Evening World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

New York Stock Market New York sales Thursday in 2 Market Averages High Adams Exp Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Allegheny AL 200 1.60 51 Ch Am Airlines Bank Note $1a. Bosch Cable Rad Can Am Car 83g Am Distill A For Am 109 Roll Am Am Pore Ana 2.50 Wat A A Amour Asa Goods Atch An 1.50 Atlas Corp 50 Aviation Corp 20g Onto Barber Ash f1 Barnedall Oil Beatrice Cream Cream of Aire $1e pendia Amat Foods Steel of Airplane $1e Bund Stre 1.40 Co Warner 1 40 Mfr Pacific Co Tractor Duf Calotex Coro Foundry $3b West Mall Order 13g Tool Corn 10 Coca-Cola 83a Colgate- Palm -P Cole- Colum 12 12 110 110 110 Credit Solvents Edis 344 Cum 'with South Com Routh of 12614 Coupermin Cone Edison 1.60 Cone Edison of $5 Cont Bak Cont Can $1 4214 Cont Motors Cont Oil Del 1.60 41 Crucible steel Cudahp Pack 1 20 Publishing Curtiss- 250 Deere Co 1.502 Deere Co pf Dome Mines h1.20 Douglas Aireraft 104 105 Dresser du Pont de 5.25 194 Eastern Air $1 114 Eastman Kodak East Kodak of $6 200 200 Mfr $3 Auto- Lite $3 69 Riec Boat $1a Ex Cell 2.60 Firestone $28 First Nat 2.50 Gar Wood Ind .40 Baking .60 of $7 Gen Klee 1.60 461 Gen Foods 1.60a 10 Gen Mills 5 $5 10 Gen Motors Gen Pub Service Refract 20e Rut Gillette Sal Goodrich Goodyear Goodyear TAR 10816 Graham- Paige Mot Granite City 811 21 Nor Ir Ore 1,50 19 Northn Ry West SUE 1,20 West Sug pf $7 184 184 184 Gulf Out $18 Hayes Mtg 13 13 Homestake Min 511 Hudson Motor .40 Hupp Motor Indust Rayon $2 10 Interlake Iren 25 Int Harvest 2.608 Int Nick Can 1.60 371 37 Int Paper $2 Int Tel Tel Jones St $2 Kan City South WA 1.50 Kelsev-HWB 24 Kennecott Cop 50e Kinney $5 pi $5 89 Laciede Gas Lambert Co $2 Lehigh Lib-O-F Liecett Lockheed Aire $2 Loew' Inc 1.500 37 Lorillard (PI $1 Louisv Nash 3.52 12 65 Mack Trucks $38 Martin (GL) $3 Masonite Coro $1 McKess Rob 1.80 McLellan Stre pf $5 40 120 119 120 Mengel Co 408 Miami Copper Mid -Cont Pet Mo-Kan- Texas pt Monsanto Chem $2a 10 141 Mont Ward $2 851 Murray Corp 18 Nash-Kelv ,50 Nat Auto FIb 19 Nat Biscuit 1.20 32 Cash Rex $1a 18 Nat Dairy Prod 1.40 Nat Distillers $2 72 Nat Lead 364 36 Nat Pow Lt 10 10 Nat Steel $3 83 83 83 Dew. Stocks By the Enited Press. Wednesday: Raftroads Industrials 63.40 190. Low.

62.66 195. 41.07 Stocks 73.68 Bends By the United Press. Net Change. 109.43 Hi Grade Public Grade Rails 1 18 Ind ..106.46 0. Sales Rich Low 2:00 at Natomas 10 Newport Central 45 Norf de West 286 No Am Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pae De Ohio Of Glass Par Packard Motor Pant wars Param Park Park Parke Davis Penney Penni Steel Pub NJ Pullman 50P 601 Pure Ou $1 Purity Bak Radio Corp Radio of 3,50 Reading Col Raid 35 Repub Steel 3344 Reynolds Reynold Sale St Joseph Lead $2 50 15 15 Savage Sears Roebuck $1a 423 Servel Sharp Dutime Shell Union Oil stmmots Co Sinclair $1 stelly Ou Siots-Shet Vacuum 16 16 Am Southern Pacific Southern Ry $3 Sperry Corp $2 35 Spiegel Ine Splegel 50 Stand Brands 60 514 de of Stand Oil Trad stand Oil $18 Stokely-Van.

Camp Corp Sunshine Mnr 40 Superheater $1a 1.603 Swift Intl 1 60 Pr 91a 378, Sylvan .50 1342 131 Texas Co 128 Thermold Co 60 Thomp Prof 25e Twent C- Fox $3 Twin Coach Union Carbide $3 1081 pt $4.30 Un Pacifie 138 Un Pac $4 120 120 120 50g 431 U1d Aircraft $2z United Corn United Core of 5218 United Fruit $4 121 121 United Gas Imp .858 Lines 20 16 Rubber $2 6714 StEel $4 43 833 Steel of $7 155 165 Vanadium Corp 32 Wabash R.R pf 4.50 8414 Walworth Co. 151 Ward Baking pf 5.50 10 Warner Bros Pict $2 34 West Union Tel Westing Air Br 2se 19 34 Westing Elec 40 Wheeling Steel $1e 49 49 Wheeling Sti .30 Wilson Co. 17 Willys-Overland 201 Woolworth 1.60 10 Worthing 1.50 Wor ev pr pf 4.50 Wrigley Jr. $3 -10 80 6214 631 801 Youngst Sh $2 Zonite Products 11 Stock sales Thursday to 1 p. 670.000 shares: previous day.

1.290.000: week 173.510: 089.599: year Jan. 1 ago. to date. 828.740: 102,172.757: years vear ago, ago. 93.772.773: two years AgO.

56.642,424. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based the quarterly otherwise OF noted special oF extra dividends declaration. are not included. XD-Er-dividend. -Also extra or extras.

b- Plus stock dividend. d- Cash stork -Paid last year -Parable in stock. or paid so far this vear. h- 10 Canadian funds. k-Accumulated dividend paid or declared this vear.

Money and Exchange Omaha bank last clearings vear. Thursday, $12.321,375.75. 432.27: same day United States Treasury Position March 19. 1946 March 19. 1945 Receipts497.120.303.64 467.704.648.94 Expenditures775.032.729.08 389.347.012.67 Balance23.416.485.630.87 15.244.910.529.35 Receipts fiscal year (July 30,752.093.998.48 31.115,956.333.09 Expenditures 49.807,506.227.85 69.697.366.650.13 Excess expendituresof, 19.055.412.229.37 38.581.410.317.04 Total $234.653,006.756.57 Increase over previous day66.539.188.56 Gold 20.234.604.865.07 20.451.399,246.86 Foreign Exchange Thursday (Great Britain in dollars, others in centel: Canadian dollar in New York open market, per cent discount or 90.87½ United States cents.

unchanged. Great unchanged. France unchanged. Argenina-Free. 24.44c, up Brazil--Free, 5.25c.

Pottiehe Syndicate Strictly Business: "The opinions expressed by Lancelot, the talking bird, are his own and KYAN- Eleanor (Brownie), age survived years, 630 Park Ave. Mrs. Ryan Is by husband. Niel. of Omaha: mother.

Mrs. William Bender of Miami. sister. Mrs. Margaret Gunning.

W11- mington. Del. Services Saturday. 2 from Hulse Riepen Chapel. Interment.

Forest Lawn. GRANT- Charles 4202 23d age 63 vears. Survived by sister. Mrs. James McFadyan.

Pittsburgh. Pa. Funeral service. Hoffmann Chapel, 2 m. Thursday.

Interment, Forest Lawn. JUCKNIESS Margaret. Midland. Mich. Services, Crosby- Meyer Friday, 10:30 m.

Interment, Graceland Park. Groves. Cal. Survived by sons, Irvin -Henry a age 62. Garden and Earl of Ralston: Orville, Omaha; daughter, Mrs.

Delphine Drews, Yutan, brother, John and George Holl- of Bennington: Annie sisters, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Louise ing. Airs. Brock, Nolte, Omaha.

Services m. Saturday from Hadan Mortuary, Bennington. Interment Flower Hill. MERTEN- Alice residence 1616 Wirt St. Survived by husband, George daughter.

Eileen. Notice later. Heatey and Healey Service. -Kristine Marie, age 48 years. 6306 Military Ave.

Services. Crosby Meyer, Friday, 2 p. m. Interment. Hillerest.

VARNER-Hattie age 52 vears, Survived by husband James: 5 sisters. 3 brothers Funeral Thursday from the Kunold Mortuary, 24th and Sts. The Rev, Will Schroeder officiating. Committal Hilicrest Cemetery. KUGLER- age 40 years.

residence Cedar Bluffs, Neb. Survived by husband. Joseph. Arrangements pending. Heatey Service.

Florists EDERER. FLORIST. 30th Bristol Sts. Flowers for all occasions. We 1795.

Closed all day Sunday KILPATRICK. FLORIST. specializes floral arrangements. Phone AT 1334. Inter-Union Battle Looms Stage Set for Fight Between AFL-CIO By Lou Schneider Conselidated News Features.

Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach says the nation has turned the corner of disputes and that the public is the winner because "peace" will prevail for at least a year and production will run high. Corporate managements aren't optimistic as Schwellenbach. They agree that labor-management relations will run smoothly for year but look for production interruption due to an impending AFLCIO battle. The Trade Winds say that this summer will see a wave of interunion battles in which AFL and CIO unions will refuse to work gether. and that AFL and CIO will stage a wild fight for creased membership.

The Trade Winds say that Economic Stabilizer Bowles will be "promoted" to better position: is falling for the "promotion" hook, line and sinker: that the "promotion" is elect him Governor of the State Connecticut: that the of "promotion" the kindly effort and commodities speculators, Washington lobby and those anxious for a "profit via zooming prices. Debt Cuts: Treasury Department's announcement to retire other $2.000.000,000 of national debt as of April 1. in addition the $2,750.000,000 of this month. didn't surprise dealers in Government securities. President Truman's January budget message said the debt would be down $275,000,000,000 this coming June 30.

Accepting the President's budget plan as factual, national debt will be reduced another 000,000 by next year June 30, And revenues flow in as nicely over the balance of 1946 as it is doing now, the debt may be cut to 000,000,000 by June 30. 1947-if new war doesn't cut into the 500.000,000 cash position. The fly in the ointment concerning future debt reductions is increasing volume of war bond demptions. Continued inflation has folks worried about the dollar's purchasing value. New bond sales are sliding: redemptions increasing -March total expected to be as high as $600,000,000.

Who's Investment economists out an interesting fact showing that in 1945 there were special and secondary stock offerings to the tune of 10.742,280 shares compared with 5,857,763 1944-78 per cent increase. And the point is made that the number of offerings last year totaled less than those 1944. The between-the-lines implication is that the rich are liquidating holdings to small investors, and time when corporate earnings prospects Government officials and securiare being ballyhooed in nation's history. ties dope services as thewhest wrong? N. Y.

Curb Market New York (AP) Alum Co Am Am Cyan Am Fen war Am Am Light Ark Nat Gas Atlas Corp war Barium StI Berk Gay Furn Breeze Corp Brewst Aero Bunk 21. Callite Tune Cessna Airc 9 Cities Service Cit Sve pi 1501 Colon Develop 5. Colonial Airl Colo war Comw war Cons GE Balt Cook Crown Drug Duro- Test El Bond Sh El piptpd Ford Mot Ltd Greenf Holl Gold 15 AP Commodity New York--The wholesale price Index Wednesday advanced to Previous day, 115.60: ago. 113.07; year ago, High ......115.78 Low 1926 average equals curbs. 2 p.

Humble Oil Kingston Prod Lone Star Gas McCord Corp McWill Dredg Mesabi Iron Molybdenum Mt City Cop Zine 75. Niag Hud. Pow Nor Am Nor Nat Gas Sta Pw A 61 Pac Pennroad RKO opt war St Regis Pap Schulte Segal Lock Sherwin-Wms 135 Solar Airc Stand Cap St Oil Ky Trans-Lux Transwest Oil Ulen Realiz Unit Gas Unit Wall Pap Utah-Idaho Sug Index Associated Press weighted of 35 commodities 115.78. a new 1946 week ago, 115.47: month 108.43. 1946 1945 1944 112.81 108.73 ...112.02 107.90 106.03 100.

Naval Stores Savanah, Ga. (AP)-Turpentine gallon Thursday. Rosin, B. $6.00: $6.07: E. $6.60: 9: WG.

1 ww. X. $7.50. New York Cotton New York (AP)-Cotton futures moved through 8 quiet session Thursday as traders held to the sidelines awaiting possible early order increasing cotton trading margins. Information on Commodity Corporation sales of cotton was also sought following the change to a daily bidding on Government stocks last Saturday, Late afternoon prices were 20 to 60c bale higher.

May. 26.82c; July, 26.85c; tober, 26.73c. Wool Futures New York (AP) -Wool tops futures steady Wednesday. Wool futures closed unchanged to higher. High Low March 95.5 95.5 July 95.0 94.5 October 95.0 95.0 December 95.0 95.0 March (1947) 94.5 94.5 July 1947) 93.8 93.5 Certificated wool spot 95.0n.

Wool tops futures closed unchanged. High Low December $1.30.0 $1.30.0 $1.29.60 Certificated spot wool tops bBid: nominal. Gasoline Chicago (INS) -U. S. motor gasoline Thursday: Octane: 60 and below.

63-66, Found 7 Lost and Found Kappa Gamma pin. name BLACK co*cker back. Return to Bonnie Bounce: vicinity Hall, University of Reward. Lincoln. Neb.

Reward. NOTEBOOK. Treasury Certificates of sen. Reward. of Series K-1946.

num- $63 in BILLS 2024. Lost November, 1945. St. Badly JA 5551. LADY'S yellow 1945 tag ity 33d and 1946 tag Clifton attached HIll to Dis- col- WRIST watch, around WA 2038.

56th and Grant ostrich leather with ini- LIGHT GREEN G. Please return very room Tuesday; Liberal reward. AT PIN-Red plastic, 3743. Kilpatrick's. picked up lady's black FOLDING camera by mistake at Trentino Lauritsen.

JA evening. March 16, STRAYED from 1209 to receive her coat mare. Fred GLASSES. Oxfords, ladies Illinois. small white urday.

Reward. card In or near Fon- LOST-Team of or Union Station. Re- Murphy, WA 5274. between BILLFOLD lady's, Norexe, at papers. Reward.

and Paramount or Reward. AT 9524 evenings, Where Shall carton harness. labeled Wilhelmy, Reward. Prucka Trentino Cafe, MA 1338. U.

S. choice white with black spots. dinners. Your Lame in front lex. Name Sundays, Closed Reward, JA 8199.

OMAHA'S .32 pistol, thrown between Continuous Erskine Reward, Please KNOTTY PINE. Police Station. TOM THUMB gold diamond ring. near Open day and Church. MA 5101.

MA 1508 Douglas reward. CHAPMAN'S Rood terrier. long tall, answer 1903 Farnam would appreciate any infor2815. Personals genuine and tan leather: Keep 1m- Two pictures. 6292.

to 16 Any size 6 to lady's, Gruen. white gold. developed and Sunday. Reward. MA brilliant glossy folding photo WATCH--Lady's gold reward.

Bulova. HA 33d prints, only 3c each. 100 DEAN shaped. from Dept. 8.

118 N. overseas. crown Reward. HA 5215 WILL store small care. HA 7420.

Power Output Up New York (P)-Electric output kilowatthours increased in to the 3,987.877,000 March 16 from 3.952.539.000 in the preceding week but was 9.3 per cent below the comparable 1945 Electric according Institute to the Edireport. Output a year ago was 4.397,- 529.000 kilowatt hours. Beef Steers Sell Steady Cows Weak; Fat Lamb Market Unchanged Estimated salable Chicago OMARA Kansas City East St. st. Joseph St.

City South receipts today: Hogs Cattle Sheep 5.500 5.000 000 6.000 6,000 1.000 9.000 1.500 1.500 500 2.500 5.500 2.200 1.000 000 3.000 1.300 5.300 8.300 6.300 3.200 6.100 2.800 2.900 Estimated livestock receipts Friday: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep OMAHA 1.000 3.000 2.500 City 200 500 1.000 Chicago 1.500 5.000 4.000 Fed steers and heifers steady here Thursday: cows weak; bulls strong and slaughter calves and replacement cattle unchanged; latter scarce. Bulk beef steers. choice steers to $17.25.

Good heifers scarce; bulk, $14.25 16.00. Beef cows. $10.50 others, $10.25 down. Beef bulls to others, $13.00 down. Vealers.

Just good feeder steers, $13.75 Slaughter Sheep and Lambs Fat lambs steady. Bulk woolskins, $15.00 15.50. Ewes unchanged at $7.75 down. Feeder lambs scarce. Hogs All hogs at ceilings.

Butchers, sows and stags, $13.75. Chicago Livestock Chicaro (API (USDA) -Salable hoss Thursday. 5.500 head: steady: barrows and gilts. $14.85 ceiling. sows, $14.10 celling.

Cattle: Irregular: steers and cows steady to weak: fed heifers on weak side. general trade choice down. 1.300-lb. but steers killing top at quality $17.85: few loads, unattractive: $17.35 and $16.35: $17.50: bulk and $15.50 17.00: $7.50 best heifers. canner cutter cows.

beef cows. $10.50 to $13.0 bulls firm: vealers steady at $16.50 down: sausage bulls to $13.50: beef. bulls to $15.00. choice 764-Ib. stock cattle.

$16.65. Slaughter lambs. steady; good and choice fed wooled Colorado lambs. $16.00: mostly good Colorados. fust good woolskins, best lambs still held $16.00 and above.

Wholesale Beef Prices Unchanged Wholesale beef prices Thursday were unchanged at the recent advance permitted by, Eggs, OPA. firm; current receipts mostly $8.50 per case. Poultry and butterfat unchanged; latter Hay unchanged despite advance in OPA very firm. ceilings. Egg Quotations Fresh Ezra--Bid prices to shippers, case lots delivered to buyers subject to change.

Current receipts, 44 net, (cases back) mostly $8.50 per case. Usual discount for small eggs and damage, Premium for heavy eggs. strictly fresh. uniform in size and color. Dairy Produce Butterfat-No.

1 generally 48c at stations: direct shipper than No. price. 1. track. 51c; No.

2 at least Milk- -Basic prices for milk testing 3.8% butterfat, delivered: Class 1. $3.20 Class 2. $2.85: 3. $2.66 cwt. Poultry Live Poultry Average bids for Grade delivered here plus transportation charge: discount for crade.

Heavy hens. Leghorn hens. broilers. pounds. 28c; old roosters.

hybrid poultry discounted. Wholesale Provisions Creamery Butter- dealers. 92 score, quarters, 1-1b. carton 90 score. 49.43c.

Flour-Omaha wholesale, small lots. extraction, family flour. $4.39 bakery, flour. $3.39 white cornmeal, corn flour. 3.50 vellow meal.

$3.00 cwt. Fresh Fruit- Oranges. California, $4.00 box: Florida, $5.75: Texas, $4.50 limes, 100-pack $2.50: lemons. white pink, Apples Winesap, $4.75 box: pineapples. $7.50 box: bananas.

7.84c per pound per bunch: rhubarb (as fruit), 15-1b. box, $2.50: strawberries. nominal. Beef Cuts--Wholesale prices, per Choice ribs, loins. rounds.

chucks, plates, good ribs. $22.55: loins. rounds. $20.80: chucks. plates, $13.80: commercial ribs.

loins. $22.80: rounds, chucks. plates. $13.05. Feed Quotations Retail quotations for ton lots or less subject to change.

Wheat Feeds -Bran. shorts. flour middlings and reddog. $42.50. Hominy Feed-White, yellow.

car lots. $47.00: ton lots or less. $48.00. Cottonseed -Protein. 41 per cent.

nomipal. $62.50: pellets more. Soybean Meal-Forty-one per cent protein. in sacks. $60.00: pellets, $2.25 more.

Linseed Meal- to 34 per cent protein. $54.00: pellets, $2.25 more. Buttermilk--Dry. 100-1b. sacks.

$10.75 per condensed. barrel lots. $4.25 cwt. Alfalfa Meal-Sun cured. 13 per protein.

$52.00: dehydrated. 17 per cent protein. $69.00. Oat Feed rolled cats. $106 ton: pulverized.

unhulled. scarce. nominal. Feeding Tankage--Sixty per cent protein, in bags. $82.50: 55 per cent protein.

sacked. $77.50: meat scrap. 50 per cent protein. In bags. $81.50: special bone meal.

sacked. $67.50. Hay Quotations selling price car lots. b. Omana, basis national hay standards: Alfalfa Hay--No.

1, $24.00 25.00: standard, $22.00 No. 2. $21.00 22.00: No. 3. $18.00 sample grade.

Upland Prairie- No. 1. $19.00 20.00: No. No. 3.

$14.00 sample. $8.00 R13.00. Hides and Wool Hides--No. 1 country beef. green.

salted, 15 to 42 pounds. per pound: over 42 pounds. glues and bulls. side brands. calf and kip skins.

13 hog hides, 50c each: horse hides. No. 1. $6.00 each: and No. 2 $5.00: pontes and glues.

$3,00: sheep pelts. full wool. 75c $1.25: coat skins. common. each.

Wool-Medium, long staple, 40c pound: fine long staple, half blood. 31c: fine heavy, 28c: wet wool discounted. Lincoln Produce Lincoln, Neb. (UP) -Thursday: Spring fryers and broilers. heavy hens.

23c; Leghorns, 22c: heavy stags. Leghorns, 17c; old roosters. 13c: white young ducks. 22c: colored. 19c; turkeys.

young hens. toms. 28c: young geese. 20c. Pigeons.

per dozen. 75c. Eggs, 55 lbs. up. $9.00 case, 30c dozen.

New York Produce New York -Butter, firm Thursday: unchanged. Eggs. steady. Mixed colors: Extras. No.

1 to 4. 45 up. 37.5@38c: medium. 40-44 33.5c: standard No. 1 to 4.

45 up. 33.50 34.5c: current receipts. dirties. 43 32 32.5c: checks. 31.5c.

Dressed poultry firm: turkeys. fresh frozen. boxes and barrels. dry packed and Iced. young hens.

46 47c. Live poultry firm (Grade A otherwise specified) by express. old roosters, 22c; Leghorns. 19c: broilers, rocks. 33(234c: crosses (fancy).

reds. 28c: Leghorns. 27c. Personals North High. KE 2312.

spaniel. answers to RUG CLEANING De luxe non-shrink Norval O1- ice. proofing. Regular 9x12 rug. cleaning leather.

8118 day. KE 7185. rugs only $3.95. and on 24th We offer expert Oriental Reward. MA 4068.

and repair service. Parker reward. watch; KE vicin- 3257. Murnan Rug silver band, near 1215 Harney St. Oris.

Sts. Reward. GL. 4683. CUT PRICE LIQUORS.

Pints Rock Rye skirt: Brandeis rest fifths $1.95: Mint Gin reward. WA 8759. $1.60 fifth, Special 100 Wednesday in or near LEWIS GROCERY Reward. KE 3452. LIQUOR lost.

size 118, C. F. 2723. Binnez St 6132. Reward.

Pine iron grey WE CLEAN WA 3403. All carpets. rugs and on block cord. niture by our soapless. WA 7094.

trie process. 24-hour sorrel mules. Leo CITYWIDE in Kresges, valuable 1705 MASON. HA 6155. LARGE SIZE safety Go? 10 per CITY year, plus NATIONAL tax.

We 1112 S. 10th St. 16th and Harney Sts. chicken, spaghetti COPPER Vane SCREENS favorite drinks. Open Weather- copper Tuesdays, window terms.

combinations. No down FUN CENTER- clusive with Central Easy entertainment. The best Co. Inc. 1113 Farnam 513 16th St.

SEND your rugs for RESTAURANTS BEE HIVE night every day, Specialize in cleaning 3109 Farnam St. holstered furniture in food and mixed drinks surprisingly low price. Closed Tuesdays. experts. Free estimate, Prices Cut on All Dress up your car or Photo Album.

ly at FIRESTONE. 20th Firestone's 16-exposure kodak roll printed with beautiful. LADIES' and men's prints plus two teed to fIt. Schneider's enlargements and Furrier, 3059 St. Mary's album to frame your with this ad.

Reprints STORAGE- REPAIRING more. 2c each. Make old fur coats STUDIOS Brown Furriers, 1807 15th Omaha. Neb. KOWH broadcasts the piano for use.

Good temperature every balf to 6 p. every day. Oats Futures Prices Ease Market Settles Back After Early Bulge Chicago P- The Government of farmer intentions for Soling, 1), grain was about plantings what (story many on brokers expected and future prices coasted along in a slow trade again Thursday in the absence of either sustained pressure or demand. Some short covering early boosted May rye, and oats had light support on the strength of indications that the 1946 plantings will be less than expected. These gains were eventually clipped and deferred oats sold a lower.

Some traders viewed the intended Spring grain acreage as disappointing and therefore of a bullish character, particularly in corn and wheat. H. S. Williams of Harris. Upham said the total Winter and Spring wheat area "suggests a crop well over a billion bushels." Chicago Grain Table Quotations furnished by H.

O. Feet Co. 201 Farnam Buliding. Telephone ATlantic 3088. Open High Low Close Pr.C..

Yr. WheatMay 1.831 1.83½ 1.83½ 1.831 1.831 July Sept. Dec. 1.834 1.83½ CernMay ..4. 1.21½ 1.211 1.21½ 13 July 1.1053 Sept.

1.21½ 1 1.08½ OatsMay 83 83 83 83 83 July 801 Sept. Dec. RyeMay 2.20 2.20¾ 2.19% 1.16% 2.2044 July 1.13% Sept. 1.4814 1.484 1.08% Dec. 1,481 BarleyMar July 1.26½ 1 Sept.

1.2615 1.261 Dec. 1.24 Open Grain Interest Chicago (AP) futures purchases. Wednesday Week Ago Year Ago Wheat 20.000 2,926,000 6.620,000 Oats 4.674.000 7.681.000 Corn 4,000 7.368.000 Rye 5.528,000 8.493,000 12,830.000 Barley 15.000 19.000 10.000 Totals ..10,241.000 19.119.000 23,760,000 Open Interest: Wheat, Wednesday. 000 bushels: corn, cats, 526.000: rye, 13,680,000. Chicago Cash Grain Chicago (AP) -Wheat Wednesday: No.

2 hard and No. 2 red. $1.82 nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $1.19 nominal.

No oats. Barley: malting, nominal: feed. nominal. Fleid seed (hundredweight), nominal: Red clover. sweet clover, $10.75: alsike.

alfalfa common, $33.50 36.50; timothy, red top, Minneapolis Cash Grain Minneapolis (AP)-Wheat basis unchanged Wednesday. All cash wheat at ceiling. Rye No. 2. Others unchanged.

Kansas City Cash Grain Kansas City (AP) Wheat unchanged Wednesday. No. 2 dark and hard, No. No. 3, 2 red.

Corn unchanged: No. 2 white, No. 3. No. 3.

$1.29 No. 2 yellow, 1.181n: No. 3. a No. 2 mixed, Oats unchanged; No.

2 white, No. No. 3, Milo maize. Kafir, Rye, Barley, $1.18 Lincoln Cash Grain Lincoln (AP)-Wednesday: Wheat. $1.61: $1.55: barley.

$2.10. corn. oats, 69c: kalo. $2.26: soybeans. Chicago (AP) Chicago -Butter-Firm Cash Grain Thursday.

unchanged. Live -Firm: Leghorn fowls, Eggs--Steady. old roosters, others unchanged. Spot Rye 1c Up; Barley at Ceiling Most grains were bid at ceiling prices in the spot market here Thursday without attracting and offerings. Receipts were light outstate loadings small.

Rye, 3, sold 1c higher; over basis Chi- cago May future. Barley from Area steady ceiling plus mark-ups; No. $1.281, including mark-up and 15c for malting type. Movement by Railroads (Carload Receipts) W. C.

O. R. B. SB. GS.

12 6 Un Pac Total 23 14 (Carload Shipments) 4 25 18 1 2 2 ii Cent Mo Pac MA: Un Pac Wabash Total 47 40 37 1 14 Omaha Car Lot Receipts and Shipments Week Year Receipts- Thursday. Ago. Ago. Wheat 23 23 Corn 14 29 Oats 8 15 Rye 2 Barley 3 Soybeans ShipmentsWheat Corn Oats 37 Rye Barley 14 Soybeans Chicaro Car Lot Receipts What 25 Corn 82 189 Oats 33 Rye Barley Soybeans 6 Kansas City Car Lot Receipts Wheat 146 Corn 129 10 Oats St. Louis Car Lot Receipts Wheat Corn 40 Oats 18 Northwestern Wheat Receipts Minneapolis 382 Duluth .165 Winnipeg .438 399 11 Personals DR.

BERSEE, O. cleaning and moth Examining Appointments eyes. only. fits and Saturday and sizing serv- 9x12 and Sundays, Phone JA 4-day RFD carrier wants contact rug weaving ing to or near Portland. Call us.

25-April 2. M. E. Shultz, Neb. Cleaning Co.

TWIN CITY ARTIFICIAL WE 4800. Artificial limbs, braces, pliances. Council Bluffs: Orange Gin. RUGS cleaned scientifically. $1.95 fifth; rums DRESHER BROTHERS proof Vodka.

2217 Farnam St. MARKET AND COIN STAMP WE 2478. 105 S. 15 Est. 1895.

Appraisals, MEDICAL student would drive HOME Angeles for ride. TO 1st. References exchanged. upholstered dustless elec- KNOW your tunes? service. Tester." KOWH.

Monday day, 4:45 p. m. CLEANERS RENT car new truck. 1946 Meeks Leavenworth or 2388. AT 7000.

boxes, $12.50 STARRETT "Gun Rose. Plattamouth VAULTS, INC. SURVEYING. LOTS STAKED. HA 0405.

Rohrbough Engineering Co. screen Free doors estimates. and Oxford JA 9652. 1101 CASH FOR MEN'S DISCARDED payment. Ex- SUITS, regular sizes.

36 to 42. Home DENENBERG CLOTHING, 402 AT 9616. WATCH and clock repairing. cleaning now. Prompt service.

530 WorldCLEANERS. J. H. McCREA Insulation carpeting and Up- 2562 Leavenworth St. AT your Work home.

for by DRIVING to Los Angeles done References exchanged. AT call JA 1440, CLOTHES cleaned the Dresher Items! way. Call AT 0345. home Sale." Beauty Parlors, Barbering Harney Sta. PRE-EASTER special, $6.50 $3.50: shampoo and wave.

alterations- and Barber and Beauty Shop. Tailor AT worth St. Are. 4171. SHAMPOO.

finger wave and -RESTYLING 50c. No appointment lock like new Beauty School, 1808 Harney official St. AT Omaha 2823. Repairs- Who Does hour. m.

THOR washer authorized Tune to 660. mount Radio Shop. 20th Evening World-Herald, Omaha, March 21, 1946. 21 Tilts Higher Traders Hope Price Controls to Relax New York (P) The course was selectively higher in Thursday's stock market although many leaders were unable to maintain a recovery foothold. Hopes for further relaxation of price controls, waning apprehension lover foreign affairs and the urge to get idle funds working supplied the principal buying incentive.

Accounts were trimmed numerous cases, it was said. because of persistent fears for dividends and earnings. Dealings slackened after a fairly fast opening but large blocks of low-quoted issues aided volume. Scattered liquors, aviations, department stores, tobaccos, rails, oils and utilities added fractions point or There were isolated wider sprinters. Steels were narrow.

Bolstering the aviation group was the Boeing $1 dividend and the splitup proposal of American Airlines. The Boeing payment was the first since. April, 1945. wolficent. Southern liveliness of common Common- was attributed partly to expectations that at least two and possibly more new plans for recapitalization will be filed with the S.

E. C. within the next week. Tobaccos still had the benefit estimates that, if a boost of 25c per 1,000 for cigarets is granted, net per share would be increased $3 each for American Tobacco and Liggett Myers, $2 for Philip Morris and $1 each for Lorillard and R. J.

Reynolds. Rail Bonds Move Higher Legels New York (P) Railroad bonds generally moved into higher ground Thursday. Florida Coast 5s. Rock Island and refunding St. Paul Kansas City Short Line and Wisconsin Central 48.

Superior Duluth Division of '36 certified, were among those showing improvement, Among scattered minus signs were New Haven convertible 68, Cleveland Electric Illuminating 3s and Lehigh Valley of 2003 stamped. Foreign government loans improving included Argentine 4s, Colombia 3s and some Chilean issues. U.S. Governments were quiet. U.S.

Securities York (API- the -counter United Government bonds Thursday: Treasury Notes- Bid Asked Yield 100.16 100.18 100.17 100.19 105.24 102.10 102.12 102.5 101.6 1914 ..101.25 101.27 1948 104.19 104.21 ..103.20 103.22 103.12 Sept 103.16 103.17 Dec. 103.20 108. 106. 103.1 1.02 Sept. 104 104.

107.16 102.10 109 104.11 1.16 1955-51 111.12 953-51 .107.21 107.23 1955-51 104.19 104.21 1.15 104.21 107.10 1.22 106.1 December 104.1 107.14 107.16 1950-54 109. 109. 1960-55 110.9 110.11 116.2 1.12 116.22 June 103.5 1.97 December 103.6 118.14 107.6 1968 106.24 2.03 1969 106.15 2.07 106.14 2,08 106.1 2.10 106.10 104 September 108.30 December 104.26 104.28 September 100.29 100.30 Federal Land May 1956-46 ..100.8 100.10 October 1950 101.6 101.10 January 1953-51 101.22 February 1955-53 105.26 105.30 to Federal but not to state Income taxes. Investment Funds New York Bid. Bid.

Ask Attit Ine 6.82 Bd 15.43 12.56 Bus 5.06 Natl Invest Natl See: Bond ITA 107.18 111.65 Bond Boston Fd 25.06 PEd Broad St Can Inv 4.55 Ser-Income Century Si 35.15 Ser- Stock Chem Fd 14.44 Ser-IndStk 9.60 Comwith Tr Inv Eng Fd 17.25 stocks: BEd Automobile Stk Aviation Fund Invest Bide Sup 10.35 Gen Capital 3 Chemical 11.10 Gen Invest Elec Equip 11.14 Group Machinery Gen Bond Merchand Investing 10.86 Metals Minine 6.91 RR Equip Railroad 8.02 Steel 6.06 RR Equip 10.41 Encore Inc. 30.75 33.06 Steel Am Tr Sh: 9.04 Keystone Cus: 30.39 1955 1956 Putnam Repub Inv 4.83 Selec Am St 14.63 State Street 59.00 Trust Ind Sh 1.05 Union Bond Fd: 24.85 21.84 Manh Bond 9.66 Mass Invest US 32.635 Welling Fd 20.28 Mutual Inv Large onion sets are better than small to produce green onions and should be set three inches deep. Small sets are better for mature onions, and need not be planted so deeply. Birth Notices And Clifford 4902 Capitol son, Russell Harold. March 15, 1946.

Methodist Hospital AN and Marie, 2888 Martin girl, Deanne March 19 1946, Clarkson Hospital. Deaths Age 3534 Kinley St. Survived by wife. Frances: of daughter. Miss Helen Bayer, both brothers.

sister, Louts, both of Denver, Mrs. Barbara Welling. of Pierre, Funeral service, Hoffmann Chapel, 15 Saturday to St. Philip Nerl Church. m.

Rosary, Hoffmann Chapel. 8:30 p. m. Friday. Interment.

St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery. COW March 20, age 16 years. Miss Cowdery is survived by her nephews. Ben H.

Cowdery, Omaha: Richard Angeles: Frank Chula Vista, Cal. Private committal service Friday, Wyuka Cemetery. Lincoln. Neb. Friends may pay their respects at the Burket Chapel Thursday evening and Friday morning CURTIS-Carrie, age years.

Residence 1708 Davenport St. Survived by sisters. Mrs. Anderson. Denver, Mrs.

Charles Gragert. Omaha: brother. Harry Curtis. Idaho: 2 Arrangements pending. Heater Heater Service COODMAN-Mary March 20th.

4593 Davenport 89 vears. Complete arrangements later. Glendale Mortuary, Foulks Lawson Service. CONNION- Joseph Simer, age 52. Sioux Ella: City.

la. Survived by his wife. Marsden and Francis: mother. Mrs. Lena Gonnion: brother, James: stater.

Mrs. Thomas Jones. Funeral notice later. Brewer- Korisko service. HAMILTON-Allan William.

months. 3916 N. 37th St. Survived by parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Albert S. HamElton: brother, Albert Lee: grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.

Earl W. Elmer. Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. W.

Hamilton; great grandmother. Mrs. A. D. Smith.

Oskaloosa. Kans. Funeral Saturday, 10 a. m. Kremer Funeral Home.

Investors GuideDevoe Raynolds Big Year 1941 The World-Herald financial department will analyze your securities on request. information will be based on reports furnished by reco*knized authorities, Beyond care in furnishing analysis The World- -Herald assumes DO re sponsibility, Information on securities of reneral ignored interest unless will be accompanied published. by Requests self-addressed. will stamped envelope. Ask for analysis on all the securities you wish but only one to letter.

I Company wish Class Information A on Deroe P. Raynolds Answer--The most profitable recent year was 1941, when earnings were equal to $2.83 a share on the Class A stock, adjusted to reflect a for 1 split of that issue last October. The profit declined to $1.27 a share 1944. and a moderate recovery in 1945 brought net income to $1.37. Outstanding are 408.592 A shares and 193,750 shares.

Apart from voting power, the two classes rank equally except that a share is entitled to only the amount of dividend per share paid on the A stock. Recent A stock, quotations above 33 are high relation to earnings in most years of the last re decade. In the four years ended with 1939 the profits average only 78c 8 share as adjusted. Devoe has paid common dividends in most years since 1898. Seventy cents has been paid or declared on.

the A stock so far in 1946. As adjusted for the stock split, the 1945 dividends totaled 30c. Net working capital last November 30 was $10,307,000. (Copyright, 1946.) Jump in Steel Rate May Hit 95 Per Cent New York (P)-Steel consumers this week made a mad scramble to be placed on mill order books for tonnages regardless of delivery promises, The Iron Age, trade publication, reported Wednesday. It is more than probable that the steel operating rate will- be accelerated to 90 or.

even 95 per cent of capacity after settlement of the coal controversy, Iron Age said. "The combination of an easier manpower situation, shorter week, and one of the greatest wage increases in steel history is expected to bring about a sharp change for the better in productivity," the publication said. Nebraska Grain Body Re Elects Officers The annual meeting of the Nebraska Grain Improvement Association was held' in Omaha Tuesday. R. E.

Miller, manager of Updike Grain Omaha, was re-elected president; R. M. Scoular and Frank Sorensen, vi Chet Swinbank was continued as executive secretary. Rail Revenue Drops Washington (P) The Association of American Railroads estimated Wednesday that railroad operating revenues in February Feb- decreased 19.5 per cent under ruary, 1945. Estimated freight revenues were down 22.1 per cent.

Passenger revenues decreased an estimated 8.9 per cent. Get G. N. Bond Issue New York (P)-Morgan Stanley and Co. and associates were successful bidders Wednesday for $75,000,000 in Great Northern Railway serial bonds on a basket bid of 98.071 for $40,000,000 series bonds maturing 1982 a per cent coupon and 000,000 series bonds maturing.

2010 with a per cent coupon. N. Y. Bond Market New York. Wednesday (AP)-Bonds.

New York (AP)-Wednesday BondsU. S. Government Bonds (Dollars and Thirty Sales in $1,000. High. Low.

Close. Treasury 69-64 Dec 1 106.10 106.10 106.10 70-65 106.9 106.7 106.7 72-67 June 2 104.25 104.25 104.25 Corporate Earnings Year Ended December $1 1945 1944 Socony-Vacuum 011 $2.00 Allied Chemical 8.54 Western Electric 2.52 2.31 Mengel Co. 1.72 National Sugar Refining 2.41 City Ice Fuel 2.06 Magma Copper 1.60 Newmont Mining 1.50 Westinghouse income. Girl Stowaway Given One Year Probation Honolulu (P) -Marguerite Human, who stowed away on a transport to meet her sailor sweetheart in Hawaii, was placed on a year's probation Wednesday by Federal Judge J. Frank McLaughlin.

Miss Human, 18, of Oakland, came into court with S1c John H. Ochsner, 19, of Oakland. Both said they intend to be married as soon as possible. Dental Schools Elect Kansas City, Mo. (P)-Dr.

Williard C. Fleming, dean of the versity of California Dental School, was elected president of the American Association of Dental Schools here Wednesday at the close of three-day association meeting. 11 -Whe Dees 117 OPTOMETRIST. BUY. SELL.

REPAIR, REBUILD. classes. Any make rigerator. evenings BOWEN APPLIANCE party driv- 3024 ALL MAKES Leavenworth WASHERS St. PAIRED AT March Fairbury, SOUTH OMAHA ELECTRIC 5021 8.

24th St. MA LIMB CO. REFRIGERATION service on all orthopedic new evaporators and complete motors. Call us for prompt 4038 Hamilton St. WA WASHING MACHINE PARTS 0345.

for all makes made EXCHANGE Wringer rolls. 1533 N. 10th St. bay sell. CAMERAS Mall repaired orders by welcomed factory car to Los Calandra experts.

Camera 15th at arrive April JA 4164. Expert Sewing Machine Memory REPAIR CLEAN ADJUST. AT through Fri- MAYTAG factory authorized wringer rolls while you drive-it-yoursel Omaha Washer Co. 19th. 8t.

at 16th. APPLIANCE REPAIRS GUARANTEED Irons, toasters, fans, Tokyo Miller Theater. RESPRING felt your cushions. $2.50 each. Spring AT 2151.

Pickup and SUITS. WATCH and clock repairing. Farnam St. Out-of-town orders serviced 2236 Farnam N. 16th 3-DA WATCH REPAIR SERVICE All work fully Herald Bide.

ewelr 514 9. 1550. specialists. Craftsman Blind Co VENETIAN blinds soon, 0447. taxe FURNITURE WA repaired.

Brothers REFRIGERATOR, wamer, service, Paramount Radio WINDOW class replaced Window Service, AT 54 AT permanent, SLINKARD 1532 S. furniture 25th St. repair MA and Shorty's stering. 2715 WE REPAIR any kind of furniture. for and deliver.

hair Capitoi atyle. Contr EXCAVATING under houses. Dirt 117 Ins. WA 0835. CEMENT a Farnam, Nazi Crack-Up Started in '44 Early Air Raids Cut Output Little Washington (P) An expert survey board Wednesday reported that the Allied air bombing -of Germany failed until the last year of the war to prevent a steady increase in Nazi production.

In a 285-page study, a group of economists of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey said the Nazi industrial breakdown started in mid-1944. The report was released by the War Department. It supplemented earlier reports by the Strategic Bombing Survey appointed by President Truman. The group which prepared the headed by John Kenneth Galbraith, concluded Nazi Germany was made overconfident by easy victories prior to Hitler's attack on Russia, and never succeeded in mobilizing fully the nation's war potential. Even in 1944.

the report said. "production capacity, except in a few cases of which oil was the most notable, was never really short. "Machinery capacity was never fully utilized. Man power, and especially woman power, was never fully mobilized." Phelps not necessarily those of this Florists LARGE selection cut flowers. gifts.

Suris Flower Shop, 1621 Farnam St. JA 4909. In Memoriem IN LOVING memory of our beloved mother. Mrs. Mary Martin, 1421 Ames who passed one year ago today.

Dear mother, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more. Still in memory you are with us As vou always were SONS AND DAUGHTERS. JENSEN. Bryce Daniel, who passed away one year ago today. You're not forgotten, little son.

Nor ever shall you be. As long as life and memory last, We shall remember thee. Mr. and Mrs. R.

E. Jensen. Bobby and twin brother. Dewey, Faneral Directors HEAFEY HEAFEY Farnam HA 1241. 8533 S.

25th St. MA 0246 DWORAK-CHAPURAN 16TH AND VINTON STS. WE 1144, Kunold Ambulance Service MA 3333. JOHN E. JOHNSTON SON 311 8.

33d St. HA 6111, BRAILEY DORRANCE Earl Burket A. K. BURKET SON FITCH COLE IN THE GARDEN Carison-Sholln-Hellman. JA 4238.

LARKIN FUNERAL HOME 4228 S. 24th St. MA 0493. MA 1234, AT $585. S.

SALANITRO 1320 Willian St. AT 0130. P. SWANSON MORTUARY and Harney Sts. JA 1060.

John A. Gentleman Mortuary 3411 Farnam St. HA 1664. Cemeteries, Mausoleums 3 GRAVE LOTS. Forest Lawn for sale.

2108 Chicago St. Fired Official Enters Race for Governor Harrisburg, Pa. (P) John U. Shroyer, fired as state highway secretary by Edward Martin foor 'disloyalty to the Republican Administration, took his candidacy for the GOP gubernatorial nomination to the voters Thursday with backing of a so-called "new guard of Penncylvania." The 63-year-old Shamokin (Pa.) dress manufacturer, refusing Governor Martin's request to resign, was dismissed formally Wednesday in a letter made public by the Governor. Mry Shroyer is bucking Attorney General James H.

Duff, the organization-backed candidate for Governor. Truman Asserts Navy Claim 'Out of Line' Washington (P)-President Truman told a news conference Thursday that a Navy statement on its need for funds was not in line with the facts. The President did not identify the statement. But he said there had been a misunderstanding that ought to be cleared up, and that Budget Director Harold Smith would explain the whole thing. Two days ago Admiral Chester W.

Nimitz, Chief of Naval la Operations, told the House Naval Committee that a proposed 000 budget cut in Navy funds would "jeopardize the influence of our Nation in world affairs and the defense of our homeland." London (CTPS- M. Oliphant. British atom bomb expert, Wednesday said the only reason for the coming Pacific tests was that no admiral would believe his navy, obsolete until it was proved to him. He declared he thought that the the development of nuclear energyf would make inter-stellar rockte travel more possible. 'A-Bomb Tests Just Proof for Admirals' Tekamahan Picked Kermit F.

Gall, Tekamah, was named Sergeant of the Week Wednesday by the Omaha Recruiting Office, 1516 Douglas Street. Sergeant Gall spent 26 months in England with the Eighth Air Force and three months with the Air Transport Command in Abadan, Iran, where one of the world's largest station!" Lost and LOST- -Kappa Ruth Kord on Smith, Residence Nebraska, TEN $1,000 Indebtedness bers 2015 to Mr. BrOWD, SCOTTIE, male, No. 995, and lar. Astray trict.

Reward. PURSE- -Black tials M. A. valuable papers. 1075 or GL WILL party who gabardine coat Cate Saturday please call KE in exchange.

WRIST watch. sold on black tenelle Hotel ward. HA WRISTWATCH. 22d and Howard Paramount, LOST-One Wright 4 Transportatior TOY fox terrier. small face.

REGISTERED houses or in return to LADY'S white Assumption 2199. Liberal TAN and white to Potchy, mation. KE LOST- Billfold. portant papers money, GL WRISTWATCH. Joslyn Memorial 6300.

Ext. 255. WRIST to 38th 5613. EARRING. gold, husband evenings.

oil refineries is Corps Photo. Saliding and CESSPOOL cleaned within miles of Reasonable. WI 2502. NEW and old rutter repairs, 2003. conditioning cement work of all MA FREE ney and odd 1.

in business. estimate Raiston 58-J. units. erences, work guaranteed. R.

PLASTERING, patching. reasonable, refKE 4403, BAsem*nTS due from under Wide Excavating Co. WA ROOFING. siding. chimney.

work on my own PLUMBING AND REPAIRING South Side Plumbins cleaning within 100 miles wait. waterprootin. Kart 01 8001. BRICK cement PETER SON at work. steps sidewalks, PLASTERING of kinds.

manship. Pate Rasmussen ete. EXPERT roofing and aiding mate. Walter Ryan. WA DUDGEON PLUMBING Heating Established AT MODELING work.

Herman Gl Allan's CARPENTER and reneral repair work all kinda. MA MA 8079. BLOCK sidewalks, 10th. to zero PLUMBING remodeling: automatic water heaters. AT C.

RETURNING tO plastering and patching. AT FLOOR SANDERS uphol- PLASTERING and patching. MA 5195 Or MA CHARLIE LARSEN, pasturing and repairing. GL 5 SIDEWALKS. drivewara, and work.

AT 1770 haul- 2 More Pages of Want Ads follow..

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.