Beatrice Daily Sun from Beatrice, Nebraska (2024)

strice, Thursday, May 18, 1944 BEATRICE DAILY SUN PAGE NINE pring Is "Clean-Up Time" Sell "DON'T WANTS' Thru The Sun Spring Outing LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State Capitol at Lincoln. Nebraska, on May 25, 1944, until 10:00 o'clock a. and at that time publiely opened and read for SAND GRAVEL SURFACING and incidental work on the BEATRICE SOUTH Patrol No. 11066 State Road. The approximate quantities are: 1,180 Cu.

Yds. Sand Gravel Surface Course Material, The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering sub-letting or assigning the contract. Compliance by the contractor with the standards as to hours of labor prescribed by the "Fair Labor Standarde Act of 1938. approved June 25. 1938 (Public No.

118, 75th Congress). will be required in the performance of the work under this contract. The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this contract shall be seventy-five (75) cents per hour. The minimum wage paid to all intermediate labor employed on this contract shall be sixty (60) cents per he hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be forty-five (45) cents per hour.

Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information secured at the office of the County Clerk at Beatrice, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Nebraska. The successful bidder will be required to furnish bond in an amount equal to of his contract. As an evidence of good faith In submitting a proposal for this work. the bidder must file, with his proposal, a certified check made payable to the Department of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than one hundred (100) dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids.

DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION Wardner G. Scott, State Engineer. E. E. Powell, County Clerk, Gage County.

m4-11-18 LEGAL NOTICE To: The Heires, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the Estate of Herman M. Reynolds, deceased, also known as H. M. Reynolds, real names unknown and all persons having or claiming an interest in: Lot Two (2) In Block Twenty-six (26) of the Original Town, Now City, of Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 6th day of May, 1944 Edward E. Nickels and Dorothy Nickels, plaintiffs, filed their petiation.

in. the. District Court: of. Gage. County, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a judgment and decree of said Court quieting the title to all the above described real estate in the plaintiffs in fee simple as joint tenants with right of survivorship and against the defendants and finding and adjudging that the defendants have no right, title, estate, interest in or lien on said real estate or any part thereof and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable.

You are required to answer said petition on or before the 26th day of June, 1944. EDWARD E. NICKELS and DOROTHY NICKELS, Plaintiffs. Sackett, Brewster Sackett, Attorneys Western League Clubs Open Eastern Invasion Associated Press The American association's western clubs open their first eastern invasion today, with Milwaukee's- Brewers holding a game edge over Columbus, the 1943 Junior world champions. Matters come to an immediate head for these two teams who clash tonight in the first of a three-game series.

The Brewers, who won 10 and lost 2 games during their recent home stand, have nominated the veteran Earl Caldwell to hurl the opener against Jack Burkhart. St. Paul, whose record during the recent home stand was eight wing and three losses, is at Indianapolis, Kansas opens at Toledo and Minneapolis moves into Louisville. All games are scheduled for tonight. Money For Emergency Flood Control Is Out WASHINGTON, May 18 (P) Senator Clark (d-Mo) sought unsuccessfully yesterday to ruse through the senate a bill authorizing a $12,000,000 appropriation for emergency flood control work in the midwest and far west.

After Senator Taft (r-Ohio) attempted to tack on a provision to provide flood' relief for a section of the Lake Erie shoreline 8 squabble developed and the senate put the whole issue aside. The $12,000,000 measure, approved by the house, was intended to assist areas recently damaged by floods, principally along the Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois rivers. Find Body Of Indian Student In Hudson YONKERS. N. May 18 (P) The Hudson river today had yielded the body of Valsa Matthai, wealthy 22-year-old Indian student missing from Columbia university nearly two months, but circ*mstances of her death remained cloaked in mystery.

Acting Westchester county medical examiner Edwin M. Huntington said the Bombay, India, girl, who disappeared from a Riverside Drive dormitory during a pre-dawn snowstorm March 20 had died by drowning. He did not attempt to explain, however, how she got in the water. Blair Boy Killed When Run Over By Harrow OMAHA, May 18 (P) Ernst Thomas. 7, son of Mrs.

Lois ColBlair, died Omaha hospital yesterday of injuries suffered when he jumped from moving tractor under A disk harhow driven by his mother. The bby was a grandson of Mrs. Sarah Salleng of Omaha, president of the MacArthur Mothers' Club of America. The mother said she had repeatedly warned Ernst and two other sons, Glen. 9, and Jerry, 8, not to jump from the tractor but that the youngest son tried and failed to clear the harrow, LIVESTOCK BEATRICE DAILY SUN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Minimum Order 15 words or less One Day 200 Two Consecutive Days 30c Three Consecutive Days 400 Six Consecutive Days 75c Card of Thanks 50c Over 15 words One Cent for each word per insertion.

PHONE 263 Advertisem*nts must reach the office before 12 (noon) to insure publication in that day's issue. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE- -1938 Chevrolet two-door sedan: 1940 Ford deluxe coupe, low mileage, radio, heater and other accessories, Harold Presnell. De Witt. Nebr. USED TRUCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD Highest Possible Cash Prices Tor Your Trucks BEN E.

BERAN 121 Court Phone 480 USED CARS 1940 V-8 No. 1. 5 good tires 1939 Chev. Master Deluxe. 5 good tires, seat covers and heater 1941 V-8 2 door, color blue, Mercury motor.

1939 Deluxe V-8, radio, heater, 5 good tires. Clean 1940 2-door V-8, 5 good tires, heater. Clean 1941 4-door V-8 Super Deluxe, heater, white sidewall tires, seat covers 1938 V-8 2 door, seat covers, tires O. K. 1935 Oldsmobile Fordor OPEN EVENINGS Paul Henderson Motor Co.

So. 6th Ford Dealer Ph. 214 FOR SALE Ford: needs some work; trade for ton truck. 1800 South 8th before 8 p. m.

1942-Chev. Coach 3-1941 Fords, Coach and Sedan 3-1941 Chev. Sedans and Coaches 1941 Nash Sedan 1939 Ford Coach Coupe 2--1940 Fords, Coach and Sedan 1979 Chev. Sedan 1934 Ford Sedan Stub Life At least 20 to choose from. Beatrice's Oldest Used Car Dealer.

FOR SALE-1941 Ford super deluxe four door sedan. five good pre-war tires; custom built radio. See or call -Geo. Logan, phone 853Y, 14-19 LENTZ MOTORS THE PRICE DOESN'T COUNT It is not a matter of price but matter of getting 8 suitable car at all. 41 Plymouth Tudor-only 14,000 miles.

Fully equipped. Tires show practically no wear. 41 Chev. Fordor Sedan--Very few like it. Barely tell it has been used.

41 Ford coupe A dream car. Perfect tires. The price is lower than Chicago prices. LENTZ Stop at the Lot, 617 Market FOR SALE 1929 Ford model A sedan. Also, range stove, Cooper Clad.

Joseph Teck. Wymore, Nebr. THATCHER'S- Car Lot, 716 Chevrolet standard dan: $39 Crevrolet coach: '39 Chevrolet coupe; '39 Ford sedan, a dandy; '34 Ford '35 Ford coach, as is, your choice's $125; others to choose from. m16-116 AUTO PASTE NEW AND USED BEATRICE IRON METAL co. SCRAP IRON AND METAL 3rd and Market.

Phone 6793 HELP WANTED NOTICE- Government Stabilization restrict hiring of sential workers. Employers required to obtain Statement of A vallability from each worker hired WANTED-A girl for house work and take care of children. Go home nights. Phone 1638W. 1320 Summitt.

17-19 WANTED -At once, three girls. Apply in person, Kimball Laundry, 16-18 WANTED Operator for produce and feed station. either man or woman. Good business. Deac Guenther.

301 Court, WANTED -Man to set up and deliver furniture, Kempker Furniture Co. 17-19 WANTED WANTED TO. BUY Corn and oste. County Hatchery. Phone 1132.

11-tf WANTED TO RENT- -By man with tractor, from 50 to 200 acres corn land. near Ellis. H. D. Foster.

Ellis. 11-23 WANTED TO BUY--Late model 12- foot Baldwin combine and ton truck. Call at Hess Battery tion, 111 North 4th. NOTICE NOTICE- -Use Occo mineral yeast feeds and necero medicine for, best results. Will worm your pigs free of charge.

See Occo service man. Phone 1281W, H. A. Beam. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any one other than -Melvin McDougal.

17-19 MATTRESS WORK We regin and clean the cotton In your old cotton mattresses and build it back into a new mattress. Broken and. old innerspring. mattresses rebuilt. It you need mattresses have this work done while we still have ticking.

We add enough cotton to make a good thick mattress, besides saving you money. We call for and deliver. Drop a card to the DEWITT MATTRESS SHOP Witt, Nebr. Canvas corn shell blowers. We alsc.

have paper bags, truck covers and tents for all purposes, to rent. Kaufman Tent Awning Co. Just received a Carload of Northern Seed Potatoes Still have a large assortment of apples TED'S MARKET 111 So. 4th Building Materials U. S.

G. Shingles Also roll roofing, wallboard ceiling tile, bathroom and kitchen enamel tile board; chrome mouldings, kitchen cabinet chrome, hardware, builders hardware, paint, enamels, varnish and linseed oil. ladders, straight ladders, combination doors, insulation, barb wire, bale wire, nails, staples and creosote. L. W.

Currier Lumber Company MERCHANDISE FOR SALE FOR SALE- Red Triumph potatoes, $2.50 per 100 pounds. Kaminska Grocery Store, 1510 South 6th St. 6-tf FOR SALE -Console radio. Electric mangle. Large bicycle, good condition.

1118 East Market. FOR SALE- Shepherd natural heelers. Herman Odell phone 1821. FOR SALE- -Furniture, one cook stove, heating stove, one gas range, also other articles at W. Garden St.

Please call after 3 o'clock Friday only, also till Saturday noon. W. H. Mogan. 18-19 FOR SALE- Ladies wrist watch.

Call 589W. 17-19 FOR SALE--Gas stove. kitchen cabinet, table, dinette, bed, three-quarter bed. three rugs 9X12, overstuff and chair. 801 North 12th.

FOR SALE- Live fries. 3 to lbs. Bockirk, phone 5603. -15-21 FOR SALE Rhubarb, aparagus roots and vegetable plants in season, for other plants inquire, we perhaps care of your Boughen, Blue Springs, 11-tf FOR SALE -Newspaper mats of heavy cardboard. size 19x22 Inches good chicken houses or other use at 2 cents each.

Call Sun office ad department. 31-11 APARTMENTS AND ROOMS FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. Private entrance. 418 Scott. Inquire at 712 Scott.

Phone 1112 after six o'clock. 17-tf FOR RENT-One room furnished apartment. 409. St. Phone.

1205. LOST AND FOUND LOST- -Wednesday evening, small tarpaulin, about 8x10, with small patch. Reward. Leave at Friesen Jewelry store. OBITUARY Joseph C.

Winkle Joseph C. Winkle was born May 26, 1874, at San Jose, and passed away at his home in Beatrice, April 27, 1944, at the age years, 11 months and one day. He came to Gage county in 1880 at the age six, and had been a resident of this county since. His life's work was farming up. until his retirement two years ago when he moved to Beatrice to make his home.

On April 15, 1895, he was united in marriage to Ruth Graves, and to this union were born five children. who all survive him. He was widely known in this community as an honest, straight forward citizen, whose creed was simple, "I shall pass through this world but once, so therefore if there is any good that I can do for my fellow being, let me do it now, as I shall not pass this way He leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, Ruth, two sons. Carl and Fred of Beatrice; daughters, Mrs. O.

R. Crain, Fort Dodge, Mrs. Gloyd Zook, Omaha, Mrs. James A. Knapp, Lincoln, brothers.

John D. C. M. and F. W.

Winkle all of Beatrice: sisters, Mrs. Mary Heritz, Evanston, and Mrs. Frank Burger of Beatrice: six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services were held A April 30th at the Harman-Johnson funeral home with Rev. Wayne Greene officiating.

Interment was in the Pleasant View cemetery. PROBATE CALENDAR Friday Estate of Merna M. Koslowski, de-first hearing on claims. Estate of Oswald G. Woidneck, deceased appointment of an tratrix.

Estate of Catharine Phillips, deceased -probate of Will. Saturday Estate of Thomas J. Baker. deceased -first bearing on claims. Market Quotations NOTICE Beef Hides, lb.

Horse Hides $5.00 418 Court. HOBBS 3 BROS. Phone 366W SALE- hybrid seed corn. no. 100A.

770, 790 and 880, white. P. T. Holehing, Cortland, Nebr. 15-21 3, lister, SALE Wide tread $50.

John Deere nearly new, Ordinary harrow tread listers, $10 to $40. H. Foster. Ellis. 16-22 Cornhusker Hybrid SEED CORN veral different numbers in Flat ernel, adapted for this locality.

A. N. Frantz IMPLEMENTS FEED 401 Court FOR SALE Guaranteed Coccidiosis Remedy. prepared and get yours to-day LITTRELL'S CHICKERY Beatrice 1214 Scott St. KKK Fly the Spray, uy now while supply lasts KKK Store, 5th and Court Corner East of Safeway National Milking Machines NOW AVAILABLE PAUL HENDERSON MOTOR CO.

BEATRICE nor. F. Kreuzberg, six miles south, east of Burchard. DR SALE- -Shaneks drought resitant pollinated aseed corn. F.

J. Shanek, Odell. 17-23 OR SALE- Two-row Dempster cultivator, with horse evener: Hike new. Dissmeyer, northeast of Pickrell. OR 10-20 tractor.

New sleeves, new variable gover- Our May Chick Prices Are as Follows: (hite Leghorn pullets 20c ustra White pullets 22c eavy breed pullets 15c traight run Austra Whites and other breeds 12c leavy breed co*ckerels. 10c ustra White co*ckerels 5c hite Leghorn co*ckerels 2c sell Silent Sioux brooders and sed stoves. have a good coccidiosis remCHRISTIE HATCHERY hone 208 Mulberry West St. you have hogs to sell call the oca Land Cattle Co. before pu bring them In, Business As sual.

FARM SEEDS Get prices onSudan, Canes, Kaffir, Sargo, Club- Grohoma cavy Brome cwt. $15.00 COOPER'S BEST Hog, Poultry Dairy FEEDS Cooper's Elevator 101 Court tSreet Seeds, Feeds and Grains IVESTOCK OR SALE Three sows -with pigs at side, three weeks old. Arthur Vanlaningham, two miles west. north of Filley. Phone 3298.

OR SALE-1 -Three sows with pigs side, three weeks old. Arthur Vanianingham, two miles west. north of Filley. Phone 2398. OR SALE Red male hog.

Harold Grummert, miles north of Plymouth. OR SALE Stx-year-old roan cow. be fresh in two weeks. R. Dissmeyer, Filley.

OR SALE- -Several young mares, sound. gentle and well broke. Call Frank Van Boskirk, route 3, Beatrice. 17-18 LOUSES FOR RENT OR RENT- Four room house with two lots, 1721 North 15th, $12.50 per month. Phone 159J.

12-tf OUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE- Four room house, close to Dempster's and Steel Tank. Inquire 607 South 8th. OR SALE -Six room house, acreage, south side. Phone 371Y. -30-tt UTO SERVICE EE TRINDEL'S Truck Jacks Horns Flares Spark Plugs Reliners Complete Tire and Battery Service TRINDEL'S th Elk 8rd Court 5th Ella SEAL ESTATE FOR RENT-80 acre farm.

share crop rent.or will pay per acre for planting tending corn crop. Two miles east, south Rockford. or eight miles east Beatrice, Gage county. Otto W. Schmidt.

Realtor, 510 No. 14, Lincoln. Phone 5-8500. -17-23 FOR SALE-5-room all modern cottage on West Court. Price $3,500.

WM. V. DAVIS 112 No. 6th Call 332 TOR SALE -Want farm home pre-war price? Improved quarter near Steele City, electric: lights. 4000.

Jenkins Agency, Fairbury, Nebr. Phone 239. 15-21 St. Joseph Livestock ST. JOSEPH, May 18 UP-(W.

F. -Hogs salable fairly active; all weights mostly steady except 5 lower; sows generally 15 lower; and good and choice 180-270 lbs 280- 350 lbs bulk sows 15-35. Cattle salable calves salable 200; very active; slaughter steers and yearlings fully steady to 25 higher; other classes in light supply, fully steady; replacements scarce but slow; load half choice 1036 and 1084 lb steers small choice light mixed yearlings odd good cows to vealer top $18.50. Chicago Livestock Chicago, May 18 (P) (WFA) Salable hogs total good and choice 180-270 lbs. slow, steady at 13.75; the top; other weights moderately active, uneven, steady to 15 higher; sOWS scarce, steady to strong; good and choice 280-330 lbs.

11.75-12.25; little under 11.90; good and choice 150-170 lbs. 12.00-13.00; good and choice 350-550 lb. sows 10.60-90, few choice light weights to 11.00; approximatelyy 10,000 unsold, at least 85 per cent of these support hogs. Salable cattle salable calves 800; good and choice fed steers and yearlings strong to 25 higher, mostly 15.25 up, quality considered; common and medium grades slow, barely steady at 14.00 down; bulk crop. 14.00- 16.50; top 17.05 on 1200 lb.

averages, with best long yearlings 17.00; heifers shared steer advance, bulk 13.00-15.50; mixed offerings 16.40; uneven but fairly active firm trade on cows; bulls strong to 15, mostly 10-15 higher on beef bulls; heavy sausage offerings to 12.25; weighty fat bulls to 14.00; vealers firm at 16.00 down; thin stockers at 13.00- 14.00, 25 higher week. Salable sheep total load uniformly good and choice 102. lb. Colorado fed wooled lambs 16.00, 50 higher on paper, but not that much up considering quality; lower grade wooled lambs steady; 3 loads medium and light weight Colorados 15.00, sorted 200 head common 13.25; load good and choice fed shorn lambs No. pelts fully 25 higher at 14.50; sheep steady, few choice shorn ewes 7.50, good kind 7.00 down, with thin light culls eligible as low as 3.00, Omaha Livestock OMAHA, May 18 CP-(W.

F. -Hogs salable very slow; good and choice 180-270 lbs. steady at 13.45 the top; over 270 lbs. steady to weak, instances 10- 15 lower; under 180 lbs. scarce, unchanged; 280-300 lbs.

11.00-65; 300-360 lbs. 10.65-11.15; few 25; estimated holdover, 10,500. Cattle salable calves salFable 300; killing classes of cattle, fairly active, steady; instances a little strength on heifers and mixed yearlings; stocker and er classes, scarce, demand narrow; choice medium weight steers 00; few head 16.25; several loads top good to choice light to medium weight steers 15.65-90; medium and good grade steers 13.75- 15.50. Sheep salable slaughter classes fairly active, generally steady except instances 25 or more lower on muddy lambs; good and choice fed wooled lambs 15.00 mostly 15.25. top 15.25; load lots generally sorted 10-15 percent without 12.00 to mostly 12.50: scattered sales medium and good grade 13.50-14.50; load good and choice 99 lb.

fed clipped lambs no. 1 and 2 pelts 13.75; few native springers 15.00 down. Used Cars 1939 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1941 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1941 Ford Super Del. Tudor 1937 Dodge Sedan 1941 Ford Tudor, white sidewall tires 1940 Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Chevrolet Club Coupe ALL CARS CLEAN Glass Motor DODGE PLYMOUTH Grow Good Gardens CABBAGE Should be planted in this region Between May 15 to 30 65 plants are sufficient for a row 100 feet long. Space plants 18 inches apart, 18 to 24 inches between rows.

Write A Fighting Man The GAS Co. Today followed NEW by YORK, scattered May 18 (P)--Rails, specialties, engineered another brisk advance in today's stock market after a morning spent in absorbing considerable profit cashing on Wednesday's bulge. In front were Santa. Fe, Southern railway, Ameircan Bosch, Spiegel common and preferred, Chrysler, Packard, Willys-Overland. Bethlehem, Ameircan Airlines, Oil, DuPont, Dow Chemical and American Telephone.

were Goodyear, Douglts Aircraft, American Can and Gulf Oil. Railway loans pushed upward in the bond section. NEW YORK STOCKS CLOSE Am Crystal Sug Am Smelt Ref Am Sug Tel Tel STOCKS Maryland Fund 4.48 Quarterly Income 6.48 Am Tob Anaconda Arm Ill Atch S.F Beat Cr Case I Chrysler -Com Solv Comm Edison Corn Prod. Curtiss Wright DuPont El Auto Lite Gen Elec Gen Foods Gen Mot Gt West Sug Homestake Int Harv Montgom Ward Nash Kelv Packard Param Piet. Penney Penn Phillips Pet Radio Repub Steel Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil Socony Vacuum St.

Oil Ind St Oil Studebaker Swift Co. Texas Corp Un. Pae United Arlines U. S. Gypsum Rubber U.

S. Steel West Un Tel Woolworth Cities Service El Bond Sh Ford Mot Ltd Investment Funds Incorporated Investors. 20.84 Appeal Life, Sentence For lowa Farm Boy DES MOINES, May 18 (P)- Counsel for Dorn Machovec, 16 old Iowa boy who was sentenced to life imprisonment for the slaying of his step-father, Paul Voss, filed an appeal with the state supreme court today. Pending the high tribunal's decision, the youth is free on 000 bond supplied by an unidentified Omaha man and is living at Father E. J.

Flanagan's Boys Town near Omaha. The bond was presented through Father Flanagan soon after the boy was taken to Fort Madison penitentiary. At the time of young Machovec's sentencing in the Humboldt county district court Father Flanagan made an unsuccessful attempt to have the youth paroled to Boys Town. LICENSE APPLICATION LINCOLN, May 18 (P)-Hearings were held today before the state liquor commission on ilcense applications of the Flying Trapeze, and Joe's, Omaha taverns, and the Owl Liquors, Nebraska City Liquor store. Decisions of the commission were expected late today.

LOCAL MARKETS May 18, 1944 Paralabed Cooper Elevator. Wheat White corn Yellow corn. No. 1 and 1 basis Oats BEATRICE PRODUCE MARKET (Central Cooperative Creamers Co.) CREAM No. 480 No.

45 EGGS Specials 816 Extras 270 Firsts 230 Farm run 1 BEATRICE POULTRY 00. Poultry Prices Heavy hens 20c Leghorn hens 176 (We will pick up and weigh co Your place.) 41 63 25 1 36 99 48 5 891 391 121 34 551 107 51 45 38 15 22.41 4.88 7.06 GRAIN Omaha Cash Grain OMAHA, May 18 (P) -Wheat: no. 1 hard, $1.65. Alice, mama chimp at the St. Louis, zoo, concentrates on an ice cone, while sunning cream.

Margaret in the Mama wears a blue dress and white apron and Margaret is snug in knitted sacque and hood ensemble. Famed Wit Ill George Ade, above, 78-year-old Hoosier wit famed for his "Fables in Slang" and other humorous works, is reported in critical condition at his Brook, home after suffering three Heart attacks within a week. Discontinue nduction Station At Fort Crook OMAHA, May 18 (P) The induction station at Fort Crook near Omaha which serves Nebraska, South Dakota and part of Iowa will be closed June 1 to save army manpower, seventh service command headquarters announced today. After June 1, men in Nebraska will be sent for induction to Fort Leavenworth, except some western Nebraska men who will go to Denver. Western Iowa selectees will go to Camp Dodge, and South Dakota selectees to Fort Snelling, Minn.

Discontinuance of the induction station at Fort Crook will release a staff of army and navy doctors as well as other army and navy personnel, the command said. LEAVES ESTATE TO CHURCH have injured or offended as freely forgive all who have ever offended or injured me," the will of William Cardinal O'Connell, dean of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in America, at the time of his death, left virtually his entire estate, valued at approximately $100,000, to the church and charity. The will was filed in Suffolk probate court yesterday. BASTON, May 18 -Asking "forgiveness of all whom I may Record Candlelight 30 Miles On The light from a candle 30 miles away can be measured with a new device installed at Mount Wilson, Calif. Astronomers will use it to find stars so far away that no telescope can detect them.

Chicago Cash Grain WHEAT (Prev. Low Close I Close May July 1.66⅞ 1.64⅞ 1.66¾ 1.65½ Sep. (1.63 1.61 1.63 1.61½ Dec. 1.62% 1.60⅞ 1.62¾ 1.61¼ OATS May .82 .82 July Sep. 71 Dec.

.70 RYE May 1.21 1.21 July 1.19⅜ 1.17½ 1.19 1.18¾ Sep. 1.16 1.14⅜ 1.15⅞ 1.15¼ Dec. 1.17⅜ 1.14⅞ 1.16¾ 1.16 BARLEY May (1.28 11.28 July 1.22⅝ 1.22¼ 1.22⅝ 1.22 Sep. 1.13⅛ Markets At A Glance NEW YORK, May 18 (P) STOCKS--Firm; rails lead advance. BONDS- Higher; rails continue advance.

-Lower: small demand for spot cotton. CHICAGO: WHEAT -Firm; mill buying. RYE- -Higher short cover ing. HOGS--Weights outside support brackets gained 15 cents. Top $13.75.

CATTLE Choice steers and yearlings, strong to 25 cents up. Produce CHICAGO, May 18 (P) -Butter, firm, receipts market unchanged. Eggs, receipts unsettled; market unchanged. Chicago Poultry CHICAGO, May 18 (P) -(WFA) -Live poultry; market steady on young stock, weak on fowl; receipts 18 trucks, no cars; prices unchanged. SALE OF Bred to Lay -BABY AND STARTED CHICKS 1 919 Market St.

Phone 920 At the Sign of the Big Egg FARMERS! You Are Interested In Selling Your Livestock On a Good Market Hog Prices Monday, May 15 Top on butchers 12.90 Top on sows 10.25 Top on 10.25 Good stock hogs 9.00 to 13.00 Top on veal calves 12.50 White Face Stock calves. 10.50 to 12.50 Red and roan stock 9.50 to 11.00 Fat yearling steers 10.50 to 13.50 Top on cows 11.50 Top on bulls 11.50 We will sell hogs every Monday and cattle every Tuesday. Horse and Mule Sale Friday, May 19th JACK WILLIAMS, Mgr. FAIRBURY LIVESTOCK CO. FAIRBURY, NEBRASKA SCORCHY SMITH Foto Finish By Bert Christman SCORCH'S GANG! THEY MADE IT, ON THE C'MON, SHAKE IT YOUSE GUYS! TOLD KATHY THERE GOES THEM U.S.O.


Beatrice Daily Sun from Beatrice, Nebraska (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.