Mission: Trouble in Paradise (2024)

Trouble in Paradise is a side mission.


  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 Required stations
  • 2 Conduct
    • 2.1 Build a Frame
    • 2.2 Talk to Pablo
    • 2.3 Talk to Amirah
    • 2.4 Wait for Amirah to Finish
    • 2.5 Talk to Jasmine
    • 2.6 Talk to Miguel
  • 3 Gallery
  • 4 Reward


The player must have 50 or more relationship points with Miguel. Pablo must be back in town (after Operation De-Geeglate has started).

Required stations[]

The following stations are recommended or required to complete the mission:

  • Worktable
  • Processor
  • Grinder


The player enters Church of the Light to find Miguel and Matilda arguing about something.

Minister, I beg of you to reconsider-
I've told you Miguel, the people won't stomach another Water Tax hike. They're stretched thin as it is, I doubt half these folks could even afford it.
Every penny, Minister. You know this.
What I know is this: now is a time of tribulation for our people, we need not burden them any further.
But this project will add cost...
It inspires hope, we can afford it.
We're spending our Gols on frivolities! Meaningless eyesores...!
We're spending our Gols on our people. We're giving someone a chance to make a day's earnings, and an opportunity to make a difference in this town. That, to me, is priceless...

The player approaches, and Matilda addresses them.

Well now, always in the right place at the right time, aren't we, Builder? That's good, I think Miguel may require a bit of assistance; I must be going, but be a dear and help him, won't you?
Hm, yes... "help..." That's right, Builder. A moment of your time, please.

Matilda leaves.

According to some, the Church needs a new mural in the Temple.
The Church would be highly appreciative if you could work with our town's artists to manifest these vague requests... The Minister thinks that certain effigies of our faith are... uninviting. Will you assist us?
  • You don't agree with her?
  • No problem.
  • Can't you just go and get it yourself?
  • I've got a whole lot of stuff on my plate.
→You don't agree with her?
Hm, heard us did you? It's not my place to question the Minister. She has the final say in matters these days, and I must respect that. However much I may disagree with her decisions.
→Can't you just go and get it yourself?
For a regular painting, I would do so. But for one of this size, we will need a custom frame. So it seems that using your expertise would be fitting.
→I've got a whole lot of stuff on my plate.
I see... I thought we at the Church could come to rely on you, Builder. I hope my faith has not been misplaced... Please stop by if you do find time.

If the player agrees to help, Miguel gives them the recipe for Exquisite Frame and 1,000 to cover the expenses.

She gave rather limited notes on the specifics... Nevertheless, I would expect Pablo or Amirah should be able to produce a painting of sufficent quality.
If we're conscious of budget, perhaps even Jasmine could be recruited to our cause, hahah.
The Church has allocated 1000 Gols for the project. Here you are. What remains afterwards will be your commission for the frame. Return to me when you have the items in question. Be swift, Builder.

Build a Frame[]

The mural is going to be large, so a custom frame is needed. Make a frame according to Miguel's diagram.Build a Frame
  • Exquisite Frame(1)

The Exquisite Frame can be crafted on the Worktable. After crafting the frame, the player is directed to talk to Pablo about the mural.

ItemTabMaterialsSell price

Exquisite Frame

Wooden Boards(2)
Copper Screw(4)

Talk to Pablo[]

As Sandrock's resident stylist and artist, Pablo may be able to paint an eye-catching mural.Talk to Pablo
  • Pablo

Pablo refuses to paint the mural for the church and sends the player to Amirah.

A painting? For the Church? Player, darling, I'm afraid I must respectfully decline. My art is suitable for museums, gallerias, and... possibly poetry jam coffee shops. If they're chic enough. I can hardly think of a place less hip than the Church, I'm afraid...
Perhaps the lovely Amirah would be up to your task?

Talk to Amirah[]

As Sandrock's leading potter and artisan, Amirah may be able to make a beautiful mural.Talk to Amirah
  • Amirah

When talking to Amirah the player has the choice to either pay her to do the mural or to go to Jasmine instead. If the player pays Amirah 1,000, she returns them 500 in the mail later. If the player refuses to pay Amirah several times, the mission sends them to Jasmine instead; Jasmine will not take any payment for her work.

If the player chooses to pay Amirah anytime during the conversation, they will lose 1,000 and will get Amirah's mural later in the mail.

Welcome, Player. Is there something I can help you with?
A mural for the temple? It's a wonderful idea!
But a mural that size will take some time, and that's not something I have a lot of... Still, since you'll be putting aside your work to make the frame... perhaps I can do the same.
It's a tough job though. And with things being tight lately... I'm afraid I can't offer a sizable discount.
So it will be 1000 Gols for the mural. Would that work for your budget?
  • That sounds reasonable. It's a big job.
  • I'm sorry, I don't have enough for that. (Ends the conversation without progressing with the mission; the player will need to speak with Amirah again to proceed.)
  • Woah, that's much more expensive than I expected!
→That sounds reasonable. It's a big job.
Wonderful. I'll get started right away. I'll send it to you when I'm done.
→I'm sorry, I don't have enough for that.
I completely understand. Please feel free to come back if your budget allows.
(Miguel said I could save some money by asking Jasmine to help with the new mural. Should I ask her?)
→Woah, that's much more expensive than I expected!
Well, it's really not unreasonable. For the size, and the cost of materials and labor... I... I really don't want to undervalue my work. But if it's out of budget, I understand.
  • Alright, 1000 is fine.
  • I've got someone else who can handle the mural...
→Alright, 1000 is fine.
Wonderful. I'll get started right away. I'll send it to you when I'm done.
→I've got someone else who can handle the mural...
Ah? Really? Pablo doesn't do commissions for the Church. Heidi's really busy lately as well. Who did you get?
The only other person I know in town who paints is... Jasmine.
...It's not Jasmine, is it? I mean, she's pretty good though. Might not be a bad choice.
  • Hah! Got you. 1000 will be fine.
  • Right... I gotta... go... (The option to get Jasmine's mural; the mission continues according to Talk to Jasmine section instead.)
→Hah! Got you. 1000 will be fine.
Wonderful. I'll get started right away. I'll send it to you when I'm done.
→Right... I gotta... go...

Wait for Amirah to Finish[]

Amirah will be finished with the mural soon, wait for her to send it.Wait for Amirah to Finish

The next day Amirah will send the player the finished mural in the mail.

Mission: Trouble in Paradise (49)


From: Amirah


Here is the mural for the Church.

I'm actually quite proud of the results. It's a little out of my comfort zone, but I appreciated the challenge.

The mural took less time than I expected, so I think I overcharged a bit, please accept 500 Gols as reimbursem*nt.

Amirah's Mural(1)

Talk to Jasmine[]

Amirah's quote is a little pricey. Jasmine could probably do it for much less.Talk to Jasmine
  • Jasmine

If the player refuses to pay Amirah, they are directed to talk to Jasmine instead. Jasmine is delighted to contribute.

Wow! Me? I've never gotten such a big job before! This'll be real good for my resume! Ok, let's do it together!
Oh, don't worry about the price. I make crazy money delivering papers. I see this as a chance for me to give back to the community!

Jasmine starts painting the mural on the spot.

No! Use red there.... Now blue! What color is Peach's hair? How about... purple!
Oh no! A smudge! Uh oh... I still had paint on my fingers!

She hands the completed mural to the player.

All done! I think we, um... pretty much drew what Church stuff is all about! Plus, I drew a kitty delivering newspapers in there. I hope they like it!
Jasmine's Mural(1)

Talk to Miguel[]

The mural is finished. Take it to Miguel.Talk to Miguel
  • Exquisite Frame(1)
  • Amirah's Mural(1) or Jasmine's Mural(1)

The player needs to bring both the mural and the frame to Miguel to complete the mission.

Good work, Builder. I knew the Church could rely on you.
I do appreciate the effort, make no mistake, but were I Minister, we would not have spent our scant resources on such a project.
But I am not.
  • You seem suited to Minister.
  • Uh huh... (This option gives no unique lines.)
→You seem suited to Minister.
Thank you, Builder. I'm glad you see my vision of the Light.
Miguel(Relationship +2)
We both studied in Meidi. We've known each other for a long time. She's always been bright eyed and idealistic, seeing the good in everyone. The Ministry adores students such as her.
I, on the other hand, have held tightly to the texts, and the studies into the Age of Corruption. We need to learn well from the demise of the Old World.
When I was sent to Sandrock, the Temple was just another building. The citizens paid no real heed to the teachings, and had lost their way. They watched my sermons skeptically, unaware they were repeating the sins of their forefathers.
Others believe they are devout, but I can see the corruption inside them. They always did everything the way they wanted, not the right way.
Do they not see by flaunting the rules left and right, we're blindly stumbling into another armageddon?
Ahem. I tried to warn them. To open their eyes.
  • It sounds like you wanted what was best for them.
  • I think the people here really mean well.
→It sounds like you wanted what was best for them.
I only aim to do what's best for my flock. The spirits of the people need guidance away from their disorderly ways.
Miguel(Relationship +1)
→I think the people here really mean well.
The matter of the heart and the soul oft stand opposed. Those with the best intentions can inflict the most damage. The Age of Corruption was full of well intentioned people with no sight of the Light.
Let us place this work upon the temple walls.

The screen fades to black, and Miguel and the player are transported to the Church with the mural placed there.

If the player chose to pay Amirah, Miguel says:

A spectacular piece of art; if only its purpose were not so incompatible with my beliefs...
To cover up the Day of Calamity... are we to forget our history? Sandrock has its problems, but is not the most core of our beliefs to never forget the Day of Calamity?

If the player chose to go to Jasmine, Miguel says:

I had suggested using the child in jest... no matter. I'm sure Matilda will appreciate it. She has a penchant for the... sentimental.

In any case, he continues:

Nevertheless, these decisions are not mine to make anymore.
I was here for a short while before Meidi sent Matilda. As soon as she arrived, we received word that she would be taking the role of Minister.
I presume her interpretation of the Light's scripture was more... fitting... for the people of this town. I'm not one to question the Church's orders, so I graciously accepted my subservient role.
  • I think people here need a stricter hand.
  • I think she's a good Minister.
  • Eh. Who wants to think about the Day of Calamity?
→I think people here need a stricter hand.
So you see it the same as me. The people here need... guidance. It was the lack of guidance that let the population go astray during the Age of Corruption.
→I think she's a good Minister.
As do the citizens here, evidently.
→Eh. Who wants to think about the Day of Calamity?
The Day of Calamity is the darkest day in human history! Never forget the past, or we're bound to repeat it in the future!
I worry the Minister is too... lenient with the citizens of this town. She seems to believe the people here want to follow the Light, but only a select few profess and show their belief in an appropriately... fundamental manner.
Regardless, things are as they are for a reason... And I must accept it.
Anyway, thank you, Builder. I appreciate your dedication. Every act you perform for our city helps to spread Telesis in these lands and beyond.

This ends the mission.


Amirah's mural inside the church

Jasmine's mural inside the church


Experience +850
Gols +200
Reputation +10
Miguel: Relationship +20

Mission: Trouble in Paradise (2024)


Mission: Trouble in Paradise? ›

Trouble in Paradise is one of four Corel Region side quests that become available during Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Completing it will require players to thoroughly explore two of the game's six regions and then take down three fairly challenging fiends on behalf of Costa del Sol's corrupt mayor.

How to keep both Kyra and Thaletas alive? ›

Both will live if you only romance Thaletas and choose "I want you for tonight." At the celebration, Kyra will already know about it, but she brushes it off. Thaletas, however, will demand a fight if you sleep with Kyra even once.

Should I go with Kyra or Thaletas? ›

Your choice doesn't affect the ending, so do whatever you want to do about it. Then, go find Thaletas first (trough it doesn't change anything to choose Thaletas or Kyra first but it makes more sense to pick Thaletas as a priority since you can't directly tells him about Kyra's suicide if you see her first).

How to save Thaletas in AC Odyssey? ›

At the end of the party, Barnabas will ask you to give a speech, or you can choose to round up the crew and leave quietly. If you pick this option, even if you freed the prisoner and didn't kill him later, Thaletas will make it through the party alive.

Can I romance Kyra AC Odyssey? ›

To unlock the side quest line that leads to a romance with Kyra, you must first complete the main quest Athen's Last Hope. Then, head to Mykonos of the Silver Islands and start the side quest "Trouble in Paradise." It will be on your map. Note: If you romance Kyra, you will not be able to romance Theletas.

Can you save the couple in Assassin's Creed Odyssey? ›

Part of a video titled How to Save the Theater Owners in Assassin's Creed Odyssey - YouTube
Section of the theater and unleash a long ranged. Area of effect attack that devastates the enemies.MoreSection of the theater and unleash a long ranged. Area of effect attack that devastates the enemies. And leaves your allies relatively unharmed.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.