Pctasmm hi. WOUNDS. INFANT'S SORES AND CHAFING, SORE NIPPLES AN INVALU DENTON BROTHERS MANAGER. Worth Hundreds -f nnii.r.

Runs to all points. South, East ail West Grain Commission Merchants Is a Euro Remedy for all BLOOD DISEASES, Affoctions cr the Liver and Kidneys. pjrmcla rrinled on Each Pack ga4 ABLE REMEDY er PrTS.n,JLtwo bottles of uXoth-Sa iMtor? er third confinement. no.t.b without it for hun- Kansas Central Elevator. FOR CATARRH.

Leaoworta Kansas. trnnhk If uaa not baif as mueh ockMile, Lincoln Tickets on sa'e and inf.rmatf,n Cts. rtELIBLC OKU BAIN, VARNEY CO. I6SISTS SELL 25? are r. i t.

IT ON rOSlTIVE (JUM latAt a ti 1 ne Kradfield Reeu-lator Co i Atlanta, for further Dartie- HANTEC. AVlt Jt For sale at Mehl Schott's. and I Jlecommended by Physiclaiit as tha Beat Itemedy for ui ocuoii, aruggist. "Prince and Pan rwr" will Kam. -v- New Market Housp Leavenworth.

Kansas. J. N. JOERGER, Eruptions, Skin Diseases, Rheuma- Totk opening before It is sent on the road. Dealers in Hardware.

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The Leavenworth Standard from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)


Why is Leavenworth so famous? ›

In 1854, the City of Leavenworth was founded as the very first city of Kansas. Leavenworth became nationally-known as the "jumping-off point" for the opening of the West. Buffalo Bill Cody spent part of his youth here and later worked in the area as a Pony Express rider and Army scout.

Why is Leavenworth the first city in Kansas? ›

Meanwhile, in 1827, white men officially came to the area when Colonel Henry Leavenworth and the Third Infantry Regiment from St. Louis, Missouri, established Fort Leavenworth. The post was the first settlement in Kansas Territory and is the oldest active Army post west of the Mississippi River.

Is Leavenworth a suburb of Kansas city? ›

Leavenworth (/ˈlɛvənˌwɜːrθ/) is the county seat and largest city of Leavenworth County, Kansas, United States and is part of the Kansas City metropolitan area.

What is the history of Fort Leavenworth Kansas? ›

In 1827, Colonel Henry Leavenworth founded Fort Leavenworth on the bluffs of the Missouri River. For the next several decades Fort Leavenworth played an important role in keeping the peace among the various Indian tribes and the increasing number of settlers heading west.

Do all military prisoners go to Leavenworth? ›

Only enlisted prisoners with sentences over ten years, commissioned officers, and prisoners convicted of offenses related to national security are confined to the USDB.

How many prisons are in Leavenworth, Kansas? ›

Leavenworth and Fort Leavenworth have five prisons located in the area. The facilities do not allow public tours, however, you may visit the First City Museum at 742 Delaware Street on Thursdays to see its extensive jail and prison displays.

Who were the most famous inmates at Leavenworth? ›

Since opening its doors in July 1895, Leavenworth has been home to some of the most famous and notorious federal prisoners in history. These prisoners include Robert Stroud, better known as the "Birdman of Alcatraz"; George "Machine Gun" Kelly; polar explorer Dr.

Is Leavenworth German or Swiss? ›

The entire town center is modeled on a German Bavarian village as part of a civic initiative that began in the 1960s. The area is a major, four-season tourist destination with festivals nearly every month and a multitude of events year round. Leavenworth's main street was modeled on a Bavarian village.

What is the ethnicity of Leavenworth Kansas? ›

Race and Ethnicity

In 2022, there were 6.79 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (26.7k people) in Leavenworth, KS than any other race or ethnicity. There were 3.94k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 2.33k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Is it expensive to live in Leavenworth? ›

Leavenworth is part of Wenatchee Metro metro area, which is ranked 57 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in Leavenworth is estimated to be 105.5% of the national average making it an average US city.

Who is housed in Leavenworth? ›

The USDB is the US Military's only maximum security prison that houses male service members convicted at court-martial for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The USDB is staffed by the 15th Military Brigade.

Is Leavenworth a good town to live in? ›

Living in Leavenworth offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents own their homes. Many young professionals and retirees live in Leavenworth and residents tend to lean conservative. The public schools in Leavenworth are highly rated.

What is the oldest town in Kansas? ›

Welcome to historic Leavenworth, the oldest City in Kansas. Present day Kansas was part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.

What makes Leavenworth famous? ›

Known for its unique architectural style and festive atmosphere, the village transports visitors to a quaint European setting. The town exudes a lively ambiance throughout the year, with seasonal decorations and events adding to its allure.

How many people are buried at Leavenworth? ›

Leavenworth National Cemetery
TypeUnited States National Cemetery
Owned byUnited States Department of Veteran Affairs
Size128.8 acres (52.1 ha)
No. of graves>45,000
9 more rows

What is special about Leavenworth? ›

Along with Bavarian architecture, German-inspired food, and stunning mountain scenery, Leavenworth is known for its variety of wineries and tasting rooms.

Who is the most famous prisoner at Leavenworth? ›

Since opening its doors in July 1895, Leavenworth has been home to some of the most famous and notorious federal prisoners in history. These prisoners include Robert Stroud, better known as the "Birdman of Alcatraz"; George "Machine Gun" Kelly; polar explorer Dr.

Why do people get sent to Leavenworth? ›

The USDB is the US Military's only maximum security prison that houses male service members convicted at court-martial for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Who are the death row inmates in Leavenworth? ›

The six current inmates on Fort Leavenworth's Death Row are enlisted men in their mid-30s — three soldiers and three Marines. Four are black, one Asian-American and one white. Ronald Gray has been there more than 13 years. The newest member is Jesse Quintanilla, a Marine from Guam who arrived in January 1998.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.