St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)



tO RENT lll-A Mt. Mora. I rooma, mod-arn oxeapt hat, ISO: roforoncoa. Joha Waatohallna. VI Mora.

liUES QTI I4 piTCCAN STREET. A PPLEXDID alerhtlv location he nice, HOME. TVVL TWO 8TO.RTES, HTOH AND bnniaa: flrat floor haa a larsra ilvlnc room. dining room, kitchen, dan. retention hall, and aorvlng pantry; arcond floor hag i chamber rooma and plenty of large oloaetn, hall, and bathroom falty oquiprxd; fall baaement, good hot air furnace, electric llghta, gaa.

hot and cold tr. This hom 1 ta In good condition, extra choice lot. plenty of fruit, street work all In, clog to ear Una, school and churches: vacant and can give Immediate poanasaton. can arrang a good loan oa this property. Admittance through tola officio.

Price, s.Mv. C9" "ALE-Oiie 4-year mere, work bar- buggy harness, I farm wsgoa, 1 lib heel C. 1 1 9lnit kfiir I It fel' k.i i 'ai' i SALE At IIT S. th. morning nd 4lBel.t.

cod bd OOd Old Work himu la iur of $IST Ashland. Me- run gALE I fresh hoi with ratvss. nto ii Jersey springer, cheap; big 'work here Bd mlL 1 h.raau and -agon ii i f0R SALtV LlPO-ib. work mar. 101 K.

ft AL51 nl yellow Jersey tl ing Iota of food rich milk. 401 Harmon t. 'K ALt row (arm maroi woight l.SO. HI W. Valloy.

n. vai ty. a Sir BALE Froah CO, l-yoarlld horM Oall Rural 11M OM SALE I large ponies, rid. 1 tretter. 1 pcr; drlv.

Had and doubU. Aftr-oon. telephone 034l. IflT S. lllh.

6n SALE Year-old Jersey heifer. 12. mil out on Stop Savannah Ihttrur- SALST'Molotln cow and. 1 Jroy with calf by aldo. 101 W.

fhi0t," hOR AALK Young wall broko ''aoroao. "or "III azohango for ohoata, mttlo eolta or lolvoa. Call Rural 161K OR IALK 4-roar-old yollow Jfrr row. ba in daa Ownor laatlng city. 1401 i nth OR IAI.B 0RTRA PB Karm'lriaro walght I.IOI Iba.

llttla thta In flaah anund. 124: kmlly ponr, llht oprlpg wagoa, aot of OR (ALE Durham cow. Call tidl Vorloo POULTRY, E008, ETC. '6r SALE Purabrod oinglo comb Whlto Loghora ogga for baby "chic tfr Maroh I Pha aaaoi not. mb.

1101 Faraoa. OR SALE Thoroughbred singl comb whit Leghorn egge from Mogan tested OCk. It hundrl! caa fiirnlah all f.uteta all co*ckerel K. chick, lie after 'Writ or shea Mr. B.


ACRB of ground and a new bungalow; living room extra lame, dining: room, 1 chamber rooma, kitchen, pantry, cloaets, full baae-. ment. bathroom fully ariulpped, electrttt light and city water; erira Urge porch, pouched oak floor, good chicken house, high and aUrhtly location; etreet Improvement all In. Now. If you looking for something new and eoay, let ore ahow you-this ona.

.1. SENECA STREET M1J STREET. THIS IS WW of (he heat built cottage In town; large rooms, pantry and plenty of ctoeeta, ftnlahed attic, full oemented baaement, atrictly modern throughout; all up la tip top shape Insld and out: good garajra. nice to ft. lot on Improved streets, ta me for further Information.

BUNGALOW Tit WTATT PARK ON MONTERET 8T. have lilted an extra, choice bungalow, California type, extra large living room, dining room, 1 chamber rooms, kitchen, reception hall, pantry. 1 eioaeta, cemented baaement and laundry room. good hot air furnace, bathroom fully equipped, electric ugnta, nice fixtures, gaa, hot and cold water. This home 1 In tip top shape Inside and outt large Gorchea; lot 62x121 feet: street work all 11 choice location, aurrounded by nlca home, high location, clo to car line, achool and churohe.

TV can arrange a good loan on this property no that a moderate amount of cash will handle ame. Sea me for location, price am) terms. $1,000 CASH ON NORTH 1TH A NON-RE8I-dent has Hated with thlg office an extra well built' home; first floor haa large living room, large dining room, library alao 'bathroom fully aoulpped with the ai 01 piumDing; econa- floor 1 large chamber room, large pantry and plenty of cjoneta; full cemented baaement, laundry and coal room, good hot air furnace, electric lights, nlc fixture, gaa, hot and cold-water, nicely decorated, poiiahed iioora, targe porcnen, good garage. Trita hom la In tip top nap lnalde and out: $1,004 caah will handle thia. balance $10 a month and Interest at per cenL Price, $5,100.

SACRAMENTO STREET' $04 SACRAMENTO ST. THIS IS A corv cottage, a nlc alxe room, nantrv. cloaete, cemented baaement and laundry room, good hot air furnace, bathroom equipped with the beat of plumbing, electric light, nice fixture, gas. hot and cold water, front and bark porches, polished oak floora. nicely decorated, good Jarage, nice lot.

atreet work all In: snlen-id location, close to car line, school and church. Now, if you ar looking for a choice -location, and a good cottage, let me show you thl one. MONTEREY STREET $600 MONTERET ST. THIS COTTAGE I in tip top condition Inaid and out; ready to move Into without any -additional expen.e; 6 nice size rooma. 1 eioaeta, full basem*nt, new hot air furnace, bathroom fully equipped, eleotrlc light, nice fixture, gaa.

hot and cold water. Thia home i -newly decorated throughout and painted on tha outside; corner lot; both atreeta, paved and paid for. Owner leaving the city; part cash will handle this, Price cheap. IL THONE 6-1200 UREBRED ogga II 31 per Betting, per' housekeeping Main b''rn 'g'el'g- Rarr i TO RENT "Modern hou.ekeepTng Bd Bleop-nd lfhitB Rocka. WhlU and Silver Laced, rom, 'raBdottea.

Black Langshan. Rail a. rose SNAP NEAR THB TABLET FACTORT. A splendid home, full atones, la good condition, ft large rooma and reception ball, pantry and plenty of closets) good basem*nt, new hot air furnace, bathroom, Iwotrio gaa and city water; large barn in' good condition, and an extra large lot Pric for quick saie, MESSANIE STREET lf MESSANIK STREET. A OOOD COT-.

tag of large room, bathroom not quipped, pantry, eioaeta and cellar, trie light and city water; good barn and chicken houae; lot $0x120 feet. Prloe, 21ST STREET IPS NORTH S1ST STREET. A OOOD room cottage, pantry, closet, and eI- lar; modern except heat; atreet work all in; non-realdent ha given ma 4 pries of $2,200 for quick aal. SACRAMENTO STREET SACRAMENTO STREET. A COZT cottage, 4 nice sis roome, large pantry and closet; cmented baaement and laundry room: modern except heat! In flrat rlaea condition: good garag.

Ideal. toca-. tion. Bee me for price. ACRE TRACTS I HAVE SEVERAL ONE-ACRE TRACTS near the city, and well Improved, for sale or exchange, so If you are looking for euburban stuff, it will pay you to aee my lint.

LOW SEE K. 8. SMITH INVESTMENT city prop- rty and farroa for HI Francla SlCKET Raal oaiato, for aal or ton I. intlW. 1114 lh 1 ISaT Tr.

Nlea bulldlna 10-fnot front Mltrholl botwaen llih and Itth; oth front. Phono nil. 8AI.K lM'pROVED BfILDIN5 LOT, tpt rRANrio. C0MSHJLT OS I1TH LOWER FLAT. MODERN In every furnlehed-, In (In conditio.

ITH BDMOSD aT, I ROOMS. MODERN xcpt heat, 110. 141 MITCHELL AVE. 4-ROOM BOCSB. modern eicepl beet, l0f BEATTIB 4-ROOM HOUSE.

ELEC-trlc lights, water In yard. rnU End Esiailo Co. Ill North Seventh St FOR MALE OR TRADE My equity In a t-room houe; will oonslder good used car, Ford touring preferred. Wtrtln, IIT. b.

urn FOR SALE acre right out on S3nd t. car line, aa cheap aa 110 on Installment plan. F. M. Atkinson, til Francis St.

FOR SALE RESIDENCES. TO LEASE OR SALE By owner, t-room modern house. 11 lo fith ve. FOR SALE 2 and t-roora houw, electricity, water; will sell aparat; cheap If taken once, ysai r. letn FOR Our place at I20t S.

TO CLOSE AN ESTATE ROOM COTTAGE, mnflarn nrapt haat; caraca: mt-rt ravad. tun m. lflth; iao. Call lAf.l or 4-fOSJ. FOR RALR--Raat End, -room couag.

sy FOR SALE 11 -room house. Inqutra 121, vanay, FOR SALE fly ownar. l-room eattaga, pavatl atraat. In tha aouth tlia. mod am haat; tarma.

fall FOR ftAT.t. YU4 SjJlviini. 4-room houaa. watar an1 pavad atraat, A-J 4rn 84ft MUchtl! ava. -9t.

FOR SALt By own at, nlca mo1ern l-room cottaga on pava ir-(, good condition; block from arhrtol asd car Una. 34 panran. Fhona t-MOtj, FOR HALE Modern rDsidanre by ownar. alto oM Fauatt null at Tth and OMva, good oca Han for warahouaa. ate.

J. Un garman. FOR SALS- l-room houw. CallljmW. FOR SALE- T-room hnus-, moJarn axcapt naai, 1 d.ocjc oaiow Kenton senoot on sc rountiof aattllng aataie, Phona 8-4-13W r'JR Hy owiip, frm hou.

3 large rooma and aummar klfrhen. fresh pa pa red. Matm rity watar and gaa, psvM xa-toot xront; trmi; prica l.ofto. Ul 1lfh- at. FOR SALE My frania houaa rornar, airaaia parffi.

wouia axenanga tot mimr bouaa or -ioubta unmnt, 60-foot frQiU.n6 Incumbrance. Frica Hit istfe af. FOR PALK 9-room brrk bouae. auttahla for rooming houaa. I6t0 down, bargain FOR SALF3 By 4-room brfrk cot lage, modara axrept heat, cloaa In.

1601 rranrie at. FOR PAI.Kln Wyatt Park, a-roorn houaa. gnof conilUlpn. rhone 6-Sr45W FOR iSALE 5-room hou, bungalow, floora, full cement basem*nt, atrtctiy monern. uwner.

rnn. FOR HA L1C Large 1-room houae, wafer. ga. alectrm Ughta. bathroom fully Hiuirpn.

fiwo reiiar, corner lot. 40I30. 1 blork from 8t Joaaph ioo Green at. Price IS.UO, Thoa. Shaffer.

Phona 2SI. FOR SAL FA 8. FARMS of all alee In Northweat Miesourl nd Southern low and E.aiern Kanaaa Davis Lincoln 107 8. Tth. FOR SALE Farma of ell siseeln Missouri., Nebraaka and lows Rosa C. Coa, T01 forby-Foreee bldg 4 -Is7t POl'LTRV FARM Weil Improved 40. fruit, water, nealth. 1714; terms, Arthur, Mouulaln lew. Mo.

100 ACRES bottom land. Improved; Vs mile Dodge City: fin dairy farm; will divide (f necessary. W. V. Brown.

Dodge City, Kan. FOR SALE AT THE WOOD FARM, ON PICKETT ROAD ACRE alen Tellnw Dent and Boone Co. Whlta seM corn, while aed oat a. oak poete. cord wood and 6va wood.

CHICKEN RAlsr.R-w-2H acre a Incubator. 24 Conoord grapaa, Iftfi avarbearlng etrsw-berrlaa. II dallrioua apple tree Sacrifice, lt. Cloaa Trondale, end Boy flcout Camp Rooaavelt, Mo. Sand tin which binds deal; IB monthly.

Cael. prke M9. Warranty dead, guaranteed title. Enclose atamp. Ralph Moiraa.

owner. 715 oie. tiut. St. Loula.

ACRE BARGAINS i MILE EAST STOP I on IntemrbaB. Terms. Write or call H.lHlnes. FOR SALS OR TRADE For rlty pronerlv. Improved 10 tree; can give Immediate possession.

Call loot or e37l. FOR SALE OR TRADE Improved 40 cro in Morgan Mo. an acre, in cultivation, for property In country town, inquire 1T22 a. inn. SUBURBAN.

lOR SALE Nacres unimproved ground, paved etreet. electricity, water, within 1 block of I ear lines, no city taaae. 12,400. Phone 11 or -toIJ. FOR BALE Beautiful acre' trart In Lemon Heights.

4ttV end Mitchell ave a real bargajjiv Telephone 4-493gW. FOR PALE An ecre tract, lerge room house, modern, garege, chicken honee, ell kinds of fruit trees and berrlss; close in, on paved street. Call -T24W. FOR SALE-Splendid uburban hom of ere, well Improved, do to trollevt full description. Phon Rural 19IN J.

or sodress Owner, Rout Boa 31, St. Joseph, Mo. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HAVE smooth qusrlernroc ftret-cls resl-dence. What have youSo St.

Joaeph Addrss 102. News-Press. FARM Well Improved, In Northwest Ksn-ae; will enrhenge for lerge general otore and buildings. Address E. D.

Kan WHAT HAVE YOl' to trade for IliHfcr 170 acres. 200 acrea. 10 acree. In Bales all emooth. rich soil, well improved.

Prefer hardware or generei stock of mrchndts. chs. R. Bowmftn, Rea, Mo TO TRADE For Improved euburban tract. 140-acr farm In north Mlseouri.

Addreea 44, TO TRADE Splendid St. Joaeph Income property, want Improved 10. Address 117. News-Press. TO EXCHANOE to acres Improved.

Bates Mo. all smooth land, some wheat: want PI. Joseph Income. Thompson. 101 Edmond et.

WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BI'T From owner, 'modern 7-reom house, eaet and, between 19th and J1thsts. ldwD4ij pj-ee WANTED TO LEASE OR Bl'Y Moderrtf or more room house, clos In, beet prt'c. from owner. Addree lit.

Nw-Prs. LOANS REAL ESTATE. MONEY to lon on farm and city proporty H. 8. Smllh Inv.

tli Francl. SALARY LOANS QUICK SMALL LOAN3 mad to salaried poplg; lowst rate; call today. -COX CO. 14 Bellinger Bldg. 1 I 4111.


SEVENTH AND EDMOND PHONE 4-0011. STOCKS, BONQ8. MORTGAGES. Liberty Bond Bought and Sold Baal of New York Stock Marketa, FORD PORTER, Eighth Bad Francla FOR SALE Far quirk aal. worth Oak Oil stock.

4J00 worth Ball stock, (404 worth Connell Ptrtum atock. I0 Aker Syndicate eiock. Will aell all for 11.400. FOR SALE 1 eheree Rochamhean auto-mallc oar brake elock. Phone 1.4414.

TIME TABLES, ETC. Kansas city and excelsior springs Train leave tth and Edmond ets Loce! hourly 1:11 a. m. lo p. the 14 and STEAM HEATED room.

hot an eeld wet It, and IT per week. Pllchw Hotl r- rent lutm heated room. Hold. ovor Klnnleon'e Pt Edmond stre Hotel, ovor KinBieon arus. I Rare, is, and It per week, fuTnlehed light houekeping room.

I0 1 Prug Store, nc and N. 41b, W. TO RENT LI rlit housekeeping room, kite. ette. otoam ht.

1019 Edmond. TO most If you wani clean houaokooplng roo a. cloaa to 111 TO ft KMT -To 1 or I tanttoman. room In privaio family. iwtw: TO RENT Furnlohad room, airlctly mod-am.

oouthorn aitpoauro. rbono TW. TOKBNT Bd BlolplBg reoma tl Ith. TT. TO RENT lurnlihod.

SI Lafayatlo. fall aftar FO RENT Room! for light houaakooplng 1312 Frod. avo. TO RENT I connnllng liaht bouaakeaplng rnoma, alao aloeping rooms, tin sanla. TO RF.NT nir.

clean sleeping rooms. IB. 320 N. Utn. TO RRS'T Sntilh.

End. clean bouaekeenlng rooms, everything furnlahad. till Swift ave. 7-OS17W ToTtBNT I houMkeapIng rooms to eoupl. im rniinron.

inn Lincoln. TO RENT -Flrst-cloaa aloeping room, garag If deelred. II per week II11W TO RENT Rloeping sod light housekeeping rooms 7 tl Mesearna. Phono B-ttlT. TO-RENT jarae adjoining rooms tor housekeepJng.

1 N. 12th TO RKNT 3 modern from rooma, references. 1H12 Fron t-787HW. TO RENT Rooms for light housekeeping, man and wife who Work preferred. lOtt Krtmond.

TO RENT Strictly modem sleeping room, private, close in RENT floiieekeeplng Bnd rooms, modern and cieao. 121 Itb. 4H9 TO RENT Modern houeekeeplng and aloep ing rooms; under new management, sip N. Ith. TO RKNT Modern- sleeping room to gentle- nun KH4 Felix.

6-0771. TO RENT Very nice sleeping room IB mod ern nome, sio K. im. foRBST eonneVlTnif light houaokooplng rooms, well rurnleneo. sio N.

etn TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished two front rooms with clothes closet. "or UK01 TO HK.vr NTce. eleeplng rooma, 1, il: 1. 14 10 Angell5ue. TO RKNttier modern conneultng roome, sultshle for married couple, 1211 S.

10th. Phone hoiieiTeeplrig rooms, II sna up. 114 lit TO RENT -2 fiir'nlelied light houwkeeptng roome too N. TO RE NT I houwkoeplng roome, close in. 3rt N.

tth. ti TfiRKVT fViVnlehedr cioaa rorfm. large closet, heth. private entrancs, Ing distsn" i ulrtill Fiirmehed rilom. for light tiousckeeplns- eni eleeplng 424 J-lo.

TO REHt2 "nie connecting front rooms, mo'lem home, strictly private family. Phone l7W, TO BENT f-onnectirig houeekeeplng rooms, priveie cnirsjv'e. 407 N. 13th TORRENT A sTeeping room In private home Phone 4.1HW TO RENT Strictly light house-keeping roome. rooms each.

tli lltli. Phone 4848 W. TO room with meala. private entrance Phone lffllJ TO RENT-" Furnlehed Bnd unfurnished rooms. 2201 Mitchell ave.

TO RENT Large, from room. 1 or 1' young women; rent reasonable not M.lteheH:, TOkENT f'feaa, "mi-ffern houeekeeplng and eleeplng rtom. lint Fell, TO RENT Strictly modem downeialrs room. cloee In. TO RENT Modern light housekeeping roome with kitchenette I7 Robldoua.

TO REST" 2 ntoely furnlehed modern light housekeeping rooms. 4-24T1J, 42- N. nth. i "5 clean houeekeeplng r.opms. 71 week Phone -H4J TO RKNT Modern" light houeekeeplng Itch ene.t apart me t.

421 h. fb RKNT--'I fiirni.ned rooms complete. light housekeeping. 2 doors from Mesaanl street csr line, Phons 4-HI12J. TO Hghl houeekeeplng rooms, strictly modern, private bath; vacant 22nd.

Phone 47 TO RENt Furnlehed for light housekeeping. 1 room and kitchenette. Phono 7101W. 10yRarilaugh, tO RENT to white or col-ored i people. lsih and Boyd.

Phons 7101 TO RENT- Large south Tront room, suitable for 2: reasonable. 1028 Fsraon. TO FEVT I.ra front room, for Ulfl But nan. Pbona i3S4w TO RECNT Larta front room with kitPhan-aile, to prtvai family; cloaa" In.

Thona TO RENT Large, modern front bedroom; referencee required. 407 N. tb. JTele- phone 1247 to RENt Steeping or light housekeeping rooms. '101 -0th TO RtTNT Rooms for llgllt houwkaeptng.

1011 N. Ith. TO RE N'T 2 larga connaetJng front rooma for light notiaKfping. noutnern expoaure, per wspk. Phtin? TO RKNT 2 or wall furniahad modern or-tip.

chaap 11th. T0 RENTI-room, auite. onaiata of living! room n1 Kttchfnatii. ntrIy fnrnlahad varanr -U th. Phona O-Owao.

RKNT -A nkf rom fn mo.larn aparf- mant with young ln-ly living a Ion, raa-aonahjfl rot; good joratlon. JPhona TO RET Nlrrly furnlaha1 In mod" rn hotna. break fat If daalrad. Montrry. Phonp 447 TO wttii rloaat, naxt to bath; rloaa in; 13.

417 10th. TO" RKNT 1 largpf nloaly fWnTahad light houaekaaplrtg room. 120 Francla. Call I21Z TO RENT South, End. sleeping rooms, 11.10 week, gentlemen preferred.

tiOT Xing Hill. Pliona TO REST I modern sleeping room, til N. Hh Phon T441R. TO REtfT Strictly modern light houeekeeplng 214 E. Colorado.

TO RENT ROOMS. UNFURNISHED, TO RKNT 2 unfurnished or partly furnlehed light housekeeping; rooms. 120 N. 11th. TO RENT 2 unfurnished rooms, upstair.

Inquire ITOt TO PENT 2 unfurnished rooms, modern ex-cept heat. Apply 914 Tateo, Cottage Grocery. TO RENT unfurnl.hed room, near modern Silt St, Joseph av. :334. Tho.

Shaffer. TO RENT 5 unfurnished or partly furnished roome. 1307 Mala Phon i TO RENT To rellshl young couple children. 2 roonie. unfurnlehed or pertly -furnlehed.

in modern horn; clo la. Call 4-S04OW TO RENT 1 large unfurnlehed rooma 114 Edmond. IIS. Telephone 4-2I24J. FURNISHED RESIDENCES, APART-.

MENT8. TO RENT Furnished cottage, l-room, water, light aad clothea cloaete. Apply lot E. Kanaaa TO RENT My modern T-room furnlehed horn, northwest rornr N.oyo blvd. and Faraon t.

references required. Phon TO KENT i -room house, furnished for light housekeeping. Call 217 B. Nebraaka. r'none 7-0901 TO RENT Very desirable, nicely furnished t-room modern apartment, to rflnd cou- TO RENT-i-room furnlehed flt with lep- in, n-pi-ti anrf miul.rn earaee: aulte-hla for 2 couple.

Inquire lt31 Fred. v. Phon 107IJT. TO RENT Nicely furnlahed strictly mod-em 4-room upper flat, heat, hot and cold water furulehed, 160 summer months. Itt winter; no children.

Ii82 Jones TI1M. TO RENT l-room furnished prtmnt. etrlctly modorn. Phone t-4122. TO RENT Strictly modern beautifully furnished apartment, porches, lawn, clo la; no children no phone call.

1107 Francl. TO RENT Weil" fttrnrshert I -room modern npartment, walking distance; oom and a It; you will Ilk It. TO RENT APARTMENTS. TO RENT Apartment 101. I rooma kltc'h-enette.

bath. In tha Oelger, Tth and Faraon, Phon t-ISOl. TO RENT Unfurnished t-room apartment, atrlrtly modern. 2711 Pat, alao garag referencee required. TO RENT room lower apartment, thor- ougnty modern, ynoo.

fhone t-tlOOJ. TO RENT 4-room apartmeou clo 18; re, onabl. Phon l-HTTW. 7 TO 'RENT Unfurnished trtmnt deslr-bl locsllo! cloee In. Phon 1410 TO RBNT Modern 4-room apartmnt la privet home, nicely furnished tor I or souii; parmaneut popi daairatX.

til 4. aaue. TO RNT I -room houaa! Hll Ilh? TO RENT t-room tanomant. Wl Ollvo; alao houookaoping, furnlahad. Itl b.

loih. TO RENT room houaa. partly modtroZ lot 8. fOth at. Phono DI1J TO RENT Modarn I -room lowaf "duoj.

Raat End. Call IIIW. TO RENT Two 4-room bouaaa, ona T-rfcom houao. t-room flat. Con It oo anawor call ll.

TO RENT At ooca. I. room houaa, strictly modarn. amitb lowar Hot, llto Fnoa f-T4TW. TO RENT -rora modorn houao.

I 111). TO RENT aboolutalx flral-claaa brick houaa, food location, cloaa la. r. Boa 7t. to RENT t-room brick.

28 Jrd. Ill Bartlstt True co. TO RENT 4f -room modern houaec, newly papered, at 104 Alabama ave. Call f-0M4W. to RENT l-room modern houM, North Ht.

Joseph. Phone t-1741- TO RENT l-Toom eotttg. I4l Swift gv" Phon T-OTII. TO RENT FARMS. TO RENT 321 acres, one of tha beet ferms In Gentry Co Ross Cb, toi Corby- Foreee bldg.

Phone 4 2tTI. TO RENT An Improved 10 acres, can glv immed late possession. Call 2043 or 12 7I TO RENT 40 acres rmppoved: possession now; near Troy; casb rent. James Ear- havt. Troy.

Kan. TO RENT LOFT 8, OFFICES. ETC. to RBNT-ChoicVofflc room. Bslllnger BButhweet corner Ttb and Edmond.

STOREROOMS, BUILDINGS, 8H0PS. TO RENT Store building with living rooma Inquire lilt 8. nth. WANTED TO RENT. ANTED TO Furnished or pertly furnished room and kitchenette, near News-Press.

WANtBD TO Sent By May room cottage. Phone 4-t7t4J. WANTED TO RENT connecting offk rooma: Addreea P. O. Boa 213.

wanted to rent By responsible couple. 4-roora house, psrt modern, by May 1. Call 4 I01SW after p. m. WANTED TO RENT I -room house In east or north end.

all 7-014 during day. WANTED TO RENT In Wyatt Park. 4- mftm unfurnished a pertinent, by ooupi. -80( WANTED TO RENT t-room house with garage, no children. Addreea 90.

WASTED TO RENT Old couple, good clean whit folks wsni to ba permanent tenants In I or t-room cottage or houe In de, em neighborhood prk; want beth and light, hut satlslflenv with clean ordloarr property Please cell -t442W. WANTED TO RENT By April 20, 4 or t- room modem bouse, family ot I adult. t-TSlt. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SHAFTINO hangara and pullayi.

Jamttaon wacnina Jo.j ai w. an a FOR SAL10 Iron aafa. caah rgfater, coun ter, floor and wall ahowcaaaa. mirrora. daaka, olfiea-atora futures, arataa, butrhara' boia.

filing cablnata. Bt. Joaaph Tranafar Co: BIG SALE ON WALLPAPER, tc roll and up Moore. hou.e paint, IZvftt gal Para paint. II barn paint, II lk gal.

SKoinik Bros Ill Heeeanle FOR SALE Left In pawn ult. It up; coats snd veets. IS up. odd coat. 13 up.

Joes Plsce. 111-114 Edmorid. front HARDY PLANTS PHLOX GOLDEN GLOW, deletes, coreopel. Oermsn Irls.slso dahllsa and cannas, zoo each. 7 for pre pet by parcel post only.

L. Allweln. 1,2, Jtn. BOSTON noPE'LEANER 10c paTkegesT slightly soiled, dope good. 2 11th toil King Hill eve 2110 St.

Joseph ave. Ilrd nd Mitchell FOR SALE Yellow Jersey; ed sweet polt-toee, II per bushel, f. o. b. St.

Joseph. O. J. 'elsenborn, Route I. FOR SALE Soda fountain, family refrig erator, hotel snd reelaurant ranges, tlx- tures rented.

Bt. Joeeph Tranofer Co. FOR SALE -Fresh caught flah. He lb Phona t-l14W FOR SALE Wlreleee receivers, 1.200 ohms. II I.

Empire Electric Co. FOR SALE Choirs Concord grspevlnes snd Senetor Dunlsp strawberry plants. 120 Oreen st. Tele-hone FOR SALE Strictly, Senator Dunlsp strawberry nlanta. 60o hundred; 14 thou sand.

Fred Leucbt, JOth Commorclsl. Phon 2IJ. FOR SALE Late model Singer sewing ma chine, with full set of attachments, used I month. 130. 104 S.

lth. FOR SALE Refrigerator. 00-lb. capacity, like new, a bargain, s-geoo. FOR SALE Free sewing machine, like new.

tin. 104 a. FOR SALE Mleeee' navy blue suit ad draee. sue 14.

and sailor hat. call 4oe. FOR 8ALE--3uartr aawed nattlad oak mantla, large mirrora, aecuonai bookeaaa. tni k. Mlaaourf ifRSALB flarond-hand ao4a fountain," aa p.

A dd rasa 3 0 ewa-Fraaa. FOR BALE Mm all lathe. $10; aqua re atyle apaadeter atop with rurtalna. IS; combination gaa and oil apeadeter 12 N. Ind Phona 41W.

FOR SALE Counter. hlvlng show. cseee 1401 Fred, ave, FOR SALE carat while per- feot; maka Address 101. News-Press. FOR SALE Good dirt, delivered.

Pbon I 09111 W. HEMSTITCHINO snd ptcoilng attachment works on any sewing machine, easily adjusted. Price II 10 with full Instructions. Oriental Novelty Boa 11, Corpus Texaa.

rR SALE Reed baby buggy. Phone I-I0ISW. FOR SALE Lerge dahlia bulbe. He per It. Phone 1041W.

FOR SALE Raspberry and strawberry plant. Call Rural HON 4. FOR SALE Strawberry plants. Senator Dunlap, toe per 100; H.Tt per 1,000. Write Ed Remseler or call 6 4 1 FOR SALE 1 cream separator, 400 pounds cspacity.

tin condition. M. A. Clnh. 1904 Main t.

FOR SALE Stool for lunch counter. 101 N. Ird FOR SALE wire wlreleee aerial, loo coupler, tuning coll. Cell 4-74IR FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, (n perfect condition. 111..

Phon t-lltfW. 2140 Cbarle. YOk 6ALB Dunlsp strawberry plants. 40c per 100; 19 per 1.000. Phone' Rural 74 IN I J.

FOR SALE Whit organdy drfa, large 14. nlc for grdutlon, Phon 949W. FOR SALE Canns bulb. Ttc per dottn. Phon t-nioj.

FOR SALE 24 window sashe. 2 Hit 'feet. good condition. St. Mary Church, 2nd Cherry.

WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Party to join In loading pool car household good for California. Bt. Jossph TransfT Co. WANTED Laundering af all kind.

Itce curtain a epeclalty; experienced hand work, 4 4514 WANTED Oardaa plowing -and hauling. Rural 141N I. WANTED Oood hom for girl I yar old. bt referencee. Addreea (01, New.

Prs. WANTED Stock to paeture on Walnut snd Agency Road. Apply P. J. Pepper.

2400 Jackson. WANTBD To buy et of golf club; must cneap. rnon a.o. WANTED To buy fl14 glaaa; mint be cbep. Phon 1190.

WANTED Lc curtains to do lo private home, toe op. Phone I4IT WANTED Deek room In om modern office. Addree 111. LOST. LOST Saturday, wriat watch an link brace-let, Jewela Ko, 1011447.

Call 4-4774J. Reward. LOST Bankbook containing 14. on Mes-' eenle etreet cr. Finder please return to 1421 Lafayette or call 4-7S4IW.

R. ward. 1 LOST Sunday afternoon, betwaen 8. lith. 00 block, and 1901 N.

Ith. 140. bill: rod etreet car. Reward. Addreea (It, piwiti eee.

LOST Near Robldoux School, ellver Kale ring. Return 10 101 N. 14tb and racelv reward. LOST RueeiBB wolfhound; newer to nm Reward, 10 E. Colorado, Phone 1-0491.

COAL, WOOD, ETC. COAL We Mil Pari Seml-Anthrectte and all gradee of coal: good Illinois coal. Ill a Horner Coal 1T1I Cora, merrlel. Call I-4IIIW. FOR SALE Hardwood.

lev length, and htr ck ika, 4 per toad. Call (-II4IJ. I jrsT LISTED OOOD T-ROOM MODERN horn. 1 select locatloa, between iota nd 32nd at, on Faraoa. ta be see a only by appointment through our office.

PTIc J7eT MONTERET St, ROOMS. MOD-rb, 40 foot ot; can make good terms, pric Hit MITCHFl.t, AVE, 7 RfJOMS, MOD ern. oak floor, large garag, o.foot lot; rlc 14 N. HTR ROOMS AKD eTLIBP-1ns porch, modern, hot, water beat, garag beneath house, full aemeat basem*nt; swear leaving clijr; lot 70x140; price 14.194.

Jtll MONTERET ROOMS AND AT-tic. modern, la flrst-claee repair. Pric 4,7. lilt SACRAMENTO I ROOM MOD-ern. to-foot lot.

Pric 11,00. 1011 AND II VINE DOURLB FRAME, room ach side, modern, etreet paved front end rear. 41-foot lot; caa malt toraui pric reduced to 15.000. lU LAFATETTB I ROOMS. MOD-ern except heat, ll-foot lot; pric 12,10.

401 R. 15TH DOUBLE HOU8B. rooma and I rooma modern aidant haat. It-toot lot; plica It. too.

1TST SENECA ROOMS, MODERN; yw oaey terme; pric ot.vuu; W81 PBV.V ST I ROOMS. MODBRH Except heat. 17-foot lot; caah downs pric 12,440. 104 S. HTH S-fH ROOMS, VODERrt.

garfLge. to.fool. lot; caa maka tarma. Pric 4.10. 21I4 H4 S.

ITH ROOM'S EACH SIBB. modarn eicept heat. 41. toot lot; easy term. Pric 14,000.

Ill ORIIN I ROOMS. MODERN. It-toot lot. price 4.ftoo. Jilt DONtPHAN I ROOM MODERN, hot water heat.

It-foot lot; will task taring, prk It, too, 1101 4TH I ROOMS, WATER ANDi electric light, easy terms; pric 11.000. 11)1 PENN I ROOMS MODERN EX. cept het. newly painted, new ggraga, tt-foot lot; easy trms; pric ll.ltO. 140T S.

1IRD I ROOMS. MODERN, brick and frame. 44-foot lot; pric reduced to 4.1tt. till 1ITH ST, l-ROOM MODERN home, with 2 acre, gerag an good Im. provemente; fruit and ehade tre.

grapes; all In elegant condition. Priced to 11 quick or will take in a nice cottage. ACRE TRACTS AND FARMS. MOST everywhere. LOAN MONBT ON1 PROPERTY.


R. Day or D. N. Nlea IBnirlsiaisi, JTH- AND MONTERET. ONE of the brt bargains in the city.

Almost new 6-room cottage, new ateara healing plant of the very beet; 60 ft. lot, paved utreet: thia propoeltton la In A-l condition. Price reduced to 4,400. 2723 SACRAMENTO. h-ROOH STRICT -ly modern cottage, large IH-tnff room and dining room.

2 nice niztA hedroom. full equlpned bath, good sired kitchen with goorl pantry, good furnace. Owner I leaving the city and will give poee-elon at once. $2,000 cash. Price, 2527 MESSAN1E 5-ROOM 8TRICT-ly modern cottage, large attic all floored, good 50 ft.

Int. aouth front and paved etreet, Potieeaslon April 15. 11,000 caan. lrTlce, gl.uou. NEAR I7TH AND PATEE.

I HAVE A T-room modern, full 1-story house, (0 11. 101. iwner wui trade -on cottage or a double tenenienu See me for exact loca. Uon and price. NEAR E.VRIOHT PTATIO.V ON THE Kanaaa City lntorurhan, I have a well Improved acre tract with almost new house of ft rooma atviH h.thM.m attic, basem*nt, ink, electric 'light inmugnoui, good oearing irmt, -Owner ut leaving the rlty and will give possession at once.

Will consider a cottage aa part paymenL Price, $5,000. NOW itc TOU ARE IN THE MARKET for a good home at a reasonable nrice and on term, or in the market tor a good vacant lot, nee me at once, aa I have a good list and good prices. Jt'ST S-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ui, lauinnu, moaern excepting furnace. One of the beat built brick houae on College Hill, haa an evoriajitlng late roof Owner will a col- o7 rumor in tne t-ant Pay. See me for exact location Phone 3721 Ui N.

Eihth St, SA wbm IHIiics WANT A COUNTRT -HOME adjoining the city, now la the time to buy It and start your oropa and enjoy a euburban life. 10 CHOICE ACRES. 1 ACRES 1W ing fruit, apple, pear, cherries, grapea; 4-room rottae' h.rn house; 2' Welle, cellar, etwio trees. Only 4 blocke to etreet care, on good road; at a snap price of H.000. Worth fully $1,000, Owner non-resident.

Mnal i quick. 1-ACRE HOMES. ClvOSE TO SA-vannah car line; city fare; with 4 and l-room bungalow Just built: a-oocl well. cellar, porches, etc. See ua for prices and term a.

5 ACRES. LOTS OK FRUIT, GRAPES and berriee: 5-room cottar, hern chicken houee. Only $3,000. 40 ACRES, i. MllJi TO ATCHISON paved mad; about 15 acree bearlna- orchard and tillable land, balance timber pasture: 6-room good house, chicken house, barn, well and cistern; a great fruit and chicken ranch.

Price only 13.400. Oulck aale. 34-ACRE IDKAL, MILK DA1BT FARM. 1 miles northeast or city, dose to paved Rochester road; ample buildings for all purpose, and choice pasture land, watered: t-room good cottage, lance barn. If you nin buslnesa ua.

12 At-KKrl ON liXU BTtlHET, BUU1U Park, at bargain price, or for renj. CITY HOMES OF ALL, KINDS, IN ALL PARTS. AT remarkably row prloea, and many on liberal term. Prices from $0 to $8,000. SEE THIS I.AHIjrc LOT, 110X110.

UIN paved atreet. 1015 Wood eon atreet; 4-room brick houae; $650 will buy it. balance, IW0, payable In year. Eay to buy, eaay to pay. Sea JOI )HN MOECK 414 FRANCIS STREET SHXACEES 8TRAIOHT OUT EAST.

aoth At. fhv nurelv accidental opportunity) have this week to offer tne moat awrncitive nigniy improve ana wonderfully acrea anywhere near our home town. St. Joaetth. Time and monev hetk baa baan -without attnti If not lavUhly apent here, jnst waitingr now lor a cloee buyer ot mat wnai you want.

All modern home with fruit galore. 10,000 la Involved In thia full purchaa. VIII aell Imorovementa and I acrea for lee money. F. M.

Atklnaon, til Francis St. (Of Course.) s-' ON YOUR CUFF OPT OX ASHLAND AVE." WB OFFER one and one-third acrea of the mot attractive eaat front ground with a little old nouae at aa low a price as ta.150. This ground haa a frontage of over 134 feet and la aa cioae in aa xzit Ashland Ave. (out the number on your ruffi. and haa on it our sale board wlrft says aee clmjie mm alngle comb While Leghorns and Duff rpingioB.

rsri aumma. Gentry. Mo TO RA18E THE BEST ohlckens feed th best feed. Ask your dealer for Oee-Bee feeda. Fo-gsrty-Knaib IOR SALE Ringla comb White Legbora eggs, ss per ion.

Phono I27I.T OR (ALE Thoroughbred buff Orpington ssttlnga I'd I Saeramsnto. CalLl53W OR SALE Eggs from bred to lay Itarred Rock. II per It; It per loo, delivered, ural I0IK fc )- pR iALE Purebred eggs. reeeonaoie. r'none e-3i3fij.

pR 8A LB Purebred plngla comb Frown Leghorn agge. per 100. Highest ferttt- pnon -zne. KJR 8ALB Purebred While Rock eggs Oil Mrs. Nledorp.

I-I70IW. pK BALE Laylng-tesled White Rock pul lets, oocgerais and egga eoRW; rTTTale Purebred Barred Rock eggs, 1 par selling; 14 hundred. 2331 Lover kne. Phone UW MR bALB thlcken-. nesta, troughs, feed Poles, Phone f-44tw.

MR SALE Rlngle comh Black Minorca eggs, It par eelllng; 4 per loo. Mebel ickman, Elwood, Kan. Telephone Rural IK I. Oft SALE Fine flock purebred single comb Red oggs. dsllvered In clly.

t-04 1 7 W. SALE Toulouw geese egge. fl SO per wtungi Blao Easter bunolea. lilt Pospect )1R SALE Purebred While Wyandotte sel ling egga. Phone llttw.

pR SALE Barred Rock egge from blue rinoon winnere. mono s-liuo. itouto r. R. Thomsa.

pRSTLE "thoroughbred Rhode lelond baby eblcka. Soc each wltb or without other hen. Phone t-42tl. pR SALE lt single comb Brown leghorn yosBg laymr Bona, 1 co*ckerel. Sunday ly, 101 lib kRLT aggs'ara ih best.

Now Is the lime to piac in cold storage. lee ld Rlorags Ill Msln OR SALEVlno thoroughbred Brown Leg norn Bens, ii monins old. tl oken. call nday, HI. Joseph ave.

OR SALE 10 thoroughbred Mlnoroa hena ana rooster, lit Dolman. OR SALE JO thoroughbred elngle comb rnoa laiana nea: pulleta, zoo lb. Call 14W. pR SALE A rtron vhlt. Irhom and othr bftbr chick.

Pbon -9l 1.4 -bldus. OR SALE Light Brihnnv Plu-fli Mlnorc itin mimn mac. Minorca raoatar a oana. rnone i4, DR ftALBVbr cblcltie. chaap.

SOS Hon- pR rartrldaa roclilo gi i for ytchlng. U2Q BylvanU at. ') JaLC iurbrd Ancon aigi for aat" tlng. Phoaa -1704J. fiALBr 'Thoroughbrad Brown l.horn ai.

11 for attlna f)l Rural m-2K a tSn SALE Old Trusty Incubator, apga. rnona iza. DOGS, PETS. ETC Pel SALE I young hound pup? ma. inqaira at in Albemarle st stler 10 p.

ml SALE Boelon bull pup. Pbon t-1270. PR SALE Pedigreed Belgian rabblte, img owes, si aacn. nil Buchanan nc OF rvcVia 1nn vie on selecting, training and care of lortsmsn Dlgeet. Send Ho today (coin llg eportmB- Digest, lit Butler pR" SALE hounds, guaranteed good nuntsr.

sets Angeiiou. or Sale 1 msie "siiV poodi dog, frH hulr aftar 1:10 or Sunday, 111 1 Sssa MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AMt Ic.tVAlBB m-A "II make of talking machines: piano tuning. n-r rena. fnons 1.

SH PAID for used nlanoa and A. A. Conner. Phon ITT. kVB MONET.

ON A USED HANO FROM imball, cabinet grand, full length moelc rack, flnast quarter eawed oak. reftniah. Ilk new. well known Kimball tone and aot Ion. a raal vain; lit caah, 7 a month hoe at ton, upright grand, genuine m.

nogawy case, overneuiea in our fctory shop, full ringing ton, good cctlon: lit caah, II a month, only 'tut froeger. plain walnut case, renewed tnrougnout, pindld condition, just th piano to etart laaaona on; 111 caah, IT a meala. ol Uollaa Pianola. I a teat model. rij, ioia rrom new, fully guaranteed, complete with bench and lis worth of rolls: 121 caah.

lit a ait. saving worth whll at Ian JENKINS MUSIC COMPANY, Tli Fella St, Joeeph. Mo. )R SALE Cheep, a ohoocrnh en 5 rwramie i rmxmw SALE Kin alano. eu, hR SALE Talking machine, plays all dlae roar4a.

cheap If taken at one; also en-pry couch, complst. Ilk new. Call 'R SALE Sner Phene 4-HI4W. drum In good condiilon. talking machine and Inge.

ItTl J.ckwm. reearda Call ven AUCTIOKS, AUCTIONEERS. ETC. 1 Francla mt a.tni.atv g. Surd furs.

SCHOTT ik.Uni.,-. ttO Uaasanla. ol. H. Grable -auction tsftAT.

APRIL 11, a. at 111 Savaaaah we will aell the following: tail Bmesels rug (Ilk new), oak aet- oak rocker, mebogany chair, oak hall ie with mirror, fin oak buffet (Ilk new). rg oek ore see icoat oag dressing bte. small rugs, oak china cabinet, new Krls Martla bed. eagleee spring, all not- mattreeees.

I vertila Martin beda molote. new monkey atev. bed- ng. Slab, utensil, porch seat, good re-gerfttor. numereu other artlol A alca kaa lot ooda G.

UVBD, Auctioneer i NORTH EIGHTH ST. DAVIS BROS LINCOLN BUILDING FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Qfy l(D(gS 2839 ANGELIQUE JUST LISTED. A SPLENDID -ROOM cottage; ha all modern equipment except bath: south exposure; nous in good nicely looated. Now, If you want a good home, one block from boulevard, let as show yon thia.

Price, $1,750. Sol agent. SOUTH 18TH STREET 2S0S S. 1ITH ST. JUST LISTED.

A aplendid 2-alory, l-room bouse, strictly modern; haa living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, 1 bedroom, bath fully, quipped. Now, If you want a nice home on paved streets, let ua ahow you tale. Price, $3,600. Sole agent, 2909 ST. JOSEPH AVENUE, just Listed todat.

a splendid t-room cottage. Has living room, din fng room, kitchen, pantry, 2 nice bed room, bath fullv eoulnoed. cement I ment. Thia cottae ia Tn anlandld oondl. tion.

Prloe, $1,600. Be ua for term. Sola agent. 2722 MONTEREY STREET A splendid -room, full i-stort. strictly modern hom: has larg re.

ceptlon hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, butler' pantry, 1 nice alse bedroom, bath fully equipped, full cemented baaement; hot and cold water, good gar age; beautiful lot; choice location. Nonresident aa ys sell. See) us for price. Sol, 2005 SCOTT STREET A DANDT; 4) EXTRA LA ROB! ROOMS. Haa water, electric, lights, full baaement; good barn.

Price, $2,600. Sol agent. 2408 SYLVANIE STREET A OOOD 4-ROOM OOTTAOE. IRAS water, electric llghta. -gas, toilet; lot 40x130; on paved street Plica, $100 down, balanc Ilk rent.

1716 SOUTH S3RD STREET A SPLENDID $-RO0M BUNGALOW. strictly modem: haa living room, dining room, kitchen, china eloeet; 1 bedroom, bath fully equipped, full cement baaement. hot and cold water, nice lot: 47 ft. frontage Now, If you want a good home, all newly decorated, Inaid and out. Ut a how you this.

Oood Urmav Prtoe, CLOSE IN HAV A SPLENDID '-ROOM hom. atrictly modern. Haa living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry. 1 bedrooms and toilet on flrat floor: I larg bedrooms and bath fully equipped on eecond floor; haa electric lights, water, gaa. hot water heat; lot 10x146.

Price, $1,750. Oood term. See us for location and we will ghow you thia. Ill American National Bank Bldg. SUCCESSOR TO 107 SOUTH SEVENTH FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.

OOP HOMES IN WTATT PARK, ON ONE OF THE finest corner lota In the city, we offer an extra well built full t-gtorv home. very large rooma, all In flrat clasa ehapeJ and atrictly modern In every wav: larffat porcbe. in fact, a nome you would con-alder worth $10,000. Financial regions, allow to make price of for an immediate tale THB N. W.

CORNER OF 8SRD AND Seneca: very choir home of larg room: plenty of closet, well equipped bath, full cemented basem*nt. Thl. home I atrictly modern In equipment; located on nloe comer lot and offered for on reaaonable terms; poaaeaston at once. NEAR THE HIOH SCHOOL ON 15TH, an extra well built 7-room home, all In good repair and modern except heat. Will rent for tti per month.

My price for gale now, $4,500. ON 8ACR A MENTO ST. A FULL 1-, atory home, large room and reception hall, 5 cloaete, large bath, full baaement, large porchea, strictly modern in every way; good new garage. A real bargain at $6,600, on good terms. Let tne how you.

ON JU-E. NEAR 24TH. A OOOD I-room cottage, i all newly reflhiahed throughout; all large rooma and modern except Owners anxious to cell at onb. i NEAR 13RD AND PENN. A CHOICE cottage home, alt In flrat claaa shape; larg room, newly decorated, strictly modern In every way.

A real bargain at $3,700. See thia. IN DISTANCE- EAST, 3 cottage, renting for monthly. Street work In. A real pickup at $2,150.

Phon 1-1141. Sixth and Edmond. WYMT Mil OWT4SH MAS LEFT THSJ CITY AND -IUviii II Thia Mtti en a choir ft-foot lot tm pavad atrt. nar ct-r Una; Mth fully Miulpp4i ntw irni imma- wti wv id in mil ki, close irr ON JUL A OOOD l-STORT l-ROOM hom, mod evcapt heat, Ideal for tome-one wonting a place where can rent I or I room; I room now renting for $10; shows after o'clock by eppolatinenu iATEHT CLOSE IN OM N. ITH, HIOH AND SIOHT- ii aparfment or a room ane eleeptng porch ee.

bo-w renting for 14 eichi ever IT.000 epent remodeling. Thl 1 a bargain for aomeon. Show a by sppolol-meol tkreugb thl ffle. M.B. MCKEY 1911-'.

IU Ken Eighth It r. aa, Atkinson, rrancis bu tui COUTM.

St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)


Why is St Joseph Missouri famous? ›

St. Joseph is home to Missouri Western State University. It is the birthplace of rapper and songwriter Eminem, who grew up in and has made his career in Detroit, Michigan. In the nineteenth century, it was the death place of American outlaw Jesse James.

How old is Saint Joseph Missouri? ›

Robidoux conveyed his land for public use in 1843, and the city of St. Joseph was incorporated in 1851.

Who founded St Joseph Press? ›

In 1846, Kuriakose Elias established St. Joseph's Press at Mannanam- a remote hamlet near the town of Kottayam in Central Kerala. This was the third printing press in Kerala and the first press founded by a Keralite without the help of foreigners.

What famous person was born in St Joseph MO? ›

Eminem. Eminem was born Marshall Bruce Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri, to Deborah R. (Nelson) and Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr., who were in a band together, Daddy Warbucks.

Who is the largest employer in St. Joseph, MO? ›

Joseph Employers: Diverse and Committed. While St. Joseph's largest single employer is the hospital system, our city has a diversified employment base which helps to maintain a healthy and growing economy.

Is St Joseph MO a good place to live? ›

Joseph is ranked as one of the best small cities to live in in America. With its charming architecture and historical roots, many say St. Joseph is a great place to live in as well as visit.

What is the crime rate in St Joseph MO? ›

St. Joseph Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes5383,620
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)7.6151.23

What river runs through St. Joseph, Missouri? ›

Missouri River at St. Joseph, MO - USGS Water Data for the Nation.

Who owns St. Joseph News Press? ›

The roots of the News-Press & Gazette Co., or NPG, stretch back to the days of the Wild West in St. Joseph, Missouri, with the publication of the first Gazette in 1845. Headquartered today in St. Joseph, the company has been owned and operated by the Bradley family since 1951.

What is the oldest press in America? ›

Founded prior to American independence, The Hartford Courant is the country's oldest newspaper in continuous publication. On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green began publishing The Hartford Courant (then known as The Connecticut Courant) out of the Heart and Crown Tavern in Hartford, Connecticut.

Who was the first press? ›

It is thought that early presses existed in China as far back as the 8th century, but Johannes Gutenburg is credited with inventing the printing press which was used in Europe in around 1440.

What is St. Joseph famous for? ›

Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal Church, families, fathers, expectant mothers, travelers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers and working people, among others. In the grotto behind the Chapel of Saint Joseph stands a statue of St.

Why is St. Joseph so special? ›

Joseph diligently provides for the needs of the family of God, the Holy Catholic Church. Because of his special role as foster-father of the Child Jesus, St. Joseph has merited singular privileges in heaven unmatched by any saint excepting the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What famous outlaw died in St. Joseph Missouri? ›

Notorious outlaw Jesse James was shot and killed in this house on April 3, 1882. He was killed by Bob Ford, a member of the James gang, to collect a $10,000 reward offered by Governor Tom Crittenden. Jesse died at the age of 34 after living a lawless career for 16 years.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.